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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. 'Hope you're tippling some mimosas this morn
  2. they'll get crushed, guaranteed
  3. mozza burger------> dream come true
  4. It was his birthday, I believe
  5. Bubba used to go to Queens when the Psychology Dept. would do testing. There was some nominal fee they would give the test subjects. So one time Bubba went in, and as they were attaching the electrodes (or whatever those things are called) to his head got chatting to the technician, asked him "Hey do you ever wish that you could test someone that was stoned?" Technician: "YES!" Bubba: "Well you are right now"
  6. haha, I remember we were at the Ports one night in and around the time they were tearing the Manor down and our friend Bubba came strolling in "Bubbaaaaa! What are you doing here?" "Oh I was just picking up a piece of brick from the rubble at the Manor for old times sake" Good ole Bubba
  7. the nice thing about watchign a CFL game is that you don't actually have to pay attention
  8. Well I could spit into a glass a few dozen times right about now, add some carbonated water and i'd probably have a close approximation to Lucky Lager (not that that's what I was tippling last night, for the record)
  9. Today I'm having trouble figuring out if I should: (a) get a mozza burger ( get a double mozza burger © get my usual fruity assortment of fruit, baby carrots, nuts and yoghurt any sage advice, o wise forum?
  10. Awkward moment? I'll give you an awkward moment, one time during sex ollie called his pastrami, 'Mom'
  11. [peter griffin voice] it's like the sandwich is in the shape of a V. V for vagina. mmmmaaahhhh [/peter griffin voice]
  12. it's basically just the spices, you add hot water then throw it into the mix
  13. or the dude replying to it
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