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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Now confirmed for Canada Day weekend:

    The Zen Tricksters

    Fat Cats

    The Wassabi Collective

    Stephen Franke & Noises from the Toolshed

    Mr. Something Something





    The Riderless

    Grassy Knoll & The Magic Bullit

    Mark Wilson & The Way It Is


    plus more bands to be announced and a second stage filled with incredible acoustic talent

    Note a big change regarding the dates … the festival will now have bands on Thur. July 1, Fri. July 2 and Sat. July 3, but not on Sun. July 4 … most people don’t have the Monday off as a holiday … watch for the festival schedule to be posted soon.

    Tickets should be at the ticket locations next week.

    Grand Theft Bus has been confirmed for the Labour Day weekend festival.

    Peace, Mark

  2. Esau ... I agree with you my friend ... I wouldn't trade where I am in life right now with any other time in my life ... I'm in a good place, a really good place. It's ironic because when I was a teenager I thought 30 was old and that I'd be dead by 40. So glad that I was wrong. Yes, I'd trade in my 40-year-old body for my 18-year-old one, but my mind and spirit and inner self are so much healthier now, it more than makes up for the body.

    Peace, Mark

  3. Booche,

    I know you were speaking to kung, but I decided to butt in and interrupt the conversation! ;) ::

    I'll send you the discs whether or not you end up going to the Come Together Fest. My preference would obviously be to see you there, and given what I know of your musical tastes you are one of the people that I think would really dig this band. The quality of the discs is good (not the best live recordings I've heard but they definitely capture the band live), but it's the style of music that I think will turn your crank ... somewhere in that area of music that includes the Dead, Fat Cats, and Gov't Mule, at least that's what I think when I hear this band.

    So if you want a copy of the discs send me your snail mail addy. No big deal if you don't.

    Peace, Mark

  4. I've got some discs to give away. I'd like to give them away to people that are going to the Come Together Canada Day Fest. If you want one, and you are going to the Come Together Fest at Izzy's for the Canada Day weekend, send me a private message with your snail mail address and I'll send you one. Offer good for the first 3 people that send me a message. I'll also be bringing a few to Chatham on Friday.

    Peace, Mark

  5. I wish I could be in more than one place than once so that I could make this show! It will be a good one I am sure.

    All four guys were stars, but that keyboard player is a superstar.

    I saw Smokestack twice the last time they played in Ontario, and I do remember the keyboard player as being a standout. I don't know what makes a musician a star, or a superstar, but this guy can play. And the rest of the band was really good as well.

    I'd also really like to see Electric Meat as I've only seen them once a while ago in the afternoon at a Come Together Fest and I thought they were really good.

    Peace, Mark

  6. Thanks for the kind words everybody ... it warms my heart!

    The actual date of my birthday is July 13th, but I thought a Friday night party sounded more appealing than a Tuesday night one. Plus my son Nyell was also born on July 13th, so that day will be a family-oriented day. He turns 7 ... wow ... it's through him and my daughter that the reality of getting older sets in. But I'll keep on dancing for as long as my body lets me, and hopefully with some care and lots of good luck I'll be able to dance at some more "milestone" birthdays. I love dancing ... when I do it I find I can often get into a meditative state of bliss where my mind and body and spirit make connections on so many levels. I used to run cross-country when I was younger and I'd get to a similar state when doing so, but I find with dancing it is even more intense and delightful ... I think because dancing is the connection of art and sport. I also think that some of the joy of dancing comes from the fact I'm a lucky man to be able to dance ... my Mom has muscular dystrophy and has been in a wheel chair because of it for much of her adult life ... she is a remarkably positive woman, even with her disability, and she inspires me to make the most of something that is very easy to take for granted ... good physical health.

    Looking forward to celebrating with those of you that can make it on July 9th. Heck, I'm sure I'll be celebrating with many of you well before then ... at Blair & Mud's stag and doe on Friday, at the Little Feat show, the Kimock show, the Adirondack Music Fest, the Come Together Fest ... I still get blown away at how fortunate I am to be a part of this community!

    Peace, Mark

  7. Mark Tonin's 40th Birthday Celebration

    Friday July 9th

    starting at 10:00 p.m.

    upstairs at the Lanc

    574 Lancaster St. West, Kitchener

    with live music from Harvard Mouse and Diesel Dog

    bring your smiles and dance moves

    no admission charge

    I hope to see a bunch of your smiling faces and dancing bodies at the party!

    Peace, Mark

  8. Happy Birthday Sean! It's been a long time ... I think the last time I saw you was at Evolve a couple of years ago when I punched you in the face and gave you a black eye!!! ;) ::

    All the best to you and hopefully we'll connect again in person at some point in the near future.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Happy birthday Becky! It's been a treat getting to know you and partying with you over the last year. When I'm out at a show or party it's always a treat to see you there with your smiling face & pure positive energy ... and I always like a woman that loves to dance!::!

    See you on Friday ...

    Peace, Mark

  10. Not sure if anyone has posted about this year's concert series that is held annually in downtown Buffalo ... free outdoor concerts ... in particular here are 2 evenings from this year that I'm sure people would be interested in:

    Thur. June 24 Robert Randolph & the Family Band

    Thur. Aug. 5 John Brown's Body; Sound Tribe Sector 9

    For more info and the complete schedule go to:

    link to Buffalo Thursday at the Square

    Wi!!y, if you read this post, think about the possibility of Thur. June 24 being the kickoff to our Adirondack Music Fest weekend. Not sure if I can swing it as the downtown Buffalo concerts are done early (i.e. by 9 p.m.), but it's worth considering. Ah yes, summer concerts and festivals! :: :) ::

    Peace, Mark

  11. kc ... I'm sure that anybody that is familiar with Shane's typing/spelling skills will think that's a hilarious subject line!! :) ::

    Stapes ... is Shane actually in that picture? Or is it a pic you found from somewhere else? If Shane is in the pic we should turn it into a "guess which kid is Shane" contest!

    Shane ... long time no see! Have a great birthday!

    Peace, Mark

  12. Blair (Babs) and Mud have to rate as one of my favourite couples of all time. Two awesome individuals who have a fantastic relationship together. Two people that care about things that matter; two people that know how to let loose and have a blast. Looks like I've just talked myself into a trip to Chatham!! :: ::

    Peace, Mark

  13. Glad you had such a great time at Hookahville, although if you didn't have a great time I'd have to question my understanding of the world! :: ;) ::

    It looks like my date is heading to Chatham on Friday ... I guess I better give him a call and make sure he's still going with me! ::

    Peace, Mark

  14. Cheers to you Greg ... wishing you all the best!

    I'd like to make it out to Guelph tonight to celebrate with you and the many other wonderful people that I'm sure are going to be there, but man oh man I've got a terrible head cold that is driving me a bit crazy ... not sure if I'll be in any shape to make it out tonight but I'll be sending you positive birthday vibes.

    Looking forward to seeing you at some point soon ...

    Peace, Mark

  15. I'm definitely up for another

    Dixie Chicken >

    ????? >

    Dixie Chicken >

    ????? >

    Dixie Chicken

    and tease the heck out of me and jam it out during the ?????'s!!!

    I agree with pretty much everything that's been mentioned, especially MuleMomma's suggestion for On Your Way Down ... that song makes me shiver.

    Little Feat has so many wicked songs, I'm sure that we're in for a treat!

    Peace, Mark

  16. Bouche said

    I quit to take a job at Woolco and effectively double my wages to $6.50/hour.

    That's exactly what happened to me ... not sure exactly about the pay difference, but after 3 weeks at McDonalds I got a job at Woolco and quit my job at McD's.

    I also have a fun McDonalds song that I like to play sometimes ... the first verse goes as follows:

    When I was 16 years old

    I worked at McDonalds

    I was a hamburger flipping machine

    Who produced obscene cuisine

    My friends all worked there to

    Indigestion for me and you

    We served millions, that's what the sign said

    And it's a miracle they aren't all dead

    Peace, Mark

  17. TURVEY/BERKLEY/BASTIAN/LAFOUCADE ... looking forward to hearing this!

    Wow, I'm getting pretty excited about the Canada Day Weekend Come Together Fest, especially given the bands that have been booked so far! Here is a summary so far (not necessarily listed in playing order):

    Fri. July 2

    Mr. Something Something

    Stephen Franke & Noises from the Toolshed


    Sat. July 3

    The Wassabi Collective

    The Zen Tricksters

    Sun. July 4

    Fat Cats

    Lots more to follow, but it's looking pretty sweet already!

    Peace, Mark

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