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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Holy sheet. You know what I just thought? I asked for good vibes a couple months ago to get another job. I was disappointed that I didn't get it. That was the very first time I went to an interview and didn't get the job. Turnes out it was for the best. Wow, that's heavy and not in a gravitational pull kind of way.

    Sharon, when I read that you didn't get the other job that you applied for, I thought to myself "Sharon didn't get the job she applied for because she's so damn good at what she is currently doing that they don't want to move her."

    I'm happy that my gut instinct was right, and I'm so happy for you.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again ... "Sharon Williamson rocks!"

    Peace, love and hugs to you my friend.


  2. I'm excited to see Trey play this fall - I'll be seeing him at Shea's Theatre in Buffalo.

    I haven't seen Phish since they called their hiatus after the NYE '99 show - I lost interest then and when they started playing again I found myself digging lots of other bands and I wasn't really excited about seeing Phish again, especially if it meant a long road trip to do so.

    I saw Trey at Darien Lake with the horns (and Fishman on a second kit) and loved it, and I saw Oysterhead at Massey Hall and really liked that show ... I love the Oysterhead cd, although Oysterhead is more Claypool than Trey, in my humble opinion.

    I'm not really sure exactly why I'm excited about seeing Trey this time around. Part of it is the venue ... I've got fond memories of Shea's from years ago. It's certainly not anything I've heard of late, as I haven't really heard anything by him from the last two years, although I think I'll download some stuff in the near future and I'll most likely buy his new cd. It's a gut instinct thing ... I've loved what he has done in the past, when I read what he says in interview I feel like I can relate, I'm basically the same age as he is and feel like I'm at a similar point in my life in some ways, and I'm into the idea of hearing him play high-energy rock and roll. I hope that he decides to play his guitar like we all know that he can on this upcoming tour. He says in the above interview that he has most recently delved more into songwriting and singing, and that's fine with me ... I just hope he uses his guitar in a big way to accentuate what he has to say lyrically. Whatever it is he decides to sing or play, I'll be listening.

    Peace, Mark

  3. Sorry if my initial post was unclear ... I thought I made it clear that I wanted somebody to send me a private message to get the discs, but upon re-reading my initial post it just said to "send me a message." Hopefully grateful_dave or anybody else doesn't get upset with me. Hey grateful_dave, if you're still out there and want some discs, send me a private message with your snail mail addy and I'll send you some discs as well. After all, you were the first person to send me a message of some sort.

    Peace, Mark

  4. Ok, I still haven't got a private message from anybody saying "I want those Phish shn discs" and providing a snail mail address for me to send them out. First person to do so gets the discs. It's your call if you want to pass them along to someone else ... all that I ask is that you do someting nice for somebody.

    Peace, Mark

  5. Hey all,

    I've got a bunch of Phish shn discs (mostly from 1997 & 1999) that I can't envision myself ever using again. I don't use shn anymore and have lots of Phish to listen to already. If anyone wants them, send me a message with your snail mail addy and I'll mail them to you or give them to you when I see you in person. All that I ask in return is that you do something nice for somebody else.

    Peace, Mark

  6. Backbacon is a great guy ... he's a blast to party with, he's got a huge heart, and he has done much to get people turned on to Canadian bands that they have never heard before. He's burned lots and lots of discs for others, and many of those have gone to people not as part of a trade, but just because he's excited about a band or a show and he wants to spread the excitement.

    Peace, love and hugs to you Keri, and I look forward to the next time we connect in person, my friend.


  7. I think that Aerosmith's Draw the Line was the first album I ever bought. I spent hours listening to it with my buddy Jon, especially to the song Draw the Line as we tried to figure out what words Steven Tyler sings in that song.

    If only we had the Internet back then ... this is what Tyler is singing during his vocal "jam":


    Don't be late

    Take another pull

    That's right


    When you got to be yourself

    You're the boss

    The toss

    The dice

    The price

    Grab yourself a slice

    Nowhere to draw the line

    OK, time for some sleep, hopefully I won't have this song stuck in my head all night! :)

    Peace, Mark

  8. so are you in fact in ontscario for mr franti on the 12th? we should hook up at some point...

    I have tickets for the show' date=' but no plane tickets just yet. I learned on Saturday that my dog will probably require major surgery at pretty significant cost, so I may have to re-think purchasing plane tickets to Toronto, but I think I'll be there.

    When I make a final decision, you'll be among the first to know, Tim. [color:purple'](I think I already made an enemy of Dr_Evil_Mouse by not seeing him the last time I was in.)

    Wishing you and your dog the best, Corey, and I'd love to get in on this hook up if it works out logistically.

    And Dr. Evil, it's a treat to play music with someone whose favourite two guitar players are Garcia and Cockburn! Has MarcO ever heard you play?

    Peace, Mark

  9. I just decided that this will be the one big (more expensive) concert that I can afford this fall, and scored front row seats!

    Thanks for the Trey ticket reminder post, Basher!

    I haven't been to Shea's in a long time, but from what I remember it's a beautiful old theatre. I remember seeing both Peter Gabriel and David Gilmour there many (20 or 25) years ago, and it impressed the heck out of me. Then again, I was in high school, so I was impressed with anything other than a bar or an arena setting. Both shows were excellent though - especially Peter Gabriel.

    Looking forward to hearing what Trey is up to - I'm digging rock based music these days, which is part of the reason why I decided to give this concert a go ... his web site describes the current sound as being "hard to define in conventional terms but it's rooted in high-energy rock and roll." It reads like what I'd like to hear from Trey - hopefully it will sound that way as well. :)

    Anyone else going?

    Peace, Mark

  10. WOW great show at the Rainbow last night!

    Also and AMAZING totally into it crowd, with barely a skank in sight (Snelly, bradm) I was amazed at the parallel jam crowd that is evidently out there!!! Right on!!

    I noticed this at the Labour Day Come Together Festival as well ... during Mr. Something Something's set I looked around and there were lots of people getting down, dancin' and groovin' ... many familiar faces and skanks, but lots of other people as well ... it was nice to see!

    Peace, Mark

  11. Hey all, I got the following email from Ricky Neu ... it looks like he's having a campfire (and a drum circle I'm sure) tonight ... I can't make it but some of you may be interested ... here's his message to me:

    hey mark i'm having a fire at my parents place in cambridge on sat. night.

    everyone is welcome so tell anyone. put it on jam bands if you want.

    my # is 749 6320.

    my parents # 650 1012 at 28 banat rd. cambridge.

    ricky neu


    Peace, Mark

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