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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. I haven't seen or listened to many slide guitar players, but the thought of seeing Derek Trucks play with ABB in Toronto this summer certainly brings a huge smile to my face. I've seen him a few times with his band and a few time with ABB, and he always impresses me with his humble stage presence, awesome guitar tone, and originality.

    I had my head blown wide open by Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey at the Come Together Fest. I'm not sure how they've influenced me yet, but they certainly have me looking at music and musicianship in a different way.

    Peace, Mark

  2. You did the right thing Sharon by not confronting them. You can't win any battle when you are out-numbered.

    I agree ... a group of 10 to 12 year old boys can be trouble ... I wouldn't do things to escalate a situation like this, that's for sure ... group mentality with any group, especially a group of boys this age, can be extremely irrational and volatile.

    Big hugs to you Sharon, and hopefully you won't encounter this group of kids or a similar one in the future.

    Peace, Mark

  3. Hi Bacci!

    Great to party with you at the Come Together Fest. Thanks for being a part of the singing, playing and laughing madness that occured around the campfire as the sun came up on Sunday morning.

    Time for me to try and get some sleep! ;):)

    Peace, Mark

  4. Booche ... it was great to see you this past weekend. Somehow I missed this thread and didn't realize it was your birthday, so happy belated birthday. Your love of music, kindness, and great sense of humour shine through in a big way both on this board and in person.

    I look forward to the next time we connect.

    Peace, Mark

  5. My understanding is that it will be a late night set, after Vorcza, so we may be dancing as the sun comes up on Monday morning.

    I'm in a sweet sunny daze, can't wait to get to Izzy's, time to turn this computer off and get all the remaining work for the day done as quickly as possible so I can head to the fest asap.

    Wow, it's almost time!!!

    Peace, Mark

  6. There's lots of room at Izzy's, so I can't imagine it will sell out. But wow, the buzz this year is more intense than it's been since May 2003, and the weather forecast is looking sweet, so I'm thinking it's going to be a raging party!

    OK, now it's really time to finish packing!

    Peace, Mark

  7. Dr. Evil ... the feeling is mutual, my friend.

    Mark specifically asked me to make him one at one point but I need someone who can make an .avi into an animated .gif. Anyone?

    Now we're talking ... you're at Izzy's by now Wi!!y, but maybe this can happen next week, or the week after, as we all might be a little slow next week. And happy birthday in 7 minutes, my friend!!!

    See you all soon ... time to finish packing!

    Peace, Mark

  8. hey .... ho !

    Here's a photo from 2003 !

    Awesome Mike ... that's a great pic! We've got to get a group shot of the skanks for 2005. Have we decided where and when yet? I remember a discussion about taking a group photo, but I don't remember if a final decision was made about where and when. Maybe Sunday afternoon at around 4 p.m., as most people should be at the festival at that time?

    Peace, Mark

  9. the way i see it, we get a good one, and a bad one...balance in everything right?

    2002 - snow

    2003 - sunny and warm

    2004 - pissed rain all weekend

    2005 - <<>>

    I was thinking the same thing, Alexis ... May 2001 was a beautiful weekend so the logic definitely works for me.

    Peace, Mark

  10. Front of the Line is one of those "join a club and you'll have access to great seats" situations. I used to belong via my American Express card, but I never used the service, as the few times I went to use it I found that I could get seats that were just as good without using it. I know some people have got good seats via Front of the Line though.

    Peace, Mark

  11. Yesterday evening the students in my Grade 11 Entrepreneurship class ran an event for the class ... a freestyle competition called Freestyle Mayhem. I just finished posting a message to my school's discussion forum and I thought some of you might enjoy reading it so I'm posting (most of) it here as well.

    Here it is:


    mayhem (n.) - confusion and willful violence

    Well, given the dictionary definition of mayhem, perhaps the name "Freestyle Mayhem" was appropriate for Friday night's freestyle competition.

    There was no willful violence that I was aware of (other than the comments made by the competitors to each other during the competition), but confusion certainly marked the event.

    I'm not exactly sure what happened. From what I could tell the event started reasonably well, and the battles at the start of the night seemed to be going fairly well. The sound wasn't perfect, but I could certainly hear most of what was being said, and some of it was actually pretty good I thought. My favourite line from the night went something like:

    "When I'm done with you and the judge's tally

    They're going to boo you like Bush at a peace rally"

    Then, for some reason, things just started to melt down at the intermission. There wasn't supposed to be an intermission, but rather a half-time show, but a better name for it would have been a "dazed and confused nobody knows what's going on let's blame everything on the techies break."

    We finally got some dancing happening (and the break dancers were awesome I thought), and a few more battles, and then the competitor from Cameron put on a bit of a show, but by then most everyone was going "wow, this is so disorganized!"

    It's going to be an interesting class on Monday, that's for sure ... I'm sure the students in the class who organized the event learned a lot, and will most definitely realize just how much planning and organization goes into big stage productions and events. I'm going to focus on seeing the glass as half-full instead of half-empty and pull out the postives to the best of my ability. There were certainly lots of positives, including good attendance (approximately 300 paying customers), but I know some of the key organizers are going to have their heads hanging pretty low on Monday. And I certainly realize that in my quest to find the proper balance between teacher-directed learning and student-directed learning, I needed to give them more direction with the organization of this event. Live and learn ...


    Although the event ended up as a bit of a disaster, I still enjoyed parts of it and was glad I could help to provide a forum for young people who are into this sort of thing. I really know very little about freestyle rapping and was pretty impressed with the talent of some of the performers. And wow, the break dancers blew my mind ... it's been a while since I've seen people move their bodies so freely.

    Peace, Mark

  12. Thanks for the kind words, Kaidy Mae ... I think that May 2003 and May 2001 probably rank as my favourite Come Together Fest weekends ... I've had a great time at all of them, but those two weekends were magical ... I think great weather on the May long weekend helps to take it over-the-top ... let's keep our fingers and toes crossed for awesome weather this May long weekend.

    Looking forward to an exchange of inspiration next weekend with many wonderful people!!!

    Peace, Mark

  13. I didn't make it to the moe. show at the Pier last year, but I did make it to the free Robert Randolph show in downtown Buffalo at Trafalgar Square. Yes it was crowded, but I had a blast. I managed to find a sweet spot off to the side of the stage.

    Buffalo amazes me with how much they embace the arts and tasty live music ... I also saw a free show last summer along the water (not at the Pier) with Derek Trucks Band. Buffalo often brings images of a run-down manufacturing city and arsons in Towanwanda and Cheektowaga to mind, but their arts community rocks!

    Peace, Mark

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