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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. Patrick Ang, one of the performers at the Ottawa Free Music Fest on the 24th of July. He is looking for room for

    him, his guitar and possibly another friend, and will be coming from downtown. Does anyone here know anyone

    who might be able to help him out? Thanks muchly. If you are looking for directions for the site, it is available on the web site :

    Ottawa Free Music Fest

    Much thanks if you can help out ...


  2. Gotta go with you there, Ollie, Ottawa crowds really piss me off ... I tend to end up meeting a lot of musicians just because I am the only one up front giving it up for the performance. Ottawa is the sit on your hands capital of the universe. I don't know about Toronto, but Montreal crowds seem a lot more into it.


  3. I want to hear 'director's commentary- type' voiceovers (by cheech and chong) for the movies that are already out there- that would be hilarious

    actually booche, bouche and I ran into that guy from the police academy movies who did all the nifty sound effects with his mouth, in wisconsin a coupla years ago.

    Michael Winslow



  4. And another couple of bits of news ... first off, Naked I are now officially scheduled to go on at 3:30, which means we finally have our complete schedule in place. Furthermore, I will be on CKCU FM on Dave Faught's show to promo the Fest on Sunday at around 11 PM. You can listen to it on your dial at 93.1 FM, or hook up on your computer at the following link :


    I'm really excited about this event.



  5. What e-mail do you want folks to use to contact you? I was trying to send you an update on the Ottawa Free Music Fest at your drhuxtable.com e-mail, but that seems to be forwarding to your minglewood hotmail address, and that address is sending back a delivery status failure notification.


  6. We have two new things to announce.

    1) We have a website! Mr. Musicface from Uncle Seth put together a web site for us, thanks a lot for the good work, here it is ...

    Ottawa Free Music Fest website

    2) We have a schedule! Subject to potential revision, of course, here is our working schedule for acts.

    noon-6:00PM a mix of acoustic acts (Jay from Comfort Station, Geoff from

    Dr. Huxtable, Naked I) and open stage jamming

    6:00-6:45 The Music Never Stopped

    7:00-7:45 No Buds For Bob

    8:00-8:45 Inept

    9:00-9:45 Jordan

    10:00-10:45 Real Gone Daddies

    11:00-11:45 Uncle Seth

    12:00-12:45 Butterflies & Zebras

    12:45-? open jamming on into the night

    If anyone wants to chip in an acoustic set, let me know, we still have plenty of room ... and bring along your instruments, because we hope to have lots of jamming during the day.

    Take care,


  7. Here's something folks might not agree with, but ... while I love BOTT, in fact it is my favorite Dylan, I'm thinking the emotional content might be a little too, I dunno, adult for quite the status of "issued at birth". I figure start of with Freewheelin' and move on from there, as they get older. All, of course, IMHO.


  8. Just a couple more updates :

    1) We've had our first drop outs from the schedule. Due to scheduling conflicts, both Jim Bryson and Coleen Schingh will be unable to make it. A pity, as I really enjoy Jim's music, and not only is Coleen a wonderful singer in her own right but she plays with two amazing guitarists, Steve D'Anunzio and Andy Daly ... I know everyone who played at the Pagan Picnic last year enjoyed sharing the stage with Steve and Andy. It looks like the day is pretty open for acoustic acts and open stage jamming, so if there is anybody out there who would like to kick in a short acoustic set, don't be shy.

    2) Uncle Seth was wondering if anybody who was playing that day would be able to let them use their bass amp ... they are coming in from Toronto and it would be one less huge thing to bring down.

    I'll keep everyone updated,


  9. Frankly, I don't think it's that sh!tty ... sorry, I just don't trust the current crop of Conservatives, when their leader starts saying things like "We have to harmonize our policies with the Americans" I get worried. A Liberal minority, with the NDP having the balance of power to keep them honest, isn't all that bad a thing.

    All, of course, IMHO,


  10. Folks,

    We are less than 4 weeks away and things are looking amazing. I just want to once again ask if anyone has a preferred time slot, to let me know, so we can keep things from being complete chaos on the day of the event :) Thus far we have No Buds For Bob at 7, Inept at 8, and Butterflies and Zebras closing out the band sets at midnight. That means we have the following acts still without a set time slot :


    Real Gone Daddies

    Uncle Seth

    Jim Bryson

    Geoff Smith from Dr. Huxtable

    The Music Never Stopped

    Colleen Schingh with Steve D'Annunzio and Andy Daly

    Jay Pottie from Comfort Station

    Naked I

    Now, I know some of you have certain time slot requirements ... for example, Uncle Seth can't go on too early because they are coming in from Toronto. Naked I, on the other hand, would prefer to play during the day as they are an acoustic band. I'd personally like to have the acoustic acts (Naked I, Jim Bryson, Geoff Smith, Jay Pottie, Colleen and crew) play during the day and have the electric bands during the evening, but whatever works best for everyone is fine with me. If you have a preferred time slot, start the bidding now :)

    Hoping to see lots of folks out there,


  11. My wife and some friends of mine are having a big garage sale this Sunday, anyone who is interested come on down.

    Details :

    Garage Sale

    Sunday, June 27, 10:00-4:00

    438 New St. Patrick Street

    4 Households!!!!

    Take Nelson St. off Rideau. Follow Nelson St. to the very end, then go past the Yield Sign. It automatically turns into New St. Patrick Street.

    Look for the Balloons!!!

    Men and Women's Clothing


    Office Furniture

    Upright Deep Freeze






    Rainsticks and drum (Ashiko)

    Kitchen goods

    Cell phones

    Mountain bikes

    cycling clothes

    One of a kind homemade infant quilts

    and much much more!!!

    Hope to see you out there ...


  12. The IMDb ( Internet Movie Database ) lists him as being alive as well... just for proof. I knew he was alive, even though I was clearly tired when I got my authors mixed up.

    Durp, I could have sworn that he had passed ... with so many of the titans no longer with us (Heinlein, Asimov, Herbert) I guess I just lumped him in with the rest.


    does Douglas Adams count?

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