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Everything posted by Blurry

  1. Here's a name for you nostalgia fans: Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown. I'll never forget an exclusive interview in which Swamptown revealed that he calls his hockey stick the "Big Tomahawk," and he usually refers to the opposing players as "the little scalps".
  2. I'm a dude but I do cagle exercises so.......
  3. puddled, noodled, zoodled! Love it!
  4. Wow - that's a far cry from $100!! Get 3 of 'em Basher. You'll still save $10.
  5. Blurry


    ha ha ha! I won't tell eitgher of them if I get a recording (though I suspect Ike's wife already knows he likes man-hummerz.....it's written all over his face....if you will)
  6. KK - I saw your flags. Wish we woulda connected. Another time it is!
  7. Oh Lionel!! I love remembering more as the daze go on; ----------------------------------------------- "Tigger, you going to bed?" "No, we already had gut-check time a couple of hours ago" ------------------------------------------------ Mud as we're waiting in line (in the car) to get in; "I have a feeling we're going to see Tigger bouncing by as soon as we get in there" Sure enough - there's Tigger bouncing his way to buy ice at the place we get our wristbands ------------------------------------------------- I'm an enabler ------------------------------------------------- Akward!! ------------------------------------------------- Who wants to have a sketch-off? ------------------------------------------------- Becky giving the little wookies the business for coming over and grabbing a guitar without asking. Way to chase those sketchballs away Becks!! ------------------------------------------------- Schwa, "maxwebster, you wanna bowl?" maxwebster, "no, I'm off the drugs, off the smokes, off the booze. I'm gettin' a job"
  8. Basher sucks more then Trey! You two should join forces and go on SUCK tour!
  9. Steveland!! of course! Can't believe I forgot Cleve from Steveland! Steveland, he's my main man. He's a Cleve right out of 90210! (sung to the flinstones)
  10. happy day Lauren! Hope it was grrrrrrrreat!
  11. Blurry


    Oh how I want to see you guys but not going to make it to Pt Dover - BOOOOOO!!!!! Can someone please tape one of these? Ike? Please?!?! I let Morrison go down on you! (and I won't tell your wife)
  12. "Hey!" "What?" "Don't let your meat loaf"
  13. "Holy Double Donna Batman!" and; "How many beers'd'ya have at school today kid-o?" "Almost finished off a 12-pack mom"
  14. No - I missed car alarm 8/31/08 but I did get car alarm 8/29/08, 8/30/08 and 9/01/08. I'll send them to you.
  15. Happy Day Timouse - hope it's full of everything fun!
  16. Happy Happy Sheebs - hope you have a great day.
  17. That was such an amazing time! My favourite part was the amazing crew of friends that gathered - both old and new. Made the festival for me. Second was the 15-20hrs (maybe more) of jamming around the campfire - Boss, Schwa, Todd, The Alphanerd, Mike from wherever and his 2 friends - thanks! Third was the music. Like Edger said, the line-up wasn't as strong as last year but still strong. DSO - WOW! Rowan/Rice - WOW! Highlights (in no particular order) 1) Elemeno scaring Dr Dealer with the 2 gun salute 2) Schwa pulling out, "Gospel Plow" - great tune. 3) Basher's tripping over my bass and playing a bluegrass classic. 4) Getting a gold medal (Beijing '08) from a girl for playing tunes. 5) Mark Tonin jam (Mark see Joni for the video/audio of said jam) 6) maxwebster - I think it's illegal in some country's to be so funny. 7) The "Slap You Jesus" jam 8) Getting to know Cully, Stoned Phillips, Todd, Basher and The Alphanerd better 9) Rowen - what a beautiful boy. Those faces and smiles - WOW - melt your heart. 10) The fucking car alarm 11) Hearing Todd's new tune - Faded Empire 12) Boss's new line for a tune, "There's no jobs in this city, so I shot a guy after the Bob Seeger concert" 13) Stoned Phillips, Basher, Edger, Todd, Rowen, Mousepad, Robin, Cully, Boss, Aubre, Tigger, Becky, Joe, Schwa, Kevin, Teagen, MaxWebster, The Alphanerd, Baj, Cpt Sunshine Hope to see y'all sooner than later.....thanks for all the smiles.
  18. I hope this all works out for you Allison. I was a great event you had. Too bad about the hiccups on Sat night. There was a great article in yesterday's Owen Sound Times about it. I hope you keep your head high - you should......good things happen to good people. It will all work out for you!
  19. Who jumps on stage after they've pee'd their pants?
  20. Who does that? Are you sitting around one night with hubby thinking about playing dress up? Little Vixen: "Do you want me to go put on my schoolgirl costume tonight? We can play the lucky burglar again!" Freak: "No, let's stuff your ass with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes and beef and I can play the lucky hamburglar" (they must've been drinking those methshakes)
  21. Mmmmm, Meth Milkshakes!
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