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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Blane used to dance to music mixes in 1995?!?
  2. is that all you've got, son? seems awfully petty (Scott Fitzgerald was a crappy speller...)
  3. a very annoying orange style sheet tweakaroo i guess
  4. that could be your avatar's caption
  5. balloons – addicts? come on. the only thing worse than idiots like that being on prime time tv are the hordes who give them the good ratings whatever i guess, whatever gets you through the night...
  6. yeah and that's the problem i have with hipsters, reading that kinda shite and strutting around thinking they're hip to everything happening on the musical scene in an ideal world this little community of ours would have some sorta publication of its own but i don't think the numbers would support it, and anyway there are enough good articles written hereabouts to replace something in print, but there could be more. and i suppose it's kinda too much to ask for some people to do an extra click to check out the articles, some of which are very good that said, if we could improve that standard perhaps we could use it as leverage to gets guys like you to crossover into something like Exclaim! i'm rambling
  7. I liked the "If Emily Haines says it's cool and we know there's some crumpled kleenexs beside your bed for that one then what's the problem?" part but I'm not sure it's gonig to land you any gigs (although it should)
  8. i find the banner is starting to encroach on the buttons above it (My Fusion Main Forums Online Search Help Members Calendar) in IE v.6
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