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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. This coming from a guy who took 11 hours to get from Ottawa to CTMF (Ghostown) one time coz he didn't bother getting directions before he left! Don't go changing, Bouchie
  2. ! what's up with that, doode? And yes seconded on the Clocktower
  3. Evidently you need to be a mind reader to get a job at Cambridge Transpo
  4. depends if she rings the bell or not
  5. Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich appears to have come up with a novel solution to protect his privacy at sea, The Sunday Times of London reports. "In a move that could eventually be copied by all discerning billionaires, Abramovich has installed an anti-paparazzi shield on his newest vessel, the world's biggest and most expensive private yacht. The high-tech system on Eclipse, a mega-yacht measuring up to 557 feet [170 metres], relies on lasers to block any digital camera lenses nearby. . . . Infrared lasers detect the electronic light sensors in nearby cameras, known as charge-coupled devices. When the system detects such a device, it fires a focused beam of light at the camera, disrupting its ability to record a digital image. The beams can also be activated manually by security guards if they spot a photographer loitering.
  7. "Giant panda bleat calls, often emitted during the panda's mating season, have just been deciphered, according to new research," reports Jennifer Viegas of the Discovery Channel. "The study reveals that males broadcast information about their size, while females advertise how old they are. The study, which has been accepted for publication in the journal Animal Behaviour, is the first to examine the informational content of any giant panda vocalization." Researchers determined that both males and females had distinctive masculine and feminine voices, so panda listeners would have no trouble identifying the sex of the caller. Females, they also found, do not bleat reliable information about their body size.
  8. dumpster diving was his latest career move, i heard
  9. 7 fucking minutes of injury time? at OT? naaaahhh
  10. Davey Boy 2.0


    BORN CROSSEYED?? ::applause::
  11. it was entertaining Pool-Irons was a corker, I love the way West Ham takes the game to the opposition. Great games from Yossi, Pepe, Insua, Masch, Dirky, El Nino, Parker, Ilunga, KováÄ, Green and Hines Stoked for the games tomorrow
  12. whoa I'd overlooked Chavs-Lillywhites, that's on sunday too, isn't it? good times
  13. Or maybe that sweet' date=' perfect combination of the two..? [/quote'] You know that's right up my alley. ::bites tongue::
  14. ^ describes the sensation of heckling the members of Bluegrassy High
  15. manchester derby this w.e.— buckle up!
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