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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. And Robert's crotch wasn't enticing enough for you Hal in The Song Remains The Same? Plus, the DVD set I mentioned earlier has three songs from the Madison Square Garden concert from 73 that will be included in the expanded TSRTS film.
  2. I'm not sure about good recipes, but this 'infomercial' has got me salivating: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_CCLk8B43s
  3. Although it's killed a lot of rich people in the past. Once something starts messing with your heart, your length of time on earth is pretty much sealed.
  4. I love ya Paisley and agree with a lot of your post, but to say heroin "doesn't damage the body or mind" is foolish. I did a quick medical search and found this (which doesn't even mention fatal overdosing) Chronic users may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, and liver disease. Additionally, pulmonary complications, including various types of pneumonia, may also result in the user.
  5. I see slide great Sonny Landreth was there. He's one of the headliners at this August's Limestone Blues Festival in Kingston.
  6. I love Tom. Sad news indeed. And it'll always be impossible for me to watch or even think of Tom without remembering Dan Aykroyd's bang-on Tom Snyder impression in the series of great skits in SNL's golden years of the mid to late 70's.
  7. He lived a great and productive life. R.I.P. Ingmar Bergman http://www.canada.com/topics/news/world/story.html?id=bcbec7c4-986c-4c47-b50f-c20fb9a09f66&k=20277
  8. I find a lot of this thread unfounded. I don't think that this is a stetch, but people in general and even frineds of mine find it hard to find a date when you get a little older. It's not a 'Toronto' thing per say. If I were single, I know I'd be scared about the process of dating or even finding 'potential' dates no matter the city I lived in. I find Toronto very friendly (I've been here since 1991) and you can always find interesting people and potential dates if you do some homework. Also, it's amazing what attention wearing a wedding ring brings.
  9. What's wrong with all those other deluxe remastering reissues? I'm not double-dipping on these sets, especially with the expanded snooze-fest that is The Song Remains The Same. The essential Zeppelin DVD is the concert package from a number of years ago, which has the most explosive DTS soundtrack this side of The Lord Of The Rings films:
  10. Little Feat lost me when Craig Fuller left the band. I can't deal with a woman singing some of the tunes either. Fuller could pull-off the early stuff with ease and he was instrumental with Little Feat's 80's comeback.
  11. I'm sure Feist would put on an excellent show. The reviews from her recent Massey Hall gig were positive. Patti Smith is incapable of being anything but magnetic in concert, whether she's your cup of tea or not.
  12. Walter Payton was one of the best blocking/hitting running backs ever. Can you make a similar comparison with Joe Sakic?
  13. I'm a little shocked that I found the trailer funny and I now have a mild interest in watching the film when it comes out on DVD. I think the series jumped the same shark The Fonz skied over, but this movie has me intrigued.
  14. Actually, many times when finesse players get hit with any kind of aggression in the NHL it starts a melee because said player is unwilling or incapable of looking after themselves. I don't think even a wide-receiver would cower behind a lineman in a scrum. In fact, I know they don't.
  15. I'm pleased with this to say the least.
  16. How many regular season games in the NHL last year did you watch that you'd consider "hard hitting"? I watched around 50-60 regular season games and maybe 20% were hard-hitting. Some games barely had ANY hits. Not every NHL team plays like Anaheim, Calgary or finish checks like the Sens or Habs on most nights, bless their violent souls. You can't play NFL football with fewer subs because there'd be no league. The average career-span of NFL players is 3 years, mostly due to injury or just being plain worn-out from the constant hitting, including practice... and I know the NHL doesn't hit in practice.
  17. NHL was comparable with NFL in the toughness category back even to the late 90's, but those days are gone. Every NFL player (even field-goal kickers) and rugby players for that matter, are trained to make and take hits. Every other position player except quarterbacks for the most part (who are insanely tough in their own right) make hits on every play. You have to be tough to be in the NFL. There are no finesse players playing for the Raiders. Even prima donna receivers are tough. The NHL has many types of players from various backgrounds that grew up playing a certain inherited style. Of course there are exceptions to every stereotype, but half the Leafs are pussies that would get laughed at an NFL training camp.
  18. That's like letting Davey Boy into an all-you-can-eat buffet.
  19. And getting back to this' date=' I wouldnt be surprised if the smartest positional players in the 4 major sports come from the NFL. Offensive lineman and QB's are typically bright. Speaking of which, the Indy Colts will draft an O-lineman who may not have the physical tools as the top players on the board but will be highly intelligent because they have to think really facking quick thanks to Peyton constantly changing things at the line of scrimmage. Its not the grunt work that many people automatically assume it is.[/quote'] And to add to that, the NFL has some of the smartest players of the four and have to a man, are the toughest group by a country mile.
  20. The thing is, I still have a few friends that are huge Harper fans and they find any complaints leveled at Harper's musical choices of the last 5 years unfounded. His last few albums aren't exciting and did not usher any career breakthroughs, and I remember being disappointed at his massively successful Amphitheatre show in Toronto back in 2003. I had floors at that show and from my close viewpoint I could sense that he believed he could do no wrong, but he indeed did wrong that night. He allowed his backing band, in particular guitarist Nicky P., far too much time up front. You don't go to a B.B. King concert to hear him play rhythmn, but you got exactly that with Ben for at least half the set. Who wants to hear him twiddle away on simple chords on a Telecaster instead of jam like a motherfucker on his trademark Weissenbourn lap guitar? I hope his upcoming album and tour sees him go back to the basics of his early work, but I'm not holding my breath.
  21. Get a room fun boys... wait, you're already sharing one.
  22. Their new album got a good review on Pitchfork. Here is the link: http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/44241-noble-creatures
  23. Whatever J.P. decides this year with his team will seal his fate.
  24. "Peaches en Regalia" was part of the live repertoire of the MOI line-up that included Flo and Eddie; see' date=' for example, Fillmore East: June 1971. Aloha, Brad I know BradM. He should have added what you wrote.
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