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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The rich are not like you and me" Hemingway stole the response: "Yes, they have more money" and claimed the line as his own, when in fact it was spoken by a woman they hung out with at the time, Mary something, owned a 2nd hand bookshop. Can't think of her last name now. Poor anecdote I know. I'll track the specifics down later if I think of it.
  2. If anyone's going to the Costa Rica game on Wed, be sure to wear black, please!
  3. Sir Bobby Charlton says England need to win Euro 2008 in order to get computer-obsessed kids interested in football again. can't wait for the highlights. i'll post alink if i can find a stream of the Israel game tomorrow Robinson starting- LOOK OUT!
  4. i've always liked the one about the Motley Cru boys heading home after a night of drugs, prossies and other debauchery, stopping in at Taco Bell to cover up certain... ahem... "aromas"
  5. 01:26 AM eh Booche? trooper!
  6. wow, nicely done! i did hear somehwere that thursday is the new friday
  7. but seriously though, if yoiu open excel, hit F1 (Help) then enter Weekly CLass Schedule it'll prompt you to do the rest, and it'll be colour coded and everything i thiiiink this is what you're asking for at least....
  8. State-dependent learning! State-dependent learning is a phenomenon of learning and recalling that is based upon the physiological and mental state of the organism. Factors affecting state-dependent learning may include: environment, intoxication, emotional state, and sensory modality. For example, people in a drunken state remember events when they were drunk, but they cannot remember when they are sober.
  9. the argies, nigerians, brazilians and mexicans ruined our stadium!
  10. and anyway it's MarcO's game, he decides on rule changes
  11. http://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/class-schedule-template.html http://excelcalendar.com/030426TimeManagementWeeklySchedule.htm
  12. just tell her that Ottawa pharmacies have run out of Plan B
  13. the drum probably thinks that you're sending it a message and has likely burrowed itself a nest to live out its remaining years
  14. jesus christ, stop throwing your toys out of your baby carriage
  15. will this be the theme to fnially shut down this thread? i hope not i thought jaimoe had it many many pages ago when this thread was left languishing for 2-3 days. i think the topic at the time was 'best guitar in a song without a guitar solo' or somtehing like that the question becomes- how crunked was everyone at ctmf?
  16. Tottenham's official poet in residence, Arsenal's official club magician maybe she can work on "To Dare is to Do"
  17. awesome stuff, steve, leslie & family congratulations
  18. This one could be up for a while. Anyone checking out the England-Israel game on Sat.? I'd love to see the Dutch play but there are very few Dutch qualifiers on in Canada, period. I'm guesssing the Georgie will charge $10 for all the games they're showing on Sat. England have quite a few injuries but should still beat lowly Israel. Of course most people will agree that nothing's a given with McClaren's lot. I'm going out on a limb and predicting 1-1 with the brit press howling for several days afterward. 2-1 Israel if Robinson starts- he's simply not inspring confidence these days, not a good mindset for the back 4.
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