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Everything posted by jayr

  1. You won’t find it in the Guinness Book of World Records, but Andre the Giant holds the world record for the largest number of beers consumed in a single sitting. These were standard 12-ounce bottles of beer, nothing fancy, but during a six-hour period Andre drank 119 of them. It was one of the few times Andre got drunk enough to pass out, which he did in a hallway at his hotel. Ahh!!
  2. bad news but it makes even more glad that I saw them this summer in TO.
  3. ****UPDATED IN MY POST A FEW DOWN**** ....There are a few dates available in the new year at a venue in Collingwood and I'm in need of some bands that are looking for exposure. The pay is not that high but being a musician I know that sometimes just going out and playing and being heard is more important. We are trying to get away from the same old same old people playing over and over in town (which allison has been doing a spectacular job of might I add!) so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions that would be great. Please supply myspace addresses if possible. Jay
  4. it sure is lookin like christmas!! cant wait.
  5. (not in order) 1. Robert Johnson 2. Jimi Hendrix 3. Carlos Santana 4. Jerry Garcia 5. Trey Anastasio 6. Eric Clapton 7. George Harrison 8. John Scofield 9. Wes Montgomery 10. Jimmy Page 11. Don Ross 12. Kaki King
  6. Well I'll have to kick down some George tunes tonite with my geeter. Truly one of the best.....
  7. jayr

    Super Memory

    "they" say that in the next ten years there will be handheld devices that will be able to literally hold everything that has ever been created by man. ie- tv/movies, music, art, photos etc. it's madness!
  8. jayr


    he should wait until his mystery is at an alltime high and reveal himself and go on tour before hes forgotten. pretty interesting stuff.
  9. the lack of pictures available of this is making me somewhat skeptical, although I really dont doubt it exists but I wonder if the actual size is true. I could also understand a certain level of cover up as being possible but still, where are the pictures? EDIT: Okay, i now beleive that when the gyre is refered to as twice the size of texas they really mean that a section of ocean that size is polluted, not that there is somekind of massive island of garbage twice the size of texas floating around out there (which is what it came across as to me). still disturbing, heres a vid: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3892310789953943147
  10. wonder how the first person to attempt the prototype suit made out? this looks insane.
  11. its like we've given the planet a giant cancerous tumor. seriously disturbing. just like they say in that article above, we will basically all be consuming that trash in one way or another as it works it's way up the food chain eventually ending up in my fishsticks.
  12. as a smoker and a parent i am in 100% aggreement with this law. there should be no question in anyones mind that smoking in a small contained area with a child is mental. if you cant go a few minutes without a smoke, or stop and get out rather than blow a bunch of toxins in your childs face than you should be bitch slapped. (this might hit a nerve with people) although it would be very hard to enforce, in my opinion smoking inside anywhere where there are children present should be on the way out as well. did i mention i'm a smoker......
  13. anybody else go to this signing? it was madness. 3 floors of people lined up weaving throughout the book shelves and up escalators. quite the event. apparently there were people there lined up at 1:15 am the night before!! regardless i got a couple shots and my book signed.
  14. I went to see this with my daughter. I've seen worse movies.........
  15. I'm so there. If only my car would make it. Anybody want to pick me up? I'll pay gas and beer and tweeds.
  16. its goin slow. i'm at 4.1%. im gonna ride it out though and if i make it i'll seed for awhile.
  17. thanks so much for posting that.
  18. wicked book. i finished it last night. it took me 2 days, i couldnt put it down. I do like how he disses rock biographies, but not until more than half way through the book!!!
  19. No F*ckin way^^^ I was sure that I didnt see any tapers!!! Great!!!
  20. killer show indeed. had a great time. i actually prefered this venue to the phoenix. it was alot easier to get a good view. cant wait till the next one.
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