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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. what happened with Todd's finger?????

    Me hopes he is ok.

    He cut his finger with a knife the night before. It was pretty deep, and in talking with him before the gig, he wasn't very confident about his ability to play. I thought he played and sounded just fine, but it also seemed like Drawbar added some more organ and harmonica solos than usual, which makes me think that Todd was definitely trying not to overdue it.

    He should be fine once it has some healing time, at least that's how it seemed to me in talking with him.

    Peace, Mark

  2. The moment you've all been waiting for is here! The show is now up on archive.org. (Albeit with Chris' song name missing.)

    Here's the URL: http://www.archive.org/details/fatcats2006-09-08.sbd.shnf

    Thanks for you work on this Willy! I look forward to giving it a listen when I get home.

    As well, I got an email from Gatch about the name of the new songs. Todd's new one is called Divine Intervention, and Gatch's is called Pedal Down.

    Peace, Mark

  3. If I recall correctly' date=' one of the first few shows I saw of Burt in Hamilton took place at some Hungarian Community Centre? Am I imagining this? That was probably atleast eight years ago...[/quote']

    I remember Burt playing the Hungarian Community Centre on Catharine St. I think it was 1999.

    Was this the show where Burt busted out Makisupa Policeman as the cops were searching the place?

    Any other dates yet? I'd love to fit in at least one Burt show this fall.

    Peace, Mark

  4. Sooo looking forward to this!!

    I can't wait to take in the ottawa scene. Hoping to meet many of you for the first time in person!!

    Count is on...

    I very much hope that everyone from the Ottawa area makes it out for this, as the Cats are on fire these days. They write great songs and lay down grooves that are guaranteed to get you moving. Come on Ottawa ... show them your love!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Todd and I are hoping that we are going to make it out for this... And if we accomplish that we are also hoping to talk Gatch & Jelena into coming out.

    Should be good times

    I'm also hoping to make it out for this, perhaps even with the whole family during the day in the park. Not sure yet though ... still need to sort out some logistics. But wine, live music, and partying with you cats and with numerodos & the crew of great people from the St. Kitts area sounds like loads of fun to me.

    Peace, Mark

  6. According to their Daredevil cd, the song is called The Station.

    According to this website the song is called Ain't No Bread In The Breadbox and it's by Norton Buffalo.

    I wish that I knew the name of the new songs.

    Through the haze I do remember that they played the song Montana Haze ... and I remember Alabama Man making his way to the front of the stage for that one. :)

    Hope that helps a bit Willy ... thanks for taping!

    Peace, Mark

  7. Word has it that this is a sweet event. Check out the web site for the festival. Lots of solid entertainment.

    Niagara Grape and Wine Festival

    In addition to the official schedule, there is lots of other cool stuff going on. In particular, check this out:

    The Mansion House presents:

    The Smoothies

    Caution Jam

    Diesel Dog

    Saturday September 23

    outdoor stage starts at 7 p.m.

    5 William Street, St. Catharines, Ontario

    no advance tickets - $5 at the door

    It looks like a fun festival, and Sat. Sept. 23 looks like it will be stellar!

    Peace, Mark

  8. Totally dug the two the new Fatties tunes....

    Drawbar, awesome set of pipes on the 'One Way OUt' my man!!

    I agree with you edger ... the two new songs sounded great to me. I think I've heard the first of the two once or twice before, but I don't think I've ever heard the second one before, and I thought is sounded great and very well developed for a new song. Both are definitely keepers! I thought the band had lots of great energy for their whole set.

    Todd's knife meets finger incident had Drawbar stepping up to the plate all night long, which was awesome, as his organ and harmonica playing totally fills out the Fatties sound. And the man can sing! The whole band played well I thought, even Todd with his finger held together by a band-aid. I loved the short jam as the band waited for the guitar player to change a band-aid! :) :)

    Little Feat was solid, but I must admit to thinking that the theatre would have been a better venue for them. PJ's is nice and small, which is awesome, but in many ways the band needs a bigger stage to be fully appreciated I think. Still a memorable night on many levels though. It was nice to hear A Political Blues ... I didn't think the band blew it through the roof or anything, but it certainly brought back some personal memories.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Also, one big extra thanks to Mark Wilson for all of his hard work and dedication to making this festival a wicked party over all these years. I hope you continue to feel inspired to keep 'em coming!! Much appreciated!!
    Thanks Mark for making this happen time and again.

    Ditto on the above two quotes!!!

    BTW I mentioned a cover that we had dusted off for the fest....it was Salsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel for those of you not in attendance.

    Sorry I missed this (and the rest of your set), but I was in need of some campsite downtime during your set. Glad to read that you had a good crew out to hear you play.

    I had to leave as Vanderpark was playing, but they certainly sounded great as I drove away.

    I look forward to seeing the Diesel Dog saloon video when it materializes. Hopefully the chatter and dance moves near the camera from time to time didn't get in the way too much. I could tell that Gator was getting a bit stressed at times as I (and others) got too close for comfort. But there's nothing like a cozy party in the saloon!

    Peace, Mark

  10. There are 12 of us heading down to Hamilton from KW for this show, and we are excited at the thought of catching Little Feat in such a small venue, followed by the Fatties. A good chunk of the crew coming are "back to school" types, and we will be ready for a night out after our first week back. Looking forward to Friday!

    Peace, Mark

  11. Photos from the festival would be great to see ... lots of people were taking pics so hopefully some of them will get posted.

    We're due for some sunny warm weather next year, that's for sure. Thank goodness both stages and audience areas were covered, and thanks to Willy, Leanne, Mike, Shanti and everyone else who helped to put up the huge tarp in our camping area ... it certainly made the weather much more bearable.

    I usually keep my fingers and toes far away from the axe while I'm using it, but I was using the axe to cut up some kindling, and had a momentary loss of concentration as someone walked by while talking. Fortunately I didn't lose (part of) my finger, or worse. And thankfully my toes and feet still worked well this past weekend, which made for lots of fun dancing. :)

    A Heads Tale ... I haven't watched that in a while ... I'll have to check it out again at some point soon for a blast from the past ... if my memory serves me correctly, the clips your are talking about DEM are from the May 2002 CTMF at Frontier Town, and it was freezing cold! That's it, next year it's going to be sunny and warm for sure at every festival!

    Peace, Mark

  12. Arrived home on Saturday evening at around 7 p.m. after another fabulous Come Together Music Festival. I've said it many times and I'll say it again, I feel so lucky and fortunate to be a part of the amazing community of musicians and friends that are a part of this festival. I hope that this festival continues to provide magical moments to us all for many years to come.

    Personal musical highlights include Diesel Dog on Friday night in the saloon (glad I got my act together and made it up on Friday night), Fat Cats (with some awesome dueling guitars between Gillies and Crissinger), Shelby, Elmo & the Boys (their rendition of Dylan's Serve Somebody turned me into a puddle of joy), Mark Wilson & The Way It Is (the last band I listened to before I had to leave the festival ... very glad I stuck around for it), Passenger, Doug Feaver (now I know why the man is a "legend" in Hamilton), and the variety of acoustic acts that I heard in the saloon (Paul MacLeod's voice was described by a friend as sounding like "honey and maple syrup.")

    Personal friendship highlights ... wow ... words cannot even begin to capture how I feel at the moment ... the friendships that have developed out of this festival (and all of the Come Together Fests) have put a fire inside of me that makes me feel so warm ... I hope that this festival continues to provide such a wonderful environment for friends to gather for many many years to come. I am repeating myself but I cannot help it ... I feel so blessed!

    To tie this into the title of the thread ... I was scheduled to play at the festival on Sunday afternoon, but I shaved the skin off of the tip of my index finger with an axe while camping this past week. Fortunately there is no permanent damage, but it would have been painful and frustrating for me to play. I've been telling my son Nyell all summer to be careful when using an axe ... I guess I should have listened to myself! I was disappointed and pissed at myself when it first happened, but the magic of the festival made it easy to get past the disappointment.

    I am very much looking forward to connecting with people throughout the fall and winter at various shows, gatherings, and events, and am already looking forward to the May long weekend when we get to do it all again.

    Peace, Mark

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