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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. It is rare for me to remember my dreams when I wake up. This morning was an exception though ... last night I dreamt that the Yonder Mountain String Band was playing at the Registry Theatre!

    Peace, Mark

    Note: I am not implying anything, as I highly doubt that YMSB would ever play at the Registry ... although it would be a huge treat if they did!

  2. I've lived in KW since about 1983 and it has treated me well. It's big enough, yet small enough. I like the farmers' markets and the abundance of ethnic food. I like the people that I've met over the years. I like the fact that I can walk to work if I want to. I like how easy it is to get from KW to lots of other places. I like how diverse the region is (culturally, economically, etc.)

    I don't particularly like this region in the summer. It gets hot and the air gets bad, and the only real water is in the name Waterloo. Downtown Kitchener is sketchy, but improving. I wish this region was more "hip" and I wish it had more of a "crunchy granola" feel to it, but on the whole, it's treated me and the family well.

    Peace, Mark

  3. I (finally) started reading Levon Helm's book (This Wheel's on Fire)

    Please start over but read out loud and record it and I'll grab the tapes off you when you're done and just listen the book in my car to and from work. Thanks Mark' date=' you're the best![/quote']

    Sorry buddy, I just finished the book and am now reading this message! I'll keep you in mind before starting my next musical biography! :)

    I knew that things got ugly with The Band from other things I've read, but Levon certainly paints a grim picture. And wow, I never realized just how big The Band was back in the day. I was lucky enough to see them a few times post-RR, but always thought that they were more of an under-the-radar phenomena than the book describes.

    Phil and Levon together ... wow! So much musical history.

    And sweet pictures Kev ... certainly nicer than the one Blurry posted! I'm expecting a nice cold Heineken when I see you in Rochester! :)

    Peace, Mark

  4. I'm lucky, I have to go and I'm not complaining.

    although I would love to see the burt boys there, thats the biggest name I need!

    I'm in the same boat. I "have to go" as I'm playing bass with the Chris Mulligan Band. Having said that, I'd probably "have to go" even if I wasn't playing, as it would be tough to resist the urge make the journey to Frontier Town. Seeing the Burt boys there would be a huge treat!

    Peace, Mark

  5. You're welcome. I guess we'll iron out the logistics later but you're always welcome to sit on the back of my bike and be my bitch! You'd look good in leather! :)

    Hmmm ... as much as I try, I just can't come up with a witty reply to your offer! :) :)

    On another note, I (finally) started reading Levon Helm's book (This Wheel's on Fire), and am enjoying it very much. Lots of musical history that I had some sense of, but the book is giving me an even bigger appreciation for the historical roots of some of the music that I enjoy. And it will certainly help to add to the experience of seeing Levon and his band.

    Peace, Mark

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