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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. What a great night!!

    Thanks Willy for the awesome hospitality. Nothing like a pre jam, opener jam, and closer jam. The only thing that was missing was the after party jam. However, I think everyone was in auto cruise by that point!!

    We'll definitely have to do it all again soon!

    Great bunch of folks out last night. I like the merging of the cat and mouse crew. A few familiar faces from the old La Luna days out last night as well. That was a treat!

    Thanks again everyone for all the good vibes!


    Ditto on all of the above! :) !

    Did somebody say bl@u$rrr^&y!!!

    I *think* the Harvard Mouse set may have gone something like:

    Quinn the Eskimo

    Back on the Train > Love is Like Water > Back on the Train

    Keeps Us Alive

    Scarlet Begonias

    Safe and Sound


    China Cat > Hey Pocky Way

    But remember ... bl@u$rrr^&y applies to any set list recollection!!!

    I do remember the last song of the night played by the Acousticats ... Brokedown Palace ... I remeber talking with Leanne and sharing visions of another sweet upcoming summer night in July at Darien Lake as they played it.

    Wi!!y and Leanne, you are the absolutely positively bestest party hosts imaginable ... WOW! Hopefully Joni won't be offended if she reads this! ;):);):)

    Peace, Mark

  2. Wow, this sounds like a great night!

    Thanks to Kenny, ShowWhore, Briguy, and everyone else that has been a part of the great shows that have been at PJ's over the last five years. Some personal favourites of mine include Halloween 2004 with Fat Cats and Diesel Dog, Wassabi with the marimba players, Sharon Jones, and perhaps my favourite small venue show ever, The Codetalkers with Jimmy Herring.

    Wishing you all the best for the future ... I'm hopin' that I'm still around and dancin' when PJ's has it's 50 year anniversary party! :)

    Peace, Mark

  3. I'm in agreement that this band is rapidly progressing and improving ... they work hard as a band, and their effort is definitely pushing their music to new heights. I would like to be at one of these three CD release shows, but it's just not in the cards. Family responsibilities.

    I hope that tonight and tomorrow night go well for WTTS.

    And MarcO + Todd, and Neugroove ... yes, I wish I could have been at Thursday's show for all 3 acts.

    Peace, Mark

  4. Hey Greg,

    This is exciting news, as a friend of mine who I was at the show with has asked a few times about a recording of the show. It would mean a lot to him. I remember that you said you had one, but that it needed lots of work. Thanks for the effort ... I look forward to hearing it, and to sharing it with my friend.

    I agree with the 3 disc option. If my math is correct, somebody could also move d1t 9 & 10 to disc two, and the encore to disc one, to make it a two disc show.

    I love tapers!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Tonin got the covers right, though I would like to listen back to the Hendrix song as I didn't catch King Crimson's "Red," during the song. If that was the case, nice ear.

    Though I don't look at the King Crimson songs as covers as Tony Levin was cowrote the songs with the other members in the band.

    And in a sense I don't look at the Peter Gabriel songs as covers either as Levin, Jerry Marotta and Larry Fast were all involved in the recording of "On the Air" and Levin was involved in the recording of "Don't Give Up."


    I'm almost positive that one song ended with a Red tease, and I think it was the Hendrix song. I remember saying to Fretman that it was a Crimson song, and he called Red, which I agreed with at the time.

    A solid point about the Crimson and Gabriel songs, Tim. For anyone who hasn't done so, check out the huge list of recordings that Levin has been a part of:


    It's impressive!

    I used to be a huge King Crimson and Peter Gabriel fan in the 80's, and saw Crimson when they toured to support Thrak, but lost touch with both bands and with Tony Levin after that. I'm glad I reconnected with this musician again, as he is very inspiring.

    And I also like the "character" of the venue; I just wish that there was more room for people, and that the sound was better.

    Peace, Mark

  6. TimmyB consistently amazes me with his music knowledge and his ability to document. I'm sure that he'll reply with the info you requested Willy, but here's what I know - I added the artist in brackets after the song title.

    And it was great spending time with you Willy, and with Deeps and Fretman. Thanks for the pre-show hospitality!

    Peace, Mark



    MONDAY MAY 29, 2006

    START TIME 10:03PM

    SET I:

    1. The Tony Levin Band Barber Shop

    2. Pieces of the Sun

    3. Break it Down

    4. Shadowland

    5. Sabre Dance

    6. Jam Back at the House - (Jimi Hendrix, and I think this is the song they ended with a tease of the song Red by King Crimson)

    7. Places to Go (The song where the PA Blew)

    SET LENGTH Debatable based on the PA 49 MINUTES


    8. What Would Jimi Do?

    9. Crisis of Faith

    10. Phobos

    11. Black Dog (Led Zeppelin)

    12. Sleepless (King Crimson)

    13. Utopia

    14. Back in N.Y.C. (Genesis)

    TIME 12:04AM (49 MINUTES)


    15. Fragile as a Song

    16. On the Air (Peter Gabriel)

    17. Happy Birthday

    18. Elehpant Talk (King Crimson)

    19. Don't Give Up Barber Shop (Peter Gabriel)

    END TIME 12:32AM (Total time SET II 1 hour and 14 minutes)


  7. Initially it was going to be Fat Cats with Harvard Mouse, but Dave Hill can't make it, so now it's the Acousticats with Harvard Mouse, or maybe it should be called the Acoustic Cats without Dave. I'm almost positive that at a minimum it's Todd and Gatch with some percussion (maybe Adam). It would be nice to hear MarcO play as well, but I'm not sure if that's in the cards for this show.

    In any event, Harvard Mouse is happy to be playing at this show ... it's gonna be a fun night!

    Peace, Mark

  8. This is one of those issues that pisses me off.

    Heroin addiction is a medical issue, just as is alcoholism, nicotine addiction, or mental/physical illness. They need to be addressed medically, by doctors, not by the police. (Of course, the police will always be there to arrest a junkie who steals your car to pay for his heroin, but that's an entirely different issue.)

    These safe-injection sites have been extremely successful in Europe, and had great results here (apart from some people in the neighbourhoods where they are placed shouting "NIMBY"...)

    Not a fan of Harper.

    Thanks for speaking my mind, SM.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Ted Nugent is out there, no doubt about it. He's intense, fanatical, controversial, and has a huge amount of charisma ... and all of those qualities make him scary on one hand, and very entertaining to watch and listen to on the other.

    I remember seeing him a few times at Lulu's, a huge bar (3000 + capacity) that used to be in Kitchener, where he insulted the audience by saying things like "have another drink, assholes," where he blew up a Japanese guitar (a piece of "Jap scrap") by shooting it with his bow and arrow, and where he ranted on about the cancellation of the bear hunt and Quebec separation. He somehow manages to say something that I am completely opposed to, but then in the next breath will say something that makes lots of sense. I wouldn't want him as my elected government official, or as my father, but I'm ok with having someone like him around to stir things up and provide a view that is "out there." And I'd go to see him in concert again if he was in the area ... the guy puts on a show.

    Peace, Mark

  10. Tony Levin is pro, his band is pro, but unfortunately the place was too crowded and the pa system conked out a few times. I still enjoyed the show, but it would have been so much better if it had been in a small theatre with a kick-ass pa system ... or in my living room. It was a good show, but not a spectacular one imho.

    I did enjoy the wide range of music that was played by the band over the course of the show, and his story and song about playing music with Peter Gabriel and an ape had me tingling.

    I wish I could have heard his Stick playing more clearly in the mix. I finally heard it during Elephant Talk, but would have loved to have heard it much more loudly and clearly. He is such a fun player to watch, I just wish I could have heard more of what I was watching him do.

    Peace, Mark

  11. It looks like there will be another Come Together Fest for the Labour Day weekend, and I'm already smiling at the thought. This past May long weekend once again reaffirmed for me just how lucky I am to have stumbled upon this "scene." ;):)

    Thanks for the kind words of support and sympathy about my Nono. I am lucky to have had him around for so long, and am fortunate to have had a final visit with him 11 days ago. Having him around for so many years, telling stories and giving his opinion on things, helped many times over the years to put things in perspective for me. I owe much of what I've got to his hard work and love for his family. Although he only went to school until grade 4, he loved to read and was a very intelligent man, one who enjoyed the simple things in life and who always lived within his means. His memory will live with me until the day that I die.

    Peace, Mark

  12. Music and friendship feeds my soul, and there was an abundance of both this past long weekend. Even with the cold, rainy, windy weather, there was a smile on my face and warmth in my heart for the entire weekend.

    I arrived home on Monday to the news that my grandfather, my father's father, my nono, had died, which is the reason for my delayed reply to this thread. He was almost 96 years old, and had a long full life ... he arrived in Welland, Ontario, Canada from Italy 80 years ago with almost nothing, and worked extremely hard to enable his family to have a better life than he did. He was loved, and will be missed.

    Back to the weekend ... even with the lousy weather, the weekend went according to plan ... things ran smoothly and for the most part the bands were on schedule for the entire weekend. The goal was 500 people for the weekend, and my sense is that there were at least that many people there over the weekend, even with the nasty weather.

    I enjoyed all of the music that I heard over the course of the weekend, but my musical highlights included:

    - having Mark Crissinger join Harvard Mouse for our last three songs ... wow, did that ever crank up the energy!

    - BNB on Saturday night ... they are a great band!

    - Jomomma and the Fatties on Sunday night under the tent

    - Diesel Dog in the saloon ... it had been a while since I've seen Diesel Dog, and they reminded me just how much I enjoy them

    - the rockin' Superstack jam with lots of guest musicians in the saloon

    Huge thanks to Wi!!y for being a great friend, to Leanne for her awesome DJ skills, to Mike and Shanti for letting me sleep in the loft, to the entire Harvard Mouse family, to Miranda and Dustin, Mouse, Scot and Sheri, Mark Crissinger, and everyone else who hung out around the campfire that I called home for the weekend. And as I wandered around the campground, and in and out of the saloon and the tent, I was reminded of the huge number of wonderful people that I have met over the last 5 years at shows and festivals. I am so lucky to be a part of this community!

    I can't wait to do it all again!

    Peace, Mark

  13. Just in case people don't have these:

    Looking at a map:

    - follow Highway 6 north of Guelph and continue north on Highway 6 about 10 km past Durham

    - turn right on Grey Road #12

    - look for Frontier Ghost Town Camp Grounds approximately 1 minute down Grey Road #12 on your right hand side

    And here is a link to a thread about directions from Toronto and the East:


    On my way!

    Peace, Mark

  14. Now that we're a day away from the festival, the excitement inside of me is starting to build in a big way. I just spoke with Mark Crissinger, and am stoked to be playing with Harvard Mouse in the saloon before Caution Jam on Friday night. I'm very much looking forward to playing, and I can't think of a better saloon band than Caution Jam! Ryan Morrison from Diesel Dog will be playing keys for Caution Jam, and it's likely that both Ryan and Mark C. will join Harvard Mouse at some point during our set.

    I think all of this has already been said but I strongly suggest the following as things that you should bring to the festival:

    - lots of warm clothes, lots of dry clothes, a winter coat, rain coat, gloves, extra shoes and socks - if you get cold to the core, it will be tough to warm up if it's cold and wet outside

    - some food, as the selection of food to purchase is very limited

    - drinking water

    - dry wood to guarantee that you can have a camp fire, if you want one

    - your own alcohol, as none is sold on site

    24 hours until I'm on my way to Frontier Town ... ! :) !

    Peace, Mark

  15. "All you gotta do is ask. the worst that they can say is no" - Mark Tonin

    - Mark's one of my favourite founts of wisdom :).

    Wow, thanks for the kind words Mike and Dave!

    Here are a few that have mattered a lot over the years:

    "Remember yesterday, dream of tomorrow, live for today."

    "If you can't decide what to do, flip a coin."

    "Drive safely."

    "Follow your gut instinct."

    "Be kind."

    "There's more to life than money."

    Peace, Mark

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