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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. Momentary Lapse of Reason World Tour

    Pink Floyd with Richard Wright, Jon Carin, Scott Page, Guy Pratt, Tim Renwick, Gary Wallis, Rachel Fury and Margaret Taylor. Setlist: Pretty the same as in Delicate Sound of Thunder

    Sept. 9 1987- Landsdown Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    I was 11

    Key difference that they opened with Echoes, not Shine On You Crazy Diamond.


  2. Mine would probably be Tulipalooza in Ottawa 1992 or 1993. Line-up was Blinker The Star, Punchbuggy, Furnace Face, and a fourth band that's on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember... Punchbuggy kicked ass. I still have one of their tapes that I bought at the show.

    The other band was Illegal Jazz Poets.

    My first show ... Yes at the Ex Grandstand, 1984, the summer between public school and high school.

  3. If you read my above post you would see that my intention was not to knock the Bluesfest, just describe the same harsh reality that you did, there aren't many Blues greats left.

    If I lived up in the Ottawa region like I did when I attended Carleton I would still be attending the festival annually, but since I'm down near the GTA again I can see most of the acts during the Toronto Bluesfest.

    Sorry, Timmy, my rant was not directed at you ... I'm just frustrated at others who can't seem to be bothered to look past the headliners and just complain about there supposedly being no blues at blues fest. One of my hair trigger reflexes, but as I said it wasn't directed at you, or anyone on the board really.


  4. The organizers are fully aware that this isn't a Blues Festival. It was branded many years ago with a GENRE, but there are only so many big blues acts and it wouldn't keep growing that way.

    It's quite simply a music festival branded as Bluesfest.

    There is always plenty of great Blues at the Bluesfest, it's just that there aren't enough living Blues masters left who are capable of headlining at a big festival like this in Ottawa ... it's pretty much Buddy Guy and BB King, and both of those guys have played in the past 5 or so years. The harsh fact of it is that it takes the Sheryl Crows , the Lauryn Hills and even the Stings to bring in the big crowds and the big money to pay for bringing in the Lousiana Reds, the Pinetop Perkinses and the Gatemouth Browns. Since people keep whining that "it isn't really a blues festival because artist X is playing, evidently it is too much effort for some folks to take their eyes off the main stage headliners and see that there is plenty of great music and plenty of great blues to be seen throughout the festival. I've been to the last 3 Blues Festivals and hopefully will be at the upcoming one, and I can tell you from hard experience that anyone who goes to the Blues festival and can't find a whole lot of awesome blues just isn't trying hard enough ... or at all.

    Rant over.


  5. Did you know that Pei Mei was played by the same guy who played my favorite character in Kill Bill 1, Johnny Mo (the general of Oren's army, the Crazy 88)? The actor's name is Gordon Liu, and he is a veteran of a number of Shaw Brothers martial arts flick, usually playing a fighting monk. I've been dedicating much of my time for the past week to memorizing Part 1. I'm going to be seeing Part 2 in about a week (when Fiona is off in St. Catherines visiting her kids). We should have a Part 1 watching party in Ottawa.



  6. Is there a Timmys or Works within shooting distance of around these here parts? I stuck to chains in my answer, but outside of chains my preferred is Lebanese, specifically shish tahouk on a pita with the works.

    Incidentally, a number of people have mentioned eating fast food on road trips in america. It is my observations from experience that a) from this Canadians perspective, American fast food is much much worse than Canadian and 2) Americans like it that way. Some years ago I was at a Goth convention in Toronto, and was chatting with some visiting Americans who were loudly complaining about how bland the food in Canada was. This surprised me, as I can find hundreds of different kinds of food in Toronto without really trying hard (and I don't even live there). Upon further enquiry, it turned out what they meant was there wasn't enough grease. Yick.


  7. It's Brazier for me. Love that stuff.

    You mean DQ Brazier? Man, they have the most meaty burgers I've ever encountered in a chain. Wendys and even BK are pretty good that way too ... makes me wonder how McDonalds, home of the drinks coaster on a bun, became #1 .


  8. BTW, has anybody here heard of the recent documentary Supersize Me? Basically a guy used himself as a guinea pig in an experiment ... for 30 days he had to eat exclusively 3 meals a day from McDonalds, nothing else ... in the 30 day span he had to order everything on the menu at least once, and if they asked him if he wanted to supersize it he had to say yes. You will all be surprised to hear that he gained conspicuous weight, his health took a hit, his energy level and sex drive were totalled, and he is *still* trying to shed the pounds he gained during that period. They calculated he was ingesting half a pound of fat and a pound of sugar every day. The movie also went into how their marketing campaign worked to get kids hooked on McDonalds at a young age (Ronald McDonald, Happy Meals, McDonalds served in schools, etc.)


  9. Frankly (no pun intended), I always found it quaint how it's always refered to as "Frank Zappa encouraged Lowell to go solo/form Little Feat after hearing the songs Willin' ". From my understanding, Lowell played the song to Frank (complete with the "Weed, whites and wine" lyric which couldn't have sat well with notoriously anti-chemical Uncle Frank), and Zappa's repsonse was basically, "If this is the sort of stuff you are interested in doing, I think you'd be better off in another band." Not, strictly speaking, encouragement ;)


  10. This is a weird one, but it has been going through my mind recently ... does anybody here have any favorite guitarists who were underrated because they were the second guitarist to one or even two guitarists who got all the glory? These days there is a bit more acceptance of twin leads (Warren and Jimmy in the dead, Warren and Derek in the Allman ... which dates back to the original lineup with Duane and Dickey), but a lot of times all of the attention goes to one lead guitarist, while another gifted musician goes languishing in their shadow. Note : I don't think Bobby "Ace" Weir qualifies ... he will never be in anyone's shadow as long as there is Hux to carry the torch :) Here are some of my favorites :

    Sterling Morrison (to Lou Reed in Velvet Underground)

    Simon Nicol (to Richard Thompson in Fairport Convention)

    Richard Lloyd (to Tom Verlaine in Television)

    Ivan Julian (to Robert Quine in the Voidoids)

    Danny Kirwan (to Peter Green and Jeremy Spencer in Fleetwood Mac)

    Allan Collins (to Gary Rossington and Steve Gaines in Lynyrd Skynyrd)

    Any other suggestions ?


  11. "i don't think it would be hard to put a festival togeter, if you knew the bands and had a place"

    Ignoance is bliss, ain't it?

    That's the first two steps, and they are both pretty tricky (keep in mind, knowing bands doesn't mean their schedule will fit your festival), and the next 29 steps are no picnic either I'll bet.

    Tell you what, somebody find me the land and I'll give 'er a shot. Not Frontier Town and not Killaloe. Suggestions?

    Cheryl Bradley's land out in Richmond ... the same place the Ottawa Pagan Pride Day picnic last year. She has lots of land, a stage, is willing to let people camp on her property, and she wants to have a music event there (she and I have discussed it and she is all for it). I have had vague plans with her to have some sort of small probably free music festival there this year, but haven't been able to get much together just because at first it was way too early and haven't been able to get going recently ... but now that you have volunteered to put this together ;) Seriously, I don't know what people think they can get together here (all I was ever thinking of was a more souped up version of the Jams Back At The House, except out in the country where we had space to camp and nobody to call the cops). Let me know if you are really interested in this.


  12. Where is CTMF this year? IMSMR, there was problems with the old venue late in the year. What are the dates for the various CTMF festivals? Fiona and I are going to take a miss on WicCan Fest this year, so we are contemplating taking in one of the CTMFs this year. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    What? no fest? are you mad? Is it the camping in the 6 days of constant downpour? I was looking forward to your contribution to bardic. I'm still goin'. And I'm draggin' Dancin' Man with me. ;)

    Expense, the travel and the fact that the weather has been lousy 2 years in a row ... plus we have *3* Eastern Ontario fests this year that we are going to, we got more than a little Fested out last year ... sorry, I was hoping to meet you, but trust me, you didn't miss anything from me being in the bardic.


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