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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Miranda (aka LMP or LittlemissPink),

    All the best to you as you head out on this quest to find work that doesn't feel so much like work.

    You are an intelligent, creative person with a solid work ethic, so I am convinced that you will find something that you like doing much more than what you are currently doing, and that you will be financially successful doing it.

    Good luck my friend, I look forward to seeing where this adventure takes you.

    Peace, Mark

  2. A solid interview ... well done Timmy.

    Oh I wish I could make this show, but it's looking doubtful. Have a great time everybody that goes ... I'm sure I'll be reading about what a great show I missed when I check this board tomorrow. Soulive with two horn players ... that's going to be sweet!!!

    Peace, Mark

  3. Meggo and Babsy ... thanks for the extremely kind words ... it would have been awesome to have either of you as a student teacher, and even better to have you as teaching colleagues!!! I don't think that my style or approach is suited to everyone, but I have a feeling that we would have connected! :: ;) ::

    SolarGarlic ... good luck with it ... glad to read that you and your associate seem compatible.

    Both slammer and bald guy raise valid points ... most teachers by nature tend to be into structure and conformity ... and let's face it, the public education system (in Ontario) is set up that way and has moved even further that way over the last 10 years, so "not rocking the boat too much" is good advice ... at least until you get a permanent contract!

    Time to lesson plan ...

    Peace, Mark

  4. Just got back from a really great Diesel Dog / Harvard Mouse / Drum Club show and actually spent more than a few moments at the show thinking about this school year ... especially when Diesel Dog played Another Brick In The Wall in the middle of Chico!!!

    I can't really offer much more than what's been said above I don't think, but here are some random thoughts on the subject, from the perspective of a 12 (or is it 13?) year teacher and someone that has been an associate teacher a number of times.

    - be yourself, not your associate ... I've heard a few horror stories about student teachers having a totally different style than their associate and it not working out, but most associate teachers appreciate the fact that there is no one best approach to teaching

    - be prepared, it makes the class go so much more smoothly, have a fun backup activity tucked away in your back pocket for one of those moments when your lesson flops or doesn't take you nearly as long as you thought

    - be honest

    - love what you are doing

    I am having a great school year so far this year, and I think the main reason is that I am following the above 4 points.

    As an associate teacher, I was always impressed when a student teacher left me an organized copy of everything they did. In exchange, I encourage student teachers to raid my files. Don't be shy about asking your associate for help or advice ... my philosophy as an associate was if the student teacher didn't ask for advice, I'd just let them do their thing. But asking me for advice was totally cool ... not a sign of not knowing what to do. Your associate teacher will probably love to show off some of the cool stuff that s/he has created or used.

    All the best to you!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Directions from Highway 401:

    - Exit onto Highway 8 to Kitchener

    - Exit onto Highway 85 (used to be called Highway 86) to Waterloo

    - Take the Bridgeport Road exit and when you come to the stop sign turn left onto Bridgeport Road

    - Turn left onto Lancaster Street

    - Look for the Lancaster Tavern ("The Lanc") on your right … there is a boat docked in the air … you'll see it!

    - Go in the front door and up the stairs immediately to your left

    The Lancaster Tavern

    574 Lancaster St. West, Kitchener, 743-4331

    Peace, Mark

  6. Simone and Marie ... sending you lots of positive energy for your test tomorrow, and I'm very much looking forward to partying with you on Friday night at the Lanc. The two of you have been so supportive and kind ... it's been such a treat having you at the local shows and at the Come Together Fests. And that birthday cake ... wow!!!:: :: :)

    Babsy, I'm so glad I'll get to see you and Mud one last time before you head East. I'll stop now before I get too mushy and save it for Friday night ...

    Wi!!y, I'll miss seeing you and Leanne, but I totally understand where you are coming from my friend. I'm sure we will connect soon.

    Everybody else that's coming ... I look forward to seeing you all on Friday night for one heck of a going away bash!!!

    Show details:

    Fri. Sept. 17

    Harvard Mouse at 10 p.m.

    Diesel Dog at midnight

    bring a hand drum and join the drum circle between bands

    $5 at the door

    upstairs at the Lancaster Tavern

    574 Lancaster St. West, Kitchener

    Peace, Mark

  7. Wowzie wow wow ... time to add these to my calendar ... when I saw the duo last year (without Mike Gordon, but with other guests) I enjoyed them more than when I saw MMW ... seriously ... these guys are the sh*t! But it was a late night set at a festival (the duo) as opposed to a security-filled venue with not-so-great sound (MMW).

    Peace, Mark

  8. Hmmm ... this could work for me ... a trip to Welland for Thanksgiving to visit family, and then a short road trip to St. Kitts to visit more family! :: ::

    Not a sure thing as of yet but certainly within the realm of possibilities.

    Peace, Mark

  9. I can't get my head around it all, but here's what comes to the top of mind:

    Diesel Dog/Harvard Mouse/U of W Drum Club Fri. Sept. 17 at the Lanc in Kitchener (I don't think I can miss this one! ;) ::)

    nero/Contact at Pepper Jack's in Hamilton Fri. Sept. 24

    Mr. Something Something & Contact Fri. Oct. 1 at the Lanc in Kitchener (gotta support this great local show, unless I make a trek to Algonquin Park this weekend)

    Soulive / Gov't Mule / Little Feat / moe. / MMW in Toronto ... hopefully I'll be able to get to at least a few of these

    Diesel Dog & Fat Cats in Hamilton on Oct. 30

    the Slip and Stephen Franke at Pepper Jack's in October

    and if Benevento & Russo come to this part of the world, I am so there!!!

    plus I'm sure I missed a bunch ...

    Now I know why I decided to hold off on putting on a bunch of shows in the fall ...

    Peace, Mark

  10. More great pics ... thanks backbacon!

    And if I remember correctly, the words "Puddle Me" are written on booche's forehead in that picture.

    Can anybody help to locate these missing Items from the weekend?

    1. My big blue mug ... please help! Does anybody have it! I need this back! I think I left it near the stage or on a picnic table in the stage area on Sunday night.

    2. My buddy Chris left his blue sweater somewhere ... does anyone have it?

    I know that there is a lost and found at Izzy's but thought I'd check here first.

    Peace, Mark

  11. PalacePrincess, you write awesome reviews ... you are an observant, intelligent woman with a great sense of humour.

    I totally agree with this:

    ctmf always draws a fantastic selection of people, and this weekend was no exception. above & beyond the folks you already know and hope to run into, i couldn't help but notice that overall, the vast majority of those in attendance were some of the kindest, most respectful, fun loving folks to be surrounded with. even more so than usual at these things (and that's saying a lot!). none of the sketchiness that seemed to run rampant at the last fest was apparent (wellllll, for the most part), and i was shocked to see how many people actually came prepared for the weekend! used to the po-ass wook factor , i always bring a bit extra of everything, but i think i only had maybe 3 or 4 people ask me even for cigarettes all weekend (as opposed to the 3-4 hundred it seemed last time). no beer stolen either! ctmf always draws a good crowd, but i have to say, this particular fest was absolute top notch in that regard.

    And I agree with most of this:

    it's been mentioned before and i'll mention it yet again -- babsy mudcock & backbacon having dance-offs up at the stage. the energy from you two was enough that i'm surprised sparks weren't flying off you -- y'all put the tonins to shame, i swear.

    ;) :: :);)

    Peace, Mark

  12. Sorry I missed this campfire jam, but my head hit the pillow on Sunday night and I was out like a light.

    My only experience with this band is at the Come Together Fest, but from what I can tell, this band has some great songs and huge potential.

    Check 'em out if you can, especially if you like country.

    I think that The John Henry's and Steve Murphy & Crazy Stickbird would make a sweet double bill.

    Peace, Mark

  13. Sorry I missed this campfire jam, but my head hit the pillow on Sunday night and I was out like a light.

    My only experience with this band is at the Come Together Fest, but from what I can tell, this band has some great songs and huge potential.

    Check 'em out if you can, especially if you like country.

    I think that this band and Steve Murphy & Crazy Stickbird would make a sweet double bill.

    Peace, Mark

  14. Hux ... it was great to have you and the small but mighty Ottawa contingent at the festival!!! Thanks for making the journey! :)

    DIESEL DOG SMOKED! definitely my favourite band of the weekend. will have to make an effort to see a full DD show soon.. (sept 17, lanc?)

    I do hope to see you Craig and many others at the Lanc on the 17th for the show! (more shameless self promotion!!! ;) ::)

    Karin and James ... thanks for making the journey from Michigan ... it always cranks things up a notch or two when people travel from a distance to be at a show or festival.

    Peace, Mark

  15. Hey Vixon and Paan ... maybe the two of you can hook up at the Lanc in Kitchener on Fri. Sept. 17 for the Diesel Dog show (with Harvard Mouse and a Drum Circle between bands) ... couldn't resist the promotion opportunity!

    ;) ::

    oh, i forgot to mention another highlight of the weekend: the crazy/just plain wierd dance moves of backbacon and blair. you guys almost made me freakin pee my pants!!

    I agree ... backbacon and babsy mudcock are absolutely hilarious when they break out the moves! The funniest moment of the weekend for me was when Blair did his routine where he was swimming, sledding, etc. on the grass/dirt near the stage ... I forget the name of that series of moves, but it made me fall down onto the ground with hysterical laughter!

    Peace, Mark

  16. I posted this in another thread but thought I'd post it here as well.

    What a great weekend! Awesome weather, sweet music, and beautiful people.

    Smokestack blew me away ... totally pro sounding, super-tight, great original songs and excellent cover song selections (2 Steely Dan songs and the Weight by the Band), awesome musicianship. It's nice to hear a band that has lyrics to get the head spinning along with the body.

    Jomomma sounded fat and funky!

    Diesel Dog had lots and lots of people grooving and smiling and moving their feet.

    Mark Wilson has an awesome voice!

    The John Henry's have some great songs ... a little too country for my liking but I'm positive that lots of people will really dig this band.

    The New Shady Groove and Blue Quarter both played intense sets of music. Blue Quarter has got some of the craziest tones that I've ever heard, and some of the intros and transitions between songs are out there ... super heavy progressive jazz! And I really like when they get funky!

    Nice to hear Tala with the sitar.

    We had the right weather for the SilverTones!

    Passenger ... those guys know how to play!

    Steve & Crazy Stickbird ... gotta love Shelby and Johnny Kerr. Shelby belts it out, and Johnny oozes music ... reminds lots of us of Levon Helm. Steve Murphy has some excellent original songs!

    I enjoyed the other bands that played in the afternoon, especially as I was cooling off in the lake. It's so nice to have an on-site swimming hole with clean water, where you can swim while taking in the music.

    I wasn't there on Friday so I can't comment on and of the Friday bands, but people were definitely talking about GTB on Saturday when I showed up.

    And what a huge collection of wonderful people throughout the campground ... way too many to mention ... it's so nice to be able to travel throughout the campground and basically stop in and visit anybody, whether you know them or not. It was a very relaxing, super-friendly vibe at this festival, with lots of campfire jams and drum circles.

    Come the middle of winter I will be itching for the May 24 weekend!!!

    Peace, Mark

  17. What a great weekend! Awesome weather, sweet music, and beautiful people.

    Smokestack blew me away ... totally pro sounding, super-tight, great original songs and excellent cover song selections (2 Steely Dan songs and Cripple Creek by The Band), awesome musicianship. It's nice to hear a band that has lyrics to get the head spinning along with the body.

    Jomomma sounded fat and funky!

    Diesel Dog had lots and lots of people grooving and smiling and moving their feet.

    Mark Wilson has an awesome voice!

    The John Henry's have some great songs ... a little too country for my liking but I'm positive that lots of people will really dig this band.

    The New Shady Groove and Blue Quarter both played intense sets of music. Blue Quarter has got some of the craziest tones that I've ever heard, and some of the intros and transitions between songs are out there ... super heavy progressive jazz! And I really like when they get funky!

    Nice to hear Tala with the sitar.

    We had the right weather for the SilverTones!

    Passenger ... those guys know how to play!

    Steve & Crazy Stickbird ... gotta love Shelby and Johnny Kerr. Shelby belts it out, and Johnny oozes music ... reminds lots of us of Levon Helm. Steve Murphy has some excellent original songs!

    I enjoyed the other bands that played in the afternoon, especially as I was cooling off in the lake. It's so nice to have an on-site swimming hole with clean water, where you can swim while taking in the music.

    I wasn't there on Friday so I can't comment on and of the Friday bands, but people were definitely talking about GTB on Saturday when I showed up.

    And what a huge collection of wonderful people throughout the campground ... way too many to mention ... it's so nice to be able to travel throughout the campground and basically stop in and visit anybody, whether you know them or not. It was a very relaxing, super-friendly vibe at this festival, with lots of campfire jams and drum circles.

    Come the middle of winter I will be itching for the May 24 weekend!!!

    Peace, Mark

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