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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. As per usual, a lot of southern Ontario favourites will be playing at the festival ... friends playing for friends, which is a big part of what this festival is about.

    Having said that, there is a lot of talent booked for the acoustic stage that is new to the festival, and I'm sure that many people will be happy to see Doug Feaver's name on the bill for the festival. I finally saw him play for the first time at Dancin' Man & Super Freak's Buck & Doe, and wow, now I know why people have raved about him for all of these years. He's somewhat of a legend in Hamilton, and I now understand why.

    Peace, Mark

  2. I've been away for the week, and just read an email message which states that the following bands are playing at the Labour Day Come Together Fest. I'm lovin' the looks of this!

    Fat Cats

    Caution Jam

    Doug Feaver (main and acoustic stage)


    What The Thunder Said


    Mark Wilson & The Way It Is

    Diesel Dog


    and more to come

    Peace, Mark

  3. As Willy has witnessed first-hand, I love coffee and I have a caffeine addiction. At this point I'm trying to limit myself to only drinking coffee in the morning, and the managed to successful stick to this goal for the past week ... being on a canoe trip certainly helped. ;):)

    The true test is always when I head back to school in September.

    ... must resist urge ... to brew a pot of coffee ... right now ...

    Peace, Mark

  4. Wish I could make it' date=' but I will be "out of town". Party extra hard for me.[/quote']

    Ditto :( Rock it like the Champions I know that you are!!!

    Double ditto ... I just got back from a canoe trip in Algonquin Park with my family, and will be heading out tomorrow for another night of camping.

    This sounds like it will be a great show!!!

    Happy birthday to Gavin and Jeff!

    Peace, Mark

  5. I'm guessin' a lot of the Ottawa-area crew are headin' to moe.down for the Labour Day weekend, but if you're lookin' for a Canadian alternative phorbsie, the Come Together Fest is always a lot of fun.

    Lookin' forward to the next time we connect Todd ... I think the last time was last year at the Labour Day Come Together Fest.

    Off for some outdoor adventure ... happy summer days! :)

    Peace, Mark

  6. ah yes, i remember now.


    hope i can make it up to the ghost town, i've never been!

    Mark Wilson has a voice from the soul that's hard to forget.

    It would be a treat to see Velvet and phorbsie at ghost town.

    And the Tonin bass guitar playing will be accompanied by some words. ;):)

    Peace, Mark

  7. Come Together for one last summer blast during the Labour Day weekend!

    I spoke with Mark Wilson last week and things are taking shape for a Labour Day Come Together Fest at Frontier Ghost Town on Sept. 1, 2 & 3. Acoustic acts in the saloon from noon until 8 p.m. on Sat. and Sun., a main tent stage running Fri., Sat. and Sun., and late night bands in the saloon.

    The "acoustic saloon" has almost been finalized, and there is a huge amount of talent booked to play, much of which is new talent for this festival. Check out the list of performers scheduled to play the acoustic saloon stage:

    Mike Alviano

    Jay Cleary

    Mandi Hancock

    Lynn Jackson

    Shannon Lyon

    Paul MacLeod

    John Mars

    Craig McNair

    Tanya Philipovich

    JP Riemens

    Alfie Smith

    Lucas Stagg

    Mark Tonin

    Mark Wilson

    The main tent and late night saloon acts will be announced in the near future.

    I'll post more info when I get it. And you can also check out the Come Together Music Fest web site for more info.

    Peace, Mark

  8. I had a blast at the party, it was great to see a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while. Plus it was the first time I'd seen Doug Feaver ... wow, what a performer! The taste of Diesel Dog was a treat, but I was left craving so much more ... the dance party was definitely in high gear when things got shut down. But hey, all the more reason to make it out to see them again, hopefully in the not-too-distant future.

    Ended up making the journey with Chris and Joni early on Sunday morning to Long Point, where we had a fantastic day on the beach. Happy summer days!

    Peace, Mark

  9. I think they are an excellent band. They have a great stage energy, write great original songs, craft excellent jams, and are a whole hell of a lot of fun to dance and party to. I honestly think they are one of the best and most enjoyable bands to see in the entire scene.

    I agree ... they are an excellent band for all of the reasons mentioned above. I also like the selection of covers that they chose to play.

    I am curious about the name change ... do I remember somebody saying something about one of the members in the band moving west? Or something like that?

    I can't make it to tomorrow's show, but I look forward to the next time I get to dance and groove to this band.

    Peace, Mark

  10. We decided to make the journey, and had no problem getting in. But the venue was pretty full ... lots of people on that big piece of pavement in downtown London.

    Little Feat once again made me dance and smile ... what a solid band ... I'm looking forward to a full-on 2+ hour show in September in Hamilton.

    Ending with the Band's Rag Mama Rag was a nice treat.

    And thankfully the rain didn't get too intense during the show, but we got wet not long after things were over.

    Time to head out for some kids' soccer in the blazing sun ...

    Peace, Mark

  11. Hey Brian,

    Thanks for the offer, it may help us out. If you do end up with two extras and can give me a call, please do so and we'll go from there. At the least, perhaps you can let us know if it's sold out or likely will be.

    Worst case scenario, I know that I've got a Little Feat show in Hamilton in September to look forward to. ;):)

    Peace, Mark

  12. Hey Scott,

    When I called the ticket line they suggested that it could very well sell out, which has me a bit worried about making the drive ticketless.

    Thanks for the rooftop option. I may still make the journey ticketless, but am hoping that one of the other people I am travelling with can score some tickets just to be on the safe side.

    Peace, Mark

  13. Nyell and I had a great birthday yesterday, one of the highlights being a trip to LaserQuest. Man oh man if LaserQuest was around when I was a kid, I think I would have spent a large chunk of my childhood there.

    Thanks for the posts to this thread, emails, and phone calls. I don't remember many of my birthdays, but I certainly remember the last 3 ... my 40th at the Lanc with Diesel Dog, Harvard Mouse, bass cake, Tonin t-shirts, :) :) ... last year's Big Summer Classic run from Toronto to Ottawa with Willy and Chris capped off with Burt at Maverick's, and this year's "birthday week" which started with Phil and lots of friends at Darien Lake and ending in Port Dover tomorrow night ... I know I'm repeating myself when I say it, but I can't help but think how lucky I am.

    Peace, love and hugs all around,


    P.S. I love summer holidays! :) !

  14. There are five of us now looking to head to London tonight for the Little Feat show. We can't be in London until around 8 p.m. and can't buy tickets over the phone or online any more. It will likely be sold out by 8 p.m. Any chance that somebody could pick up five tickets for me and meet me in London with them? I'll buy your ticket as well if you can make it happen. The ticket location info can be found here:


    I know it's a long shot, but please let me know if you can help us out.

    Peace, Mark

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