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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. "Each of us does what we can...keep the faith & keep on rockin' "

    Right back at you Dr. J!

    And I just went to neroland to read one of Velvet's nero logs ... here's part of one that he wrote about nero playing at my high school at lunch a couple of years ago:

    "... so we agreed to come to his high school and play a set during their lunch hour in the music room. Caffienated and somewhat presentable, we got to school about twenty minutes late (some things never change) and got some kids to help us load in. It was a classic high school music room; carpeted with a stereo and the same old posters that hang on thousands of music rooms around the world. Quickly set up with no PA and were ready to start with the lunch bell as the cue to begin. Beep (is there a school in the western world that still uses a bell?). And they’re off! The energy and sound level of lunch time at school is akin to a small nuclear explosion, and this time the blast had a soundtrack. The room soon filled up, and the guys played a solid hour of fine music. It’s funny, most of the kids seemed to really dig it, but you had to look pretty close to see it. If there is anywhere in the world were it is crucial to be cool (I learned too late…) it’s in high school. And cool means not visibly rocking out within the confines of the school walls during daylight hours. Not even if a good band is rocking their faces off eight feet in front of you. All of the teachers that showed up were bobbing and tapping. Shows how cool they are. Mid-set Jay asked if anyone had any questions on what it was like trying to make a living as an independent touring musician, and of course there was no takers. At the end of the set a bunch of kids crowded around and stared at us while we tore down and asked Dave gear questions and stuff. Got some kids out of class to help us load and we bid “Mr. Tonin” farewell with many thanks. Really fun way to start the day."


    It was a very positive experience from my perspective, and definitely made an impression with some students ... one of them actually brought it up with me last week.

    Time to get back to some marking ... :(

    Peace, Mark

  2. Dr. J,

    As a high school teacher and a live music lover, I very much support what you are saying.

    When I was in high school, many of the school dances had bands playing. Unfortunately, I think that with live bands came some problems and issues for school administrators ... band "groupies" and older fans showing up at school dances was one of the issues for sure. Personally I don't think that this is necessarily a problem and it certainly could be managed in a positive way, but many school administrators are uncomfortable with a bunch of older people showing up at a school dance. This becomes an even bigger problem if the people are drunk or high.

    It is very disappointing and frustrating for me to see how much money gets shelled out for DJ's at school dances, but school adminstrators like DJ's for the same reason that many clubs and people in general like DJ's ... they know exactly what they are getting. It's low risk, and unfortunately it's what most young people are used to hearing.

    I have and will continue to try and expose high school students to live music, and some day may find the time and energy to make it happen even more. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in the day ...

    Peace, Mark

  3. More thoughts ... nero Guelph shows are legendary; unfortunately Thursday nights are sometimes difficult for me to get to. But hey, it's only 30 minutes from Guelph to Kitchener, and 50 minutes from Kitchener to Hamilton, so a 3 night run is a great idea for those people that can make all three.

    I'll be making a 50 minute run on the Sat. night, but it will be to Milton for a Deadhead Christmas party ;) ::. Another one of those nights that I wish I had a time machine and/or a clone of myself to take it all in.

    Peace, Mark

  4. Tungsten Gruvsten lives! :: ;) ::

    Eric Warren with a bag (or should I say a truck) full of sound & light goodies ... the thought puts a smile on my face!

    Out-of-towners, we'll firm up after-party and sleeping arrangements as the event draws closer.

    Peace, Mark

  5. Hey SugarMegs ... I think in your last email you said that you'd be back before this show date ... it would be a treat to see you there.

    Fri. Dec. 10

    upstairs at the Lanc in Kitchener


    with special opening act Mike & Jeff from the Burt Neilson Band (and a very strong possibility of some "sit ins" at this show)

    and with Eric Warren doing sound (the guy who recorded the last 2 nero cd's)


    $8 at the door


    The afterparty plans are taking shape nicely.

    To Booche and anyone else that travels to this show from Ottawa (or from a distance) ... I'm confident that we'll be able to hook you up with some crash space ... just give me or somebody from Kitchener a heads up that you'll be coming for sure and we'll make it happen.

    Peace, Mark

  6. Wow, somehow I almost missed reading this review ... thanks for the extremely kind words Keri!!! I'll be sure to point the rest of the mice to this page for some reading! :) ::

    The Neil Young photo was a beauty ... I even bought some raffle tickets for it! We didn't plan it to complement the raffle, but it worked out well that we played two Neil songs that night ... Vampire Blues and Walk On. Plus Neil's birthday was the night before which added yet another tie-in.

    The Tonin songs were Art Trip (out of the opening jam) and Love is Like Water.

    We'd love to hear the recording at some point.

    Thanks again double-k, the spring show repeat performance sounds like a great idea to me!

    Peace, Mark

  7. "i will send a special shout out to all those fabulous americans that made the trek all the way up here. karin, james, julia, steve, allison, it was sooooo nice to see y'all up here"

    This is so true ... it's always special when people travel to see a show, and crossing a border somehow makes it even more special. People who make a road trip to be at a show usually bring with them loads of energy and positive party vibrations. This was certainly the case at the Chatham schoolhouse show.

    Thanks to everyone who made the journey to be there!

    Peace, Mark

  8. I'm still smiling and glowing from the show ... what an awesome night!

    Special thanks to backbacon & co. for hosting such a fantastic party, to Diesel Dog for laying down the thick, fat songs & jams, and to the guys in Harvard Mouse for being a part of this wonderful experience.

    I left at 6 a.m. and people were still dancing and grooving to the beats being played by DJ Schwa. We had the best drive home imaginable, a glorious sunrise capped off what will go down as one of the best nights I've ever had.

    I'm very much looking forward to the next time ...



  9. For those of you planning on a trip that includes the 401:

    The 401 will be shut at Townline road (Cambridge) on Sat. night for a bridge demolition. Here are the details that I've pulled from the Record newspaper:

    one lane in each direction shut at 6 p.m. Sat.

    two lanes in each direction shut at 9 p.m. Sat.

    highway totally shut at 10 p.m. Sat.

    highway totally reopened at 9 a.m. Sunday

    Travellers beware!

    Peace, Mark

  10. Great to hear from you Vixon ... wishing you and Sweet Marie all the best on your California adventure ... I'll be thinking of you when I'm twirling and spinning on Sat. night in Chatham! ::

    You have been and will continue to be missed at shows, that's for sure, but it will make it even sweeter the next time we see each other.

    Peace, love and hugs to both of you,


  11. "There's one thing I've learned in life, and that's try and make everything a positive. It's not always easy, but you only have one life to live - make it the best."

    You've learned this well from what I can tell! I've only met you a few times Lisa, but wow, you radiate positive energy!

    And as for you and Jordan, I remember seeing the two of you talking at the moe. Ottawa show last year and thinking that you'd make a great couple. One of those gut instinct things, and obviously one that was right in this case.

    Gotta run, my ride just arrived, heading to the Burt show, hope to see you soon (Lisa, and Jordan, and Tasha, and Pete!)

    Peace, Mark

  12. Not sure what advice I'd give ... it's been a while since I've been on a date with somebody that doesn't already think that I'm the hottest and smartest guy on earth. :: :D;) But I do suggest that you bookmark this thread. If it turns into more than one date (i.e. a relationship) you can read this thread together and have a big laugh doing so. ::

    Peace, Mark

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