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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Happy birthday old friend. Can't wait!
  2. 'A man accused of weighing his penis on scales in a Scotmid store has walked free from court after being found not guilty of public indecency. James Jones, 33, of Castleview House, Craigour Crescent, Edinburgh, had denied the charge at the city's Sheriff Court yesterday. It was alleged that he had his privates visibly exposed to the public and attempted to weigh them on scales used for food stuff in the store in Moredun Park Road on 10 September last year. Shop assistant Melanie Guglielmino, 31, told Sheriff Neil Mackinnon that Jones told her: "We are just having our privates weighed." Asked what she actually saw, she replied: "He had something on the scales. I didn't see it properly." Sheriff Mackinnon found there was not sufficient evidence to prove the precise act and declared Jones not guilty' - Scotsman.
  3. might have to try this place out for Hangover Friday lunchypoo
  4. still cheaper to sneak in though
  5. 'A US airport security screener allegedly beat up his colleague for poking fun at the size of his penis during testing of full-body image scanners. Rolando Negrin was arrested after attacking a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) worker at the parking lot of Miami International Airport, The Miami Herald reported yesterday. Negrin had been the butt of his colleagues' jokes for a year after the security scanners - which are used to detect foreign objects hidden under a person's clothes, but also show a person's private parts - revealed he had a small penis' - Sydney Morning Herald
  6. If yer into tactics and don't mind a long read dig this I'm actually reading Wilson't book, Inverting the Pyramid right now...good stuff
  7. If you're driving drunk in a stolen car, it might not be a good idea to yell obscenities at a passing cop. But police in Newfoundland and Labrador say a 47-year-old Deer Lake man did just that, prompting a passing RCMP officer to spin around and find out what all the commotion was about. Police told the St. John's Telegraph newspaper the man was pulled over on the shoulder of a road Thursday when he leaned his head out of the open window to hurl insults at the officer driving by. The man was charged with theft of an automobile, two counts of impaired driving, three counts of breaching probation and three counts of breaching a recognizance. The man was also charged under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
  8. it certainly is a gripping tale, I'm sure the media will keep massaging it until every last bit of info is spent from it
  9. I heard there's going to be a circlejerk vigil by candlelight in central park this w.e.
  10. yeah i'd certainly need some steep odds to lay money on my prediction
  11. It's going to be a long tug to get through this but I think LT has the upper hand now.
  12. ollie'd should be another chug rule, really
  13. KK is hereby officially labelled as schizofanic
  14. ::bites virtual tongue::
  15. did you go looting last night then Dave?
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