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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I've created a new drink, my friends and acquaintances. Tequila Mockingbird © 2009 One part tequila and the rest is TBC That is all.
  2. Davey Boy 2.0


    added points for downing a large Caesar with your breakkie
  3. Davey Boy 2.0


    we had zucchini cakes the other day with poached eggs and garden salsa... friggin awesome stuff crystal would know where the recipe is better than me
  4. haha we probably shoved each other out of the way a few times at AJ's Hanger, Esau... too funny– we used to hit up WBY fairly regularly for a while there
  5. A gecko's tail continues to flip, flop and wriggle long after it has dropped off the lizard's body," Jennifer Viegas reports for the Discovery Channel. "Now a new study proposes the tail is preprogrammed for random movement to foil predators while the rest of the gecko makes a speedy getaway. . . . In the gecko's case, its tail is actually an extension of its spinal cord. No other animal, however, appears to be able to self-amputate a body part that can later move. It would be like a person dropping off one leg that continues to hop around while the rest of the person escapes
  6. epic selfing First Keane now the legend Le Tissier shoots himself in the foot why the fack would include that in his book?!?!? maybe the hope is that it'll boost sales enough to cancel out the recriminations???
  7. i find Iron Chef Anything tedious
  8. useful website to track BPL injuries and anticipated return dates.
  9. Davey Boy 2.0


    Crystal's bottling salsa as i type, this stuff is wicked good as an aside, she finds that when she cuts up the jalapeno the oils stay on her fingers for a long time i told her to use her pinky as much as possible
  10. Davey Boy 2.0


    that would work too! maybe with ...come in all shapes and sizes
  11. I think Dinghy touched on this a while back, namely that if a bike runs into a bus turning right then the cops will write the cyclist a $200 ticket for passing on the right or something like that
  12. my monitor is giving off excessive heat with all the roadrage going on here today
  13. Davey Boy 2.0


    how bout Darts ...more than just a game at PRIDE headquarters
  14. Davey Boy 2.0


    has anyone tried this yet? Havne't seen it in my LCBO These pretzels....
  15. Davey Boy 2.0


    not many people know that the shirt is padded ta boot
  16. getting a lot of red Xs over here, will have to view from home later never tire of the 'Welcome to your Carlsberg years' one though, thanks Punk
  17. Davey Boy 2.0


    now that's a picture for the annals
  18. is this thee Ronny "The Hawk" Hawkins?!? Ron Hawkins, Zaphod's, Oct. 23
  19. the fecking Scotland-Holland game next Wed. doesn't seem to be on anywhere– might have to try a website or something
  20. there were a bunch of bands that I hadn't ever realised were Canadian- the Kings, martha and the Muffins, one or two others Loved the old punk stuff ta boot
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