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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. This may have already been posted earlier, but here's the info for the shows from the web site:

    We are pleased and excited to announce that we will be joined by Mike Gordon (Phish) on bass for a very special New Years Run of performances from 12/28/04 to 1/1/2005. Tickets will go on sale for these shows (except for 12/30/04) on Friday, October 29, 2004.

    Tuesday, December 28th, 2004

    Theater of Living Arts

    334 South Street

    Philadelphia, PA 19142

    Doors: 7:00 pm

    Show: 8:00 pm

    On Sale: Friday, October 29th, 2004, 12:00 pm

    Box Office: 215-922-1011

    Venue Phone: 215-922-1011

    Ticket Price: $17.00 adv./$20.00 day of show www.ticketmaster.com

    ++ This is an all ages performance

    Wednesday, December 29th, 2004

    Boston, MA

    Paradise Rock Club

    969 Commonwealth Avenue

    Boston, MA 02215

    Doors: 7:00 pm

    Show: 8:00 pm

    On Sale: Friday, October 29th, 2004, 12:00 pm

    On Sale Location: Next Ticketing www.nextticketing.com/paradise

    Venue Phone: 617-562-8800

    Ticket Price: $17.50 adv./$20.00 day of show

    ++ This show is an 18+ performance

    Thursday, December 30th, 2004

    Higher Ground


    1214 Williston Rd.

    South Burlington, VT 05403

    Doors: 8:00 pm

    Show: 9:00 pm

    On Sale: Wednesday, November 10th, 2004, 11:00 am

    On Sale Location: tbd

    Venue Phone: 802-654-8888

    Ticket Price: $15.00 adv./$17.00 day of show

    ++ This show is an 18+ performance

    Friday, December 31st, 2004 (technically, Saturday January 1st, 2005)

    BB King Blues Club & Grill


    237 West 42nd Street

    New York, NY 10036

    Doors: 1:00 am

    Show: 1:30 am

    On Sale: Friday, October 29th, 2004, 12:00 pm

    Venue Phone: 212-997-4555

    Tickets by Phone: 212-307-7171

    Ticket Price: $27.50 adv./$30.00 day of show www.ticketmaster.com

    ++ This show is an all ages performance

    organ and drums web site

    Peace, Mark

  2. "What would your students think?"

    I was wondering that as I typed it. I was also wondering what my principal would think. Sometimes being a high school teacher makes me refrain from posting things that I might otherwise post. But this time I just decided to say, "What the f---."

    Having said that, sometimes in class if I really want to get my students' attention, I swear. I do this very occasionally, but believe me, it works. Hopefully meggo doesn't try this classroom management technique on the day that she is being evaluated for her permanent teaching contract. ;) ::

    Peace, Mark

  3. Sometimes I have a hard time telling who is being serious and who is joking around on this board. I know that I sometimes forget to indicate that I am joking or being sarcastic by using the smiley faces or coloured text. In this case, I am assuming that you are being serious Lex. Thanks for asking your brother for me.

    Unfortunately, people do make generalizations, and stereotyping does happen. I am never guilty of those doing those things, but certainly other people are. (Ok, that was a lame attempt at humour.) I remember the first time I went to Frontier Town, with all of it's crazy party madness in full force, and then I started to get to know some of the people that I met there and realized that there are all kinds of different people that are part of the "jam" community. Yes it's a pretty homogeneous community in some respects, but it still freaks me out how wide the spectrum of people is that visit this message board and go to shows.

    That's it for this late night ramble ... time for some sleep.

    Peace, Mark

  4. You think you're soooooo much smarter than I am because when I first met you, you knew what a schwa was I didn't. Well now I know what a schwa is ... he's an overweight, zit-faced, curly haired druggy with a bent finger that likes wooks and happy hippies who can't keep a job to pay to fix his leaky car.

    Take that, smart ass!

  5. Just to clarify ... I don't fu©kin care how bluntly or harshly other people say sh!t on this board, it just ain't my style you bunch of motherfukin internet junkies.

    fu©k off,


    (Holy fu©k, I can't believe I said fu©k that many times ... I haven't don't that since fu©kin high school when we used to insert the word fu©k in front of as many fu©kin words as possible ...)

  6. Well said gentlemonkey ... I agree with (most of) your post ... most likely the parts that I'm not sure I agree with are just language issues ... you chose "harsher" words and said things more bluntly than I would have. Thanks for "delving into it" this time ... I've taken many breaks from this forum for many reasons ... it can be a very healthy thing to do.

    Peace, Mark

  7. Here is part of the latest email from neroboy ... my apologies if this info has already been posted:

    The shows*:

    Thursday, October 28th Lost Dog Café, Ithaca NY - moe. afterparty.

    Friday, October 29th Electric Tomato, Lindsay ON

    Saturday, October 30th VENUE CHANGE The El Mocambo Toronto ON – Hallowe’en Bash with Contact and Jomomma

    Sunday, October 31st Vinyl (formerly The Trasheteria), Guelph ON – Hallowe’en Bash with Contact and Jomomma

    Friday, November 5th Café Dekcuf, Ottawa ON

    Saturday, November 6th Café Dekcuf, Ottawa ON

    Wednesday, November 10th The Cellar, Fredericton NB

    Thursday, November 11th Myron’s, Charlottetown PEI

    Friday, November 12th Oasis, Saint John NB

    Saturday, November 13th The Attic, Halifax NS

    Sunday, November 14th The Paramount, Moncton NB

    Thursday, December 9th Vinyl, Guelph ON

    Friday, December 10th The Lancaster, Kitchener ON, with Mike Filipowitsch and Jeff Heisholt from The Burt Neilson Band

    Saturday, December 11th Pepperjack’s, Hamilton ON

    Friday, December 31st tba, Ottawa ON

    *This is the complete schedule leading up to nero’s sabbatical-chasm and will be your final oppourtunities to see the band play live for quite some time, so hopefully lots of you can make it to a show or two.


    Peace, Mark

  8. People have said many things that I agree with in this thread, a few of which are:

    "Yes NumberTwo - don't quit - just give this place a break. You are wanted here."

    "Both you and Jared have a place here."

    "Hope to see you at the DD/Fatties show brother!"

    "number_2 I have not known you for long, but I will miss you if you go. As SugarMegs said, in all likelihood you and Jared would get along in real life."

    "Honestly Marc, take a little breather and come back when you're feeling happy again. I do it all the time! Everyone needs a little time away..."


    Well number 2, I hope you get the point. Hopefully you've stuck around long enough to read this thread.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Hiiiiillllllaaaaarrrrrriouuuuuuussssss!!!!!!!

    Thank you for a great belly laugh!

    LMP ... don't you have another one ... "Making Wookie" or something like that. I want one of those magnets!

    I saw Aaron in Guelph a week or so ago. Asked him why we haven't heard much from him and he said basically that he doesn't have much computer access these days ...

    Peace, Mark

  10. Hey there meggo,

    Glad to read that you are feeling healthier this week.

    In my experience, globalization issues, international trade concepts, etc. are tough ones to get across to (younger) high school students. Whenever I think I've simplified things enough, I find that I need to do so even more. To be truthful, I've never been able to present this type of material to my class in a way that grabs their interest as much as I wish it would.

    And don't worry about the train wreck ... I've had plenty of those in my teaching career ... think of it as a learning experience.

    Perhaps try to create some interest in this topic by using a really simple example.

    An example:

    You go to the store to buy a shirt. You have two choices. One is a shirt made in Canada that is priced at $20. Another is a shirt that is made in China that is priced at $10. The two shirts are basically the same. (I would also bring in 2 shirts to class that are the same if I could, or two of anything. Just make up a pretend tag for each one, one that says "Made in Canada" and one that says "Made in China". I find that props help to hold attention.)

    Sample Questions:

    Why would the shirt that is made in China have a lower price?

    Which shirt would you buy? Why?

    Can you think of any situation that would make you buy the higher-priced shirt? (e.g. suppose the reason that the Chinese shirt was cheaper was that they used child labour? What I might do is make up a horrific example of extreme working conditions to illustrate the point.)

    Suppose that your dad works for the Canadian shirt factory, and it may close down because not enough people are buying Canadian shirts ... would that influence the shirt that you bought in any way?

    Should our government do anything to stop the Canadian shirt factory from shutting down? What could they do?


    Meggo, the above is just me thinking out loud. I'll be doing some of this with a Grade 10 Business class later on this year so your question helped me to once again think about this issue and how I will present it to some 15 year-olds. Hopefully you'll come up with something for this unit, and if you do and it works really well, let me know. I hope some of the above helps in some way.

    Good luck!

    Peace, Mark

  11. Thanks for the link SugarMegs ... miss ya!

    StoneMtn, once again I think you posted while I was typing a reply. I really appreciate the time and energy that you put into this. My curiosity is also getting to me, although I think I'd better put it on hold for a little while so that I can get some class preparation done. Once again, thanks for the research and the links.

    And I totally understand your caution about you not being a criminal lawyer ... I occasionally have to make the same sort of statement to a student that asks a verify specific question about a legal situation.

    Peace, Mark

  12. I'm pretty sure that statement number 4. that I posted above is not correct, but I'm having trouble pulling the key point(s) from the case. I think the case is more about how medical marijuana is supplied, but part of it also seems to get at the system used to grant a possession excemption.

    Here is another attempt at clarifying the current situation:

    The government has made it possible for some people to obtain a medical excemption that allows them to possess marijuana for medical purposes. Currently there is a court battle about how people can obtain such a medical exemption, and there is another court battle about how a person should be able to obtain the actual marijuana once they have an excemption to possess it? Does this sound correct?

    Wow, I can't believe that our country is still spending so much time and energy and money debating the issue of marijuana possession ... it just blows my mind!

    Peace, Mark

  13. Thanks StoneMtn, I must have been writing my latest reply when you posted the recent case that you did.

    All of this legal stuff makes my head spin at times ... no wonder people are sometimes initmidated by and confused by our legal system!

    Here is a fourth statement to go along with the above 3,

    4. Because of the case decision that you posted, it is currently possible in Ontario to legally possess marijuana for a medical reason, even if the medical reason is not officially recognized by the government.

    Have I got it right?

    I wish the government would (finally) deal with this issue by changing and updating our marijuana laws to more accurately reflect current social beliefs and medical opinions.

    Peace, Mark

  14. Thanks for the posts and links and emails, and I apologize for not being clear and precise with my request.

    Perhaps an easier way to do it is to state what I think the current status is re: marijuana possession in Canada and then somebody can correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not doing a major research paper or anything, I just want to share factual information with people (mostly high school students and some adult friends of mine) that ask. So here is what I think the current status is ... please correct me if I'm wrong or add to what I've said to make it clearer.

    1. It is (still) a criminal offence in all parts of Canada to possess any amount of marijuana, unless a person has an official medical excemption that allows them to possess the marijuana for medical purposes.

    2. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Canada's current marijuana possession laws are constitutionally valid, and that the government has the right to decide whether or not the possession of marijuana is a criminal offence.

    3. There is no bill currently being debated in the House of Commons that would change Canada's laws on marijuana possession.

    Am I correct in making the above 3 statements? I have done some reading and research, but I am finding it difficult to find information that clearly verifies that the above 3 statements are true.

    Thanks for your input!

    Peace, Mark

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