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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. From the Nelson Ledge's web site for the July 4th 2008 weekend:

    TRIVIA TIME: Together almost 18 years. A 5 piece, originally from Buffalo.

    A truly "legendary jam-band"! For years many of you have requested them!


    That sounds like moe. to me, which would be a blast at that venue!

    Peace, Mark

  2. They are starting to announce bands for the July 4th weekend at NLQP. So far:

    George Clinton and P-Funk

    Mickey Hart Band w/ Steve Kimock & George Porter

    This festival? Rothbury? All Good? (which is the next weekend) Ottawa Bluesfest? Hmmm ... decisions, decisions ...

    Peace, Mark

  3. I will debate on going to this over time. I would just like to first see what other gigs are announced for around that time of the year, as that is the hotbed for big time gigs around the Great Lakes and the rest of North America.



    I'm in the same boat ... I need to wait and see what else materializes before making a decision.

    Peace, Mark

  4. We heard some positive reviews about the movie "Juno" from a few people, so Liana and I went to check it out last night ... very enjoyable! Some have called it the "Little Miss Sunshine" of this year, and I do agree that if you really liked the movie Little Miss Sunshine you will probably really like the movie Juno.

    Peace, Mark

  5. I was away from home and a computer for a few days and am just reading this thread for the first time. Crappy news!

    As terrible as the news is, I'm glad that the loss stopped at property. Hopefully all three of you will get over the invasion relatively quickly and hopefully you will be able to relax and sleep soundly in your home in the near future.

    Peace and hugs,


  6. Thanks for the positive messages and words that make me smile and laugh.

    She's starting now, at the start of the second semester, because the timing seems right when all is considered.

    I'm confident that she will do well at school, although I'm sure that she will have to adjust to the huge number of students and the structure and rules at school. And it will take some time for her to meet some new friends at the school. I have my fingers crossed that she won't hit any bumps on the road that she can't recover from, as the teenage years can be filled with bumps, that's for sure.

    From what I can figure out, most of the emotion is happening because her starting high school is a signal that the next phase of life is starting, and with it one is coming to an end. Where the heck did those 14 years go? It still seems like yesterday that I was holding my daughter in my arms just after she was born, with a huge dazed and confused smile on my face. That signaled the end of a phase of life and the start of another, just as this does. Maybe not quite as extreme of an emotional experience, but still a very intense one. And when I imagine just how quickly the next 14 years will go, I get a little freaked out ...

    Peace, Mark

  7. ... and wow, I haven't felt this emotional in a long time! This will be her first day at a formal school; she has been home-schooled up until now. We will be heading into school together, as she is going to school where I teach.

    And I can only imagine how my wife Liana feels, as she has been the primary home-schooling parent up until now. The incredible parenthood journey continues ...

    Peace, Mark

  8. At least we got to see a real band at half time. So much better than the lip sync'd crap and horrible performances they usually have.

    Hey hippies. Pay more attention. The past few years have been outstanding.

    I forgot about Prince ... and the Stones ... short-term memory loss for this aging hippie! :)

  9. Thanks for the reviews ... keep 'em coming. It's nice that Hillside/Guelph could pull off an event of this nature. It's also interesting how different people can be moved or impressed by different performances. I was speaking with a friend who went yesterday and he absolutely loved Xavier's set, except for how short it was. He said it made the show for him. But it was his first time seeing Xavier, and from what I've observed, many people are blown away by him the first time around and are less impressed the more often they see him. He said the crowd energy finally came together for Xavier's set, which made it great.

    Nice to read the positive review about Attack in Black, as the two Romano brothers in the band are from Welland (my hometown) and their parents used to be good friends with my in-laws. I haven't seen them since they were kids (10+ years ago), but they were very musical at a young age, and their Dad is a very talented musician.

    And hey, after reading this thread again, I now realize that I know this Thomson person ... nice to see you posting here!

    Peace, Mark

  10. At least we got to see a real band at half time. So much better than the lip sync'd crap and horrible performances they usually have.

    I thought the Heartbreakers kicked ass.

    I agree ... much better than any other half time show I remember seeing ... I thought they packed a lot of rockin' into that short time frame.

    And the game was great!

    Peace, Mark

  11. I now remember why I enjoy this band so much ... soaring swirly pyschedelic sounds with grooves that make me move and prog rock riffs that make me pump my fist.

    Thanks to the band and to the wonderful friends that I reconnected with this past weekend ... my soul is definitely re-energized!

    Let's do it again!

    Peace, Mark

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