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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Davey Boy 2.0


    I've only had meatloaf 3-4 times but i find the absolute must is to start with meat that is as lean as possible. [color:#cccccc][that's what i say to all the guys]
  2. a little bit of really thinly sliced onion is a favourite addition of mine on chilled greese.
  3. fruit, yogurt, green tea and almonds for me today i'll be starving by 4:00 though
  4. not being a techie, I'm guessing it has to do with the page being ".aspx". some sort of IE or windows update might fix it.
  5. best of luck, sounds pretty exciting
  6. then you could hypothetically be in charge of estimating the duration of an hypothetical war in the middle east
  7. The Georgetown: Soccer England vs. Croatia *LIVE Wednesday November 21 @ 3:00 PM
  8. the cafeteria in my building here at work. good soups, generally. most other stuff is overpriced and run of the mill what're you having today mon ami?
  9. looks like Bama had a Happy Sunday
  10. whoa, i just noticed how you changed the angle of Catphish's head so that she's looking a little further down. extra marks for your attention to detail, we have a winner
  11. Good luck today MOBE. 5% chance i'll be able to sneak off to the pub to catch your game
  12. Fucking owen injured (i dont even have to say "again") in a pointless friendly. McClaren's an idiot, confirmed. probably won't matter anyway but if Israel pull off a minor miracle then the call for mcClown's head will increase tenfold. the FA are fucked
  13. haha, no but that would have been a nice touch especially if it had been painted purple
  14. I think Muffy will be adding some "leap of logic" posts on here throughout Douglas' adventure, usually in and around midnight and often relating to Phil, Ryan Adams, Wilco or the Habs. Have a blast Dougler, lotsa Asian cuisine out that way
  15. hell no i'm a sheep in wolf's clothing
  16. or instead of refering to a group of people as "all y'all" you'll hear the ignernt and possibly lazy "y'all"
  17. never get a boy to do a man's job, boko i guess C-towns owes you a set of batteries, at the very least
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