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Everything posted by Blurry

  1. mayonnaise is also good if you have to fake ejaculation. Do it, then taste it after - that'll freak her right out!
  2. Ya, that looks like a really nice line-up! Look fwd to hearing some of it. I like the name too!
  3. Where did you order yours from BackB? When I called the number I got off the Phil.net, they said the same thing Prost posted.
  4. None of your business Stop being so nosey C-towns.
  5. They could make a video game of Jerry chasin' the dragon.
  6. WOW!! Rubberdinghhy, I assume that's you in the first pic and your celeb look alike in the second. If I hadn't read the title I would never have thought it was two different people. What's the celeb's name?
  7. Blurry


    BIG TIME!! You know the whole good nude vs bad nude thing. Well, I think that people dancing nude would be a bad nude deal. There's lots of dance moves/positions I see at festivals that I can see not going over so well with no clothes on!
  8. Don't have time to read it all right now but I read the first bit and this part blew me away. Man I knew those traditionalists were serious but I didn't realize how hardcore they are!! Thanks for sharing CS!
  9. Good point Mousepad. I got mine from the Phil site. Did those people who got their tix get them from Phil or ticketmaster?
  10. WOW! That's awesome Velvet......Eugene Levy is right up there with Bill Murray as my favourite actor/comedian. Let us know how it goes.
  11. Great job Mark! That sounded really good.....I look forward to hearing you guys play!
  12. That was pretty cool! Good job everyone. I like the way Steve smiled at the camera every time he had a close-up! .......why's my jacket cover different than that one? The back's the same......I got ripped-off. I want the famous jacket cover!
  13. Blurry

    Totally Weird

    happy not-your-birthday Cully!
  14. Blurry

    Jammys 2008

    That looks pretty cool! I'd love to hear that. Maybe some of the old SNL crew could start up their own band/jamband; Chevy Chase - keys Steve Martin - banjo Dan Akroyd - harp, vocals
  15. Just curious. I ordered mine a while back but still don't have them.
  16. Great show - Bruce's hands were FLYING! Really loved how they bluegrassed "The Way It Is" Floyd - heard you and maxwebster talking about the "White Wheeled Limosine\Little Sadie\WWL\Loser\WWL" outside. Thought you must've been joking - that's why I said I heard them teasing Dark Star. I left for 10 minutes and this is what I miss - Motherfucker! Oh well - great to see lots of familiar smiling faces even if it was briefly!
  17. I know this is short notice but I have one extra ticket for the Hornsby/Skaggs show at Casino Rama tonight - $50 can have it ($60 value)
  18. I will give them your best wishes Edger! Brad and Todd would have a great time together - june sounds good! Looking forward to when we meet up again!
  19. That's old hat - Weir's sister's all over that! I heard that when she speaks jerry's voice comes out?!
  20. no, in real life I'm more fuzzy than blurry
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