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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. you just get ding'd when you take the fun out of funding [color:#cccccc](no idea what that's supposed to mean)
  2. haha, too right dude[tte?]
  3. wow you could cut the sexual tension in this thread with a knife
  4. neil will comp them i'm sure but yeah that'd be a memorable experience
  5. the georgie was packed and loud, great atmosphere at times the beckham love was a bit embarrassing if you ask me. full marks to booche for not sporting his england bex shirt (thanks FbtS). i think he was worried too that he'd get more loving looks from the guys than some other guy got from the lesbian waitresses
  6. don't. it ain't like the 2002 ronaldinho - seaman infamy
  7. (nice umbrella steve, better hang onto it- might be the last piece of the FA you ever cling on to)
  8. not playing James more like it fat fat robboe would have spilled a lot more than carson and wouldn 't have had that point blank save. bex provided crouchy's but beyond that did little fat fucking frank was completely useless and should have been subbed immeadiately after england levelled. anyway i'm glad they're out in a way, Oranje for 2008, you heard it here first!
  9. it's like those times when you were a teen and you ran out of dope and you knew the town was pretty dry. sure you could go out and try to pick up a gram off of your local guy but you could also just clean out the dust buster and suck up the fragments from the basement carpet around where you usually roll. if i were a cop i'd be tasering people in line in front of me at the supermarket
  10. No, he got off. slap on the wrist?
  11. highlarious. Douglas better get back soon before you work that into your [color:#cccccc]abnormal routine
  12. but no, sorry velvet, i wouldn't think you'd have broken a law
  13. what if they slipped and fell off your porch when running from your fury, breaking their leg? any liability there I wonder?
  14. scratch that, i would hope that the shame from getting nabbed would be enough to make most people have a look in the mirror
  15. It may or may not be "just as bad", but there's a huge difference (npi) at the same time. trapped in car with carcinogens swirling around you vs. finishing or not finishing your happy meal and choosing your own level of activity. let's not forget that there are other factors in obesity– genetic, psychological, environmental etc; this law is much more cut and dry. you smoke in a car with your kids in it and that's awful. i think the amount of the fine is secondary to having to pay it int he first place, i'm sure the shame from getting nabbed would be enough to make most people have a look in the mirror
  16. Long balls eh? I guess that means andre's coming as well
  17. anyone popping in to the Georgie for 3:00 tomorrow (other than england fans and me)? let me try the power of suggestion : B to the E to the E to the R!!! to add a little more anticipation you may want to guess whether i'll be wearing my Croatia shirt or my england one! what fun!
  18. that picture made me want to drink a beer and smoke a gagger- what do i win?
  19. they might have been high at the time "dude, what are you staring at?" "dude it looks like you've got an adolescent girl's breast growing out of you" "dude pass the vaporiser" "holy shit you're right, i'm going to need some alone time to check this out" *goes to bathroom, looks at self in mirror* next day dude #1 calls up dude #2 "hey man did something weird happen last night?" "i don't think so, but i woke up in the bathtub with all the hair shaved off the left side of my chest" "cool, maybe we can hook up later and hit that vaporiser again" "cool."
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