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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. It's so nice to be loved and appreciated ... thanks for keeping my "birthday week" going by starting this thread Willy! :)

    I have had the best birthday present imaginable for the last ten years ... my son Nyell shares my birthdate (July 13) ... he turns nine today ... so I'll be celebrating in many ways.

    Peace, love and hugs all around ... skanks rock!


  2. I've started to post to this thread a few times, but have been interrupted. Here goes another attempt.

    I obviously love to dance. Tied for my number one thing to do, along with a few other things ... ;):) As a matter of fact, my whole family loves dance. The only show that we ever watch on tv is So You Think You Can Dance. The first time I ever saw my wife Liana she was doing a dance on stage called The Body Electric. Yes, I love dancing, and I love watching people dance, especially beautiful women.

    Dancing is contagious and infectious, and it is definitely fun when lots of people at a show have caught the disease.

    Dancing is fun in many situations and in many settings.

    Lots of people, including me, thoroughly enjoy live music without dancing. I'm thinking back to the Phil Lesh & Friends show that I was just at ... I did a minimal amount of dancing during that show, and had an awesome concert experience. I used to go to many sit down progressive rock concerts, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Sometimes I don't dance at these shows because there simply isn't enough room to really get down, sometimes I don't dance at these shows because they are in a sit down environment, and sometimes it's nice to focus as much energy as possible on the band. Just as dancing can create a trance-like state of bliss, so can the absence of movement.

    It is frustrating when people invade my personal space when I am dancing. Having said that, if the venue is packed, it is understandable.

    I am a firm believer that everybody can dance. Dancing is an art form, and a way of expressing and self-actualizing, and how well somebody dances is open to interpretation. Personally, what takes it over the top for me is when I look around and see people dancing who usually don't dance. I remember going to a Talking Heads concert at Wonderland years ago, and the whole audience was dancing ... even my high school buddies who I had never seen dance. Sure there are styles of dance, and dance moves, just as there are styles of music, and there is music theory, but just as I believe that everyone can bang on a drum, I believe that everyone can dance.

    It is a huge buzz to be on stage and look out into the audience to see people dancing. As a musician, it makes you want to keep playing, and to play better.

    My mom is in a wheelchair, and it always puts a huge smile on my face when she ends up on the dance floor, grooving in her chair. I still think that part of my love for dance comes from her inability to do so on her feet. Being able to move and groove is something that I so thankful to be able to do.

    Dancing feeds the soul.

    Peace, Mark

  3. Thanks for the kind words and the huge smiles. As Willy pointed out, July 13th is the actual day, but this year I figure I'm going to stretch it into a birthday week, which started with the Phil show. :)

    I am very much looking forward to Thursday when I will be old enough to understand the meaning of life, the universe, and everything! ;):)

    Peace, Mark

  4. What a fantastic show ... I can't help but think of the "lesh philling, bass great" lot shirts that I used to see at Dead shows ... I have gained even more respect for Phil as a bass player and as a person who can put together a stellar band.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show, especially

    The Wheel>

    Unbroken Chain>

    The Eleven>


    And the sound quality where I was sitting (lower section 201) was stellar ... the best sound quality that I have ever heard at a amphitheatre show.

    I caught the last part of GRAB, and really enjoyed the Who Are You, especially when Mike nailed the acoustic guitar part. That put a HUGE smile on everyone's face! :)

    And the weather was beautiful, clear skies, big moon, perfect temperature, which made things even more enjoyable.

    What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday night in the summer with great friends!

    Peace, Mark

  5. This has been on my mind all day. Have you received any updates on Christine's condition?

    Ditto ... this news is the very first thing that I read or heard after waking up this morning, and I still don't know if I've totally processed the seriousness of the accident.

    Lots more love and healing vibes to Christine, to Willy and Leanne, to Christine's family and friends ...

    Peace, Mark

  6. edit: a thank you to you scottie and mark tonin, without whose helpful words i may not have even made it to my second year! *high fives*

    Glad you made it to and through your second year meggo!

    I've still got one more day to go, but it will be a mellow one with a staff social breakfast, a bit of office cleaning and organizing, and a staff meeting.

    I had a very good year ... 15 years in, and I still enjoy teaching. But I'm definitely ready for a break. No big holiday plans ... a canoe trip and camping trip with my family, some music festivals and concerts, time with my family and friends, and lots of music playing.

    School's out for the summer!

    Peace, Mark

  7. Huge healing vibes to you Christine, and big hugs to your family and friends.

    Wishing you a full and speedy recovery ... your smiling face and positive energy are infectious.

    Peace, Mark

  8. Hey phorbsie, it sounds like you and Velvet had a great weekend in the falls ... nice! I tried to access the pics, but for some reason after supplying the required info I still can't get them. I'll try again later.

    Peace, Mark

  9. I was there on Saturday night ... it's a really sweet venue, nice seats, some room to move around, great sound. I could actually hear many of Oteil's bass notes, which often doesn't happen in amphitheatre shows. All in all I thought it was a solid show, but it didn't blow my mind. I'm not sure why ... maybe it had to do with the crowd/venue ... not as many heads as I'm used to, which changed the atmosphere of things. I thought that Warren cranked it up a few times, but Derek Trucks seemed to be holding back, and his guitar tone didn't hit me between the eyeballs and make my soul shiver like it has in the past when I've seen the band.

    Like I said, I thought it was a solid show, but not "through the roof."

    Peace, Mark

  10. The Canadian jam awards idea has definitely been tossed around a number of times over the last 4 or 5 years. At one point a few years ago it seemed like there was enough momentum and enough touring Canadian jambands that it could work, but not now, at least not in my opinion. That could change again though at some point in the future if enough people got on the same train ...

    I like the idea of trying to get any Canadian jambands recognized through awards that currently exist, like the Jammy or Juno awards.

    A Canadian jamband celebration still makes lots of sense to me ... hmmm, I think that's what some of these summer festivals are about, such as the Come Together Fests, Sunseeker/Shorline/Evolve, and Bonfire, although most of them end up with a regional focus, which can't really be helped given the size of our country. And some of them have moved away from being "jamband festivals" in an attempt to bring in more people and a wider diversity of music. Not to mention the blurry lines and definitions that exist when trying to define a jamband.

    Having said the above, there is definitely still a growing number of people, most of them music fans, who visit this web site for music information. So the "jamband" name and label can help as a marketing tool.

    I also hope to build on the FUNdraiser show idea that happened in Kitchener this past January, as a way to help things grow further. I'm not sure exactly when or how yet, but hopefully that will materialize when I have more time to devote to the idea.

    Peace, Mark

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