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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. I just want to make a big public thank you to all of the bands and musicians who played ... sorry I couldn't provide more of an audience, but you all played beautifully. It was my first time seeing Real Gone Daddies , you were really amazing, sorry about the schedule delays but all is well that ends well. B&Z were brilliant as ever and it was a wonderful set from The Music Never Stopped. Musicface, tell Patrick I thought he played beautifully and I hope he got his guitar fixed in time for his gig the next evening, I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for the next time he plays. Iron man award of the day goes to Graham Fairlea of Mandrake Root and No Buds For Bob who played back to back sets with his bands, both of whom played wonderfully and really entertained the crowd ... mad phat props to Terry Calder as well who also played twice that day with Real Gone Daddies and TMNS, as well as graciously letting Uncle Seth use his drum kit. Iron team award goes to the great folks from Uncle Seth, who came from a gig the previous evening in Windsor, stayed for almost the entire day and then had a gig the next day in Hamilton. I really appreciate the effort you guys put in, it was awesome hanging with all of you and you played wonderfully ... The Cloud Song was, as I said, the official Ottawa Free Music Fest theme song. Fun young band I saw for the first time was Big Smile (the band mistakenly listed as Jordan) ... cool originals, alternative rock covers from the Tragically Hip and Stone Temple Pilots as well as blues classics like Hoochie Coochie Man and Sweet Home Chicago, played with talent and gusto ... their lead singer kindly offered to play any other events that I might put together, which was sweet of him even though I don't think I will ever do this again. Thanks to everyone who came out, it was a blast.


  2. I dare anyone to come up with the lyrics to the end theme for WKRP In Cincinnati by Detective (AKA The Scum Of The Earth) ... not the more familiar opening theme, but the totally incomprehensible theme that played over the end credits.


    Actually, the end credits were jibberish, and done that way intentionally. They weren't done by Scum either - Michael Des Barres on vocals.

    Here's what I found:

    " The closing theme also has music by Tom Wells. The nonsense lyrics were probably mostly improvised by the singer. According to Steve Marshall at the Museum of Television and Radio's WKRP seminar (March 4, 1994), the singer of the closing theme was named Jimmy Ellis."

    Really? I could swear I read that it was by Detective. Ah well, guess you can't always believe what you read ...


  3. I always loved the Simpsons parody of the All In The Family theme song ...

    Boy, the way the Bee Gees played

    Movies John Travolta made

    Guessing how much Elvis weighed

    Those were the days

    And you knew where you were then

    Watching shows like Gentle Ben

    Mister, we could use a man like Sherrif Lobo again

    Disco Duck and Fleetwood Mac

    Playing out of our eight-track

    Michael Jackson still was black

    Those were the days!

  4. Keith Moon may have been the inspiration, but the most Animal drummer I've ever seen is former Elvis Presley/Emmylou Harris/Jerry Garcia Band drummer Ron Tutt. Check out the Elvis On Tour video/movie, he is Animal incarnate.


  5. The 70s had some classics, my favorites (I think they were both done by Quincy Jones) were Sanford & Son and Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids. I don't know if anyone remembers the short lived Saturday morning cartoon from the late 90s Space Goofs, but it had a totally rockin' theme song by Iggy Pop. My recent favorite is Schooly D's theme song to Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Great instrumental ones include Homicide, Oz and The Tick.


    Nahhh, nahhh, nahhh, gonna have a good time!

  6. My favorite moronic term for breasts comes from an episode of Queer Eye For The Straight guy, where the straight guy in question said that his model girlfriend's new dress really emphasized her "boobages". The fab five said as one, "boobages?"



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