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Everything posted by Blurry

  1. It sounds like great times!! But you'll have to let me know the next time you come up after that. May long weekend Boss and Aubre are getting married in Florida - we have a beach house rented for a week and The Keels are playing at their wedding.......it's not going to suck - oh yeah! Have a great weekend up here Edger!
  2. Congrats on getting some gigs together Tricky. Hope it all goes well! Hopefully we can make it out to one of these!?!
  3. We're in the Grey.....so close to the Bruce I can taste it! Let us know when you guys headin' up this way edger!
  4. Have a happy snappy day Ike!
  5. Thumbs up Giggles!! Schwa - can you download for me? would be appreciated.
  6. Grrrr - had thrown ours in the recycling a while back.....couldn't find a good alternative so just bought a couple more on the weekend. Klean Kanteen - are these durable? Had bought a couple that looked like those but they dented to no end!
  7. In a related question; Does your chewing gum lose its flavour On the bedpost overnight If your mother says don't chew it Do you swallow it in spite Can you catch it on your tonsils Can you heave it left and right Does your chewing gum lose its flavour On the bedpost overnight
  8. Blurry

    Exeter, ON

    Not a big fan of Exeter - just from an asthetic ponit of view. Doesn't have a very warm feeling to it. It's main intersection is where 2 highways cross - everything's just kind of bland. It is close to Grand Bend which is a plus but that's about it as far as I can see. If you're looking for something close to London - Stratford is a really nice town. So is St Marys. They have lots to offer and are beautiful. Anyway you go, good luck!
  9. oh man - WAY too funny!
  10. ha ha ha! Ours is made everyday. It keeps the sheets nice and warm for when we crawl in at night.
  11. I can be another reference to how cold it is in your place KK! This does sound like bullshit but unfortunately they have you by the balls - if you don't pay they shut it off. You could take 'em to court to say the avg thing is complete BS - it's a nice guess on their part (but just that a guess). With nothing concrete in terms of numbers it would be very hard for them to have a case I would think. But I don't know if the cost of going to court would justify it!?!? Thought I suppose they would still have a strong case that you used some amount that wasn't paid for. Just a hunch - nothing concrete to back that up.
  12. Tricky's a big tease! Looking fwd to hearing who it is. I went to see The Dixie Flyers in London a little while back - they're a good country influenced bluegrass band. Willie P Bennett used to play with them in the '70s
  13. That's definitely a part of the theory - but not limited to that I do want to make this well rounded and get responses like the ones you're looking for where they look at me and have no idea what I'm talking about when I say Jerry Garcia and bluegrass in the same sentence. Like Davey Boy said, a bit of comic relief is good too.
  14. So, Brewery = pavement/buildings Highland Bowl = park/grass I think I got it! I'm sooooooo glad the phil/levon show is at the Highland Bowl! Thanks KK
  15. I need a hard shell case for a stand-up bass. Would like not to pay too much. Any chance?
  16. make sure you don't buy smokes - that won't help with quitting ;^) Good luck Karin (and James). I stopped smoking (though I do still have the odd one) but it was my body literally couldn't handle it anymore - I was getting to the point where it was making me physically sick - luckily for me, it wasn't hard because of that.
  17. Are all the pictures we've seen so far of the Highland Bowl? Is where they had the Big Summer Classic going to be the same place as where they have the phil/levon show Kanada Kev? It looks a lot bigger than those first pictures posted.
  18. Nope, never made documentaries. This is a dream of mine - something I've had twirling around in my head for a while.
  19. And that's really were any credit to the documentary will lie. You're right Booche this will be a huge undertaking - definitely at least a couple/few years down the line before there's anything concrete. Davey Boy - thanks for your answers. AdamH - I certainly respect your stance. Though I do think he influenced it (which is obvious from the thread) - take an example that pops to mind right away of YMSB. WOuld they rock a song for 10 minutes if Jerry had never been? I've done a good chunk of brainstorming for this - I was throwing this out there because I want to cover all angles. And I've got a couple of things I hadn't thought of. So thanks! Much apprecition for all your views and input!
  20. That looks like the original setlist (nice setlist too!). Let me guess - you got backstage or in with the band again!?!? Awesome M! Glad you had a great time!
  21. Oh and Mousepad - vroom vroom! come on up!!
  22. debatable ;^) Stayner sounds about right for you C-towns. As far as I can tell you're just a big ol' stain on the underwear of life. Come on by anytime - I've got lots of stains too! Geomouse - I knew you were in Southampton. We'll have to hook up some time. I believe that Jazzmyn's has an open jam on Wednesdays in Owen Sound. Irie Guy - Paisley is beautiful - I love that town. Let me know if you're ever around the Sound Allison - thanks for all the info. Too bad you missed Mud. She always works on Wednesday and either Tues or Thurs on top of that. Schwa - you're welcome anytime - bring that Elemeno character for sure! (you're trunk might smell but it's worth it) Jaydawg - you're right definitely a beautiful area. It was the major reason for moving up here.
  23. Definitely bluegrass first had an influence on Jerry's music - not the other way around. I agree with you Burnt and Dancingbear. But let me put it like this though. Think of Tony Rice or David Grisman or Bela Fleck or Peter Rowan etc... I would think you could safely say that their music (or much of) was influenced by bluegrass. At the same time - I would be surprised if you found anyone who said they didn't have an influence on bluegrass today. I'm trying to pry into bluegrass today and see if it would be any different if Jerry had never been around. Personally, my love for bluegrass has a direct correlation to Garcia. Seems like it may be so for Booche too ;^) I was so mesmorized by Garcia I wanted to hear everything he said, played, did - and so I stumbled upon bluegrass via Old & in the Way. Also - look at all the "jamband" festivals. Look at all the bluegrass now at these "jamband" festivals. Would it be this way if we had never heard of Jerry Garcia? (Thanks for the input so far!)
  24. If you were to watch a documentary on Jerry Garcia's influence on bluegrass today...... 1) what would you want to see in the documentary? 2) who would you want to see in the documentary? 3) what questions would you want to hear answered? 4) what topics or sub-topics would you want to hear covered. I've been thinking about this for a while and have started making it come to fruition. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions anyone has! Thanks.
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