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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. totally adding bacon next time i make one of those dogtines
  2. you'll want to write out a detailed history of your sexual past a spreadsheet is probably best, with columns for: name age # of encounters positions venue duration type of protection toys (Y/N) give/take animal noises (Y/N) fetish (specify) injuries foodstuffs (specify) I'll PM you mine for reference
  3. the Foodeeze forum desperately needs that picture
  4. yeah I just want to see a good final now I wonder if that Ribery appeal will come off
  5. if you guys need a boozing mentor, lemme know but keep in mind that i don't accept Zimas as payment
  6. having the ability to plan ahead and just buy more before the holiday > not having the ability to plan ahead and just buy more before the holiday Stay in school, kids
  7. Florida tries to ban sex with animals. Again. Florida is one of only a dozen or so states that don't have a law against having sex with aminals. But they keep trying to put one on the books. Sen. Nan Rich, of Weston, a sponsor of the current bill, has tried to get a law against beastiality for years. Rich cited recent cases of bestiality, including a man from a place called Mossy Head who was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat during a sex act, reports NBCMiami.com Add there were a few others that gave new meaning to "doggie style." And the woman who had sex with a dog -- and taped it. Then there was the culinary student that had sex with his dog. The the pit bull that was sexually assaulted. Yes, someone had sex with a pit bull. And lastly, the the Palm Coast woman who adopted shelter dogs just so she could have sex with them. The law was passed unanimously by the Senate this week. It would make it a first-degree misdemeanor to have sex with an animal, with a penalty of up to a year in jail. The Senate had passed a similar bill last year, but it fizzled out before it came before the House. The House bill has a similar measure, but it awaits debate.
  8. people ask him that all the time in bars
  9. I read that it was Juve fans with the racist chants directed toward him
  10. I did once and only ever saw ads for Barrett's Bacon BBQ Bauce
  11. not sure that it pays to park the bus against Barca but I guess we'll see I'm guessing if barca get an early goal it'll plant the Fear in Inter's mind fingers crossed
  12. All I ever see are Magnum Force large-girth condom ads
  13. Sounds like you're familiar with Maureen's tactical approach
  14. that Bayern game stunk, today's will surely put it to shame I'm predicting the deciding goal right at the death
  15. just add plenty of boose into the mix and you'll be fine, mon ami
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