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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Call me old-fashion, but I love Jacques Plante's mask best followed by the cleverest and most macabre mask ever made:
  2. Maybe. I'll be around in the afternoon on the Danforth.
  3. He's terrible. It's killing me.
  4. Indeed it is Bradley. Kicking Yankee ass would be sweet and do-able too after the series with the Sox.
  5. Halladay vs Wakefield in Boston tonight.
  6. Indeed. The Stripes hired a documentary crew to film their Canadian tour for a future DVD release.
  7. Great set-lists for Moncton and Charlottetown.
  8. Yes, exactly. The organizers were short-sighted and apparently deaf as well. However, you'd think the Canadian bands in particuar would show a shred of tact and tone-down swearing, or at least have the organizers warn attendees ahead of time in the event of questionable language. No matter. I'd like to slug Chad Kroeger in the fucking head with Jeff Martin's sitar.
  9. I've heard solos on a few of their hits, but they are more of the "melodic solo" variety. Let's just say Chad's a shredder compared to Jeff Martin from The Tea Party.
  10. I think it's about time I got rid of a shirt I bought at one of their concerts. It's green and an extra large.
  11. Nickelback apparently didn't think Canada Day in Charlottetown would be a family affair. The story.
  12. Jaimoe

    Ed Mirvish Dies

    His son David is more business-minded, but he is also the most important theatre producer in Canada outside of Stratford. I'm not sure what he'll do with the store and the Christmas turkey tradition, but I think it'll keep on going for a number of years.
  13. Jaimoe

    Ed Mirvish Dies

    Sad news. His dedication to Toronto's poor and the arts for that matter are irreplacable. I hope his iconic store doesn't get bulldozed over - rumoured to be true in the inevitability of Ed's death. Great man. Great Canadian.
  14. Jaimoe

    Buddy Guy

    Does he do stuff off of his best album, "Sweet Tea", or is he sticking to his 60's material and the cheesy hits from his latter career?
  15. One of my favourite novels ever. I love how his writing structure lacks formal "structure" when describing Bolden - literary improv. This novel is a must read for any jazz/music/Can-lit fans.
  16. But KevO, you'll have to pick your jaw off the floor after you check out this rare video clip of Danny "The Humbler " Gatton dueling with Buddy:
  17. I liked that too. It flies in stark contrast to their elaborate set-up on their last tour - although that set-up made sense considering Get Behind Me Satan is an experimental and softer sounding album.
  18. Then you will dig this kicking live video of Jack's "other" band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrG0CVoG_ww
  19. I'm not thrilled that Dale Mitchell is moving on to coach the men's national team.
  20. It's all mental with Towers. He'll never be anything better than a #4 or #5, but if he ever gets his head together, he could get a more permanent spot in the starting rotation. However, his mental state since '05 is always in a state of flux.
  21. Really cool. I love that song. I'm envious Chewie!
  22. Imagine if Al Jardine accepted on behalf of The Beatles.
  23. The Beatles win an award and look who accepts it for them. Funny stuff indeed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLAItPi3ef0&mode=related&search=
  24. I think you must have heard their version of Son House's "Death Letter". I fucking love "The Big 3 Killed My Baby".
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