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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. I'm thinking that the Come Together Festivals forum could be moved and included in the forum with the rest of the festivals.

    Hey Mike, I know you have the name tied up in advertising banners and various bands' managment etc..., but will there ever be a time when you change the name of this site? I'm not the only one that thinks the name Jambands.ca stereotypes the website, fairly or unfairly. I realize there's a brand tie-in particularly with the U.S. counterpart, but this site as it exists right now, is a far cry from the Phish/Dead-centric site of the past. Jam band as a genre has been dying a slow death since Jerry's death.

    I'm not in agreement that the jamband genre has been "dying a slow death since Jerry's death" but I do think that Jaimoe raises a number of valid points with his post. Having said that, I'm at a loss for input or advice about the name of the site. I guess I'm just hesitant to change the name of a web site (or any product/service for that matter) that has been around for a long time and that many people recognize.

    Good luck with the renaming and reorganization Mike!

    Peace, Mark

  2. i think i'm gonna go to the Toronto show....

    too many folks have told me how amazing their live shows are.....

    so i'll get a lawn ticket.

    If I'm around at that time, I'll be in the same boat as Steve (pun intended!) :)

    I have seen Rush once ... my very first big concert experience ever, when I was in high school. I saw them at the Aud in Buffalo, with Max Webster opening. That concert never really made much of an impression on me, either positively or negatively. All I remember was being somewhat awed by the whole big concert experience, and at the time, I was a relative newbie when it came to "cool music" of any kind.

    Peace, Mark

  3. Another vote for Wave to the Wind ... but I do remember having a great time laughing my ass off in the bathroom at a show as I listened to two heads discuss just how much they disliked the song ... at least the song leaves me with a memory that puts a smile on my face!

    For the most part, I like Bobby's songs, including Victim or the Crime ... the lyrics get me thinking, and I like how "creepy" it is musically.

    Peace, Mark

  4. which nero nite might be the most giver'ner...or the giverin'est??

    The obvious answer to me is whichever night Calamity Jane ends up attending! :)

    Here's another question about the upcoming nero shows ... Where is all of the excitement? The shows are next weekend, and there isn't even a thread about them (other than this one as soon as I hit Add Post) on the first page of the Cavern! If I remember correctly, the threads and posts about last year's shows could have justified a separate nero forum! :) I know that everyone is a year older now, and things change, but I'm just wondering ...

    Peace, Mark

  5. I don't really follow any sports these days (just can't find the time to do so) but still like watching the odd game of most team sports. I brought my son to a Raptors game over the Christmas holidays, and we both really enjoyed it, even though the Raptors didn't play that well (against Detroit) and lost, and even though we were sitting way up high in the 300's. It was still lots of fun, and there was great energy in the ACC ... the Raptors have a good thing going, that's for sure ... good entertainment value, certainly much better than most Leaf games in my opinion.

    Peace, Mark

  6. it's my birthday too... who would have thought that Briguy and I would be so similar!! Two aquarian promoters both guitarists in local reggae bands! Have a good one - BOB MARLEY RULEZ!

    very strange' date=' or maybe not.[/quote']

    A cool coincidence ... happy birthday in advance to both of you ... and to Bob Marley.

    Peace, Mark

  7. Hey Mark,

    You're right ... nice to have DSO there, but shit, i'm sure a whackload of bands and that venue will be a perfect mix anyways :) Wonder who it's going to be.

    Yes Kev, I could enjoy lots of bands at that venue, that's for sure. I loved DSO and the Gratefulfest vibe last year, but it would also be cool to check out another band or two in the main stage headline slot. And with the right bands, I'm thinking the vibe would be similar.

    And from this teacher's perspective, early in July is just about perfect timing for a music festival ...

    Peace, Mark

  8. Ouch ... that bites! There is no way that I can make it to Gratefulfest if it happens on Labour Day weekend. Having said that, it looks like they still have a big festival planned for the July 4th weekend, as the NLQP web site says:

    July 3rd-6th/NLQP 4th Of July Weekend!

    Big surprises! 4 days 3 nights!

    Incredible bands, huge fireworks display!

    All the special fixings! You know it!

    I love the venue, and it's relatively easy to get to from Southern Ontario, so if the lineup looks good, I'd still be into going.

    Peace, Mark

  9. What was the sound like at the BMO Field for the Genesis show? It's hard to believe that a soccer field could sound as good as an amphitheatre built for concerts. Having said that, I've definitely had some crappy sound experiences at the Molson Amphitheatre.

    I'm not really a big Radiohead fan, but am wondering what the appeal of the BMO field is. Or is it simply a venue size issue?

    Peace, Mark

  10. I'd love to see Santana if he was playing with the passion and energy and approach that he had many many many years ago. No desire to see him now though.

    I love the tone that Derek Trucks gets with his guitar ... it sends shivers through my body when he hits certain notes. Would love to see him with his band again at some point, but don't think I'd head to Casino Rama for an opening gig.

    Peace, Mark

  11. It's not a Zappa birthday photo, but a birthday photo with Zappa. Many years ago (20 or more if I've got my dates correct), my friend Deb was out for her birthday. I think it was her 30th. (This is well before I ever met Deb.) Well it turns out that Frank Zappa was eating at the same restaurant as Deb was celebrating her birthday, so Frank gave her a birthday spanking. Here's the pic:

  12. I remember following this case fairly closely over the years as it made its way through the court system (both the initial verdict and then the sentencing appeal).

    I've discussed this case with many students in high school law classes over the years, and the vast majority of them think that what he did was wrong, but that the sentence was far too severe for what he did. Most adults that I've talked with about this case over the years feel the same way. Therefore, I was shocked when I heard on the radio that he was denied day parole. Enough already!

    Peace, Mark

  13. I remember making the road trip to this show with my buddy Davialle and his partner Kim ... I had an extra for this show but I forget who ended up with it ... likely somebody on this board but I can't remember who it was.

    I totally enjoyed this show, as did my road trip partners, and I remember thinking that the light show was fantastic. I'd seen lots of cool visuals at Dead shows and at other concerts over the years, but this show was the first time I'd ever been wowed by a light show. And yes, the Tweezer kicked my ass ...

    This is the show I'm always telling people about..... and... I first met Mark Tonin when he was kind enough to bring me a copy of this show (and the Dayton one too!) to a Loft show in WLOO.

    I remember that 'ersh ... thanks for the reminder! Those were the days when the online community and the "meatspace" community started to merge, at least for me.

    Peace, Mark

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