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Everything posted by jayr

  1. I'm hoping to be there. Last time was wicked.
  2. I make and test these: http://www.kidzpace.com
  3. thats sweet!! too far for me though.......
  4. Broke a finger? Doing what? Fist fight? Page>Plant
  5. Unbeleivable. All I remember worrying about in high school was if my teachers would catch me rolling joints in my desk during class. I dont actually remember (maybe because of the joints) more than a handful of cops ever even being in the school while I was student. Times sure have changed. The general paranoia of the times isnt going to get any better either.........
  6. The Funky Truth, right on. Hometown boys.....
  7. I wouldn't suppose that somebody took the stuff because they were hungry.........I'm sure their plan is to cook it, and sell it one stryafoam plate at a time to unsuspecting poutine addicts.
  8. I cant seem to even get to the demonoid page anymore. I think it's down...........
  9. that new york one is quite the run.
  10. The truth is, that both the U.S. and our government no longer (if they ever did) actually make decisions based on what the majority of the population thinks is right or what we want. I think theres a word for that........
  11. Heres a few shots I got last friday night. Hopefully this works. I usually have a terrible time posting pics from putfile.
  12. demonoid was one of my favs as well. what a piss off.
  13. Saw something like that a few years ago on discovery channel. The lead singer from the tea party had a les paul that was equipped with an electronic system that could tune the guitar to any tuning, even in the middle of a song. If i remember correctly it cost him about $20,000 to have it installed by some company in Colorado. I hope the Gibsons are cheaper than that!!
  14. Yeah, great show for sure. An excellent way to spend a birthday. We hit the rex afterwards for some sort of John Coltrane tribute which was smokin. Heres a shot of my garb that the edge fm got of me on the way into the show. (i'm on the left, my pipe is on the right)
  15. Beck kicks. Love the marinettes (sp?) during the last show in TO. Great show all around.
  16. isn't that under appeal? you know, seeing as they didnt actually write any of their songs themselves. How so?
  17. Of course. I'm pretty sure its mathematically impossible for there not to be life on other planets and some being at least capable of space travel.
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