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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. As an aside, Arthur C. Clark is upset that Moore never asked him permission to use the title Farenheit 9/11. Moore has tried to appologize but Clark won't accept it. I agree with Clark. Moore should have asked him permission.

    Uh, no. The book "Fahrenheit 451" was written by Ray Bradbury, not Arthur C. Clarke.



    Besides, it's hard to imagine Arthur C. Clarke getting upset at much of anything these days, what with him being dead and all.


    smart ass

  2. Frankly, for me the musical universe is so big I often go through periods where I don't listen to certian artists or groups of artists as much as others ... I've sometimes gone months at a time without listening to the Dead or Phish, because I've been listening to a lot of Miles Davis, Emmylou Harris or Led Zeppelin or whatever. Eventually I know I will come back around to them, it's all just phases of the moon.


  3. Folks,

    My old comedy group is being taken out of the mothballs and we have a couple of performances in the next week, presenting our fabulous radio style comedy shows at the Fringe Festival. First, we will be playing a Midnight Madness performance this Sunday at Midnight (where Sunday turns to Monday). Then we will have our big show on Tuesday, June 22nd, at 9:30. Both performances will be at Club Fringe (or the Fringe Club, whatevah), on the corner of Daly and Waller. Hope to see some of you folks out there.


    PS oh yeah, admission is free, but we will be passing the hat, so bring lots of loose change to throw at us

  4. are you guys serious??? Avril Lavieenelege, Our Lady Pukes, Lisa Lobe?!?!?!

    You missed the key part ... Lisa Loeb & *Emmylou Harris*. If you are seeking to diss the divine miss Emmy, I'll have to ask you to step outside and settle thing man to man like.


  5. Let's see, last 5 songs I downloaded ...

    Spirit - I Got A Line On You

    The Bangles - If She Knew What She Wants

    Hunters & Collectors - True Tears Of Joy

    Hedwig & The Angry Inch - Wicked Little Town

    Lisa Loeb & Emmylou Harris - Falling In Love

    All great songs ...


  6. $42 for Sarah, I wish. Try $80!

    I know, I just meant that she got so popular that the price of her concert tickets was way more than it was worth it for me to see her ... among other reasons.


  7. Yeah, I don't think it is a problem of quality, it is of demand ... I've only seen him on TV, but looks like a very enjoyable show, but he just seems to have gotten to the stage of popularity where he is playing a lot of $42 venues, and it just isn't worth it to me ... also among the reasons I don't go to see Sarah McLachlan.


  8. Hey R'n B, looks great! One thing, Norm and I have to go on after dark because of the artwork.


    I was actually thinking of having you guys be one of the last bands to go on (that is , as a band, not counting late night jamming) ... although I don't have a particular time in mind. Is that cool with you?


  9. Gang,

    I want to thank everyone for their enthusiasm and support for this event so far ... it really has been overwhelming how much people have been interested. I kind of hate to say this, but I think I am about to close the books on adding new bands for the event, at least for the time being. We've got a lot of people interested and I want to give everybody a fair opportunity to play a set without as I say giving them the highly coveted 3-4 AM spot :) While we do have free reign to play all day, all night and into the next day, I am trying to fit the formal sets for bands into the Saturday day/evening time, starting at somewhere between noon and one, and that only leaves us so many hours (If anyone is *actively seeking* the 3-4AM slot, hey, let me know, I will try to accomodate you :) ) If you are somebody who wants to play a short acoustic set as an individual or duo, there is still room. If you just want to come and bring your instrument and jam it free form, come on down! If you are in a band and want to play a set and are *not* on the list below, please contact me at rainmakerrtv@rogers.com and I will put you on the list, but try to do so by the end of the weekend. If you have spoken to or messaged me about playing and are still not on the list, please remind me because I have probably spaced on it ... we do want you to play, I am just not ready to swear that I haven't made any mistakes with the list :). As the weeks go on I am sure some folks are going to end up being taken off the list because it will turn out they can't make it (hey, it happens), and I can probably fit new acts on if they are interested. Here is the list of people I have spoken with so far :


    An as yet unnamed band that are friends of Cheryl's

    Butterflies & Zebras

    No Buds For Bob

    Real Gone Daddies

    Uncle Seth

    Jim Bryson


    The Music Never Stopped

    Colleen Schingh with Steve D'Annunzio and Andy Daly

    Pootie Tang

    The Naked I


    While we are at it ...

    The keyboard player from Sanzwill (sorry, I don't know your name) e-mailed me about being interested in coming up and playing ... unfortunately, for some reason it gives me an error when I try to reply so I am answering here. We would love to have you guys play if you are interested in making the trek out ... let me know what questions you have.

    Once again for everyone , here are the details :

    When : Saturday, July 24th to Sunday the 25th,

    hopefully starting between noon and 1 and then goingpretty much all day and all night and into the next day

    Where : 3187 Eagleson Road, Richmond ... just go south on the Eagleson exit

    from the Queensway (Hwy 417) and keep on going until you go past richmond, it is on

    the left

    What : a free music fest/jamboree/what have you, working on a budget that is as I say somewhere between "Pass the hat" and "Oh sweet nothin'". All participation is strictly voluntary ... we have a stage, we have portapotties, we are working on a PA system and drum kit, there is lots of

    room for parking and for camping, in fact camping is encouraged. The Pagan Picnic was held there last year, the folks who played there can testify to what a cool site and a great vibe it is (bradm, Hux, Pootie Tang, B&Z). Vending is encouraged, if you want to set up a tent or table and sell crafts, clothes, what have you. We are still working out the details as I haven't done anything like this before. What I am basically looking to do is a huge party for the Ottawa music scene (and anyone else who wants to come out :) ) , basically a widescreen version of the old 40 Main Jams Back At The House, except with more room, camping, and no neighbours to complain or call the cops :)

    Here is a recommended list of things to bring/do for everyone who comes out, whether it is to play a set, jam, or just hang out and enjoy :

    Bring water, food and other beverages

    Bring sunblock, sunglasses, hats for the sun and bug spray

    Bring a long sleeved shirt for the evening ... it can be way hot in the day time and very cool at night

    Bring something to sit on

    If you are going to camp, bring a tent and sleeping bag ... sounds obvious, I know

    If you are in a band playing a set, I reccommend bringing your own road crew if you think you are going to need one, even if it is only one guy

    If you want to jam with other folks, bring a song list if you have one ... it will be a big help if folks want to network with other musicians and jam on songs you all know

    It might not prove neccessary, but please bring your own mics if you have them, just in case

    We are hoping to have vending, possibly even raffles and silent auctions, so you will want to bring some cash

    We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Ottawa Food Bank ... while not mandatory, all donations are very much appreciated

    Smile, Damn It! ::


    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, although the answer may be "We don't know yet". If you can think of any way to run this better or have any suggestions at all, please feel free to make them because, as I say ... I have no idea what I am doing. It's going to be kind of sloppy, it's going to be kind of disorganized, it's going to be fun fun fun!!!! ::



  10. Yet another update ....

    I've spoken with Big Dave, our sound guy for the event, and he's going to be there to set stuff up between noon and 1. I suggest folks start showing up (if they can) at the same time ... get unloaded, settled in, mingle :) He's going to be providing the PA, some mics and the communal drum kit, he has just asked that folks provide their own guitars and amps (which I figure people were going to do anyhow :) ) I'd also ask folks to provide their own mics as well ... also if some kind soul might be able to provide an emergency backup drum kit, just in case of problems, please let me know if you can help me out.

    If anyone has a preferred time slot, also please let me know ... some folks might want to have their formal set earlier in the day so they can relax and dedicate their time for drinking :) Some might have to work and not be able to make it until the late afternoon or until the evening. Please notify me if you have any time requirements, because I am trying to juggle a bunch of acts here. I know we can play all day, all night and into the next day, but I'm not sure if anyone wants to wait until the coveted 3-4 AM slot for their band to go on the first time ;)

    If anyone has any questions, contact me at rainmakerrtv@rogers.com . If you want to offer suggestions or help, also contact me, because I am in waaaaaaaaayyyy over my head ...


  11. Re : Final Cut ... some tracks on it are, for me, just kind of there ... but the best tracks on it are awesome (Gunner's Dream, The Final Cut, etc.)

    Favorite Album : Wish You Were Here ... for me, I find Wish You Were Here is drastically underrated, The Wall is somewhat overrated, and Dark Side Of The Moon is just as great as people say it is.

    All, of course, IMHO.


  12. To my thinking, it's kind of juvenile and silly, but no more juvenile and silly than, say, letting men (or women) choose to be sorted by weight and having them (voluntarily) punch each other to the point of unconsciousness.



    Oh, so now we're picking on *my* pastimes, are we?



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