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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. i would get killed. the only time i can eat up a storm is round about munchie hour, usually midnightish and i wake up the next day and the kitchen looks like it's been hit with a cannonball made out of food good way to clear out the freezer a bit though
  2. booche used to be able to pick out a date, setlist and song when driving 30 metres behind a vehicle that was playing a live GD show, based on the head bobbing of the passengers 'course that was before this started happening every [other?] week: "I need hlep. I am drunk as a ciocksucker. " -- Booche at 2:35am on a Thursday
  3. well myrna, basically you sit at a table and they bring carts of food around and if you like the looks of it, you get it, they mark it on your bill and so it goes. there's the usual stuff- sticky rice, spring rolls, dumplings etc; The YangXe has rooster claws which are apparently deep fried goodness but i'll never try em
  4. thanks ollie but it was actually more a question for Pablo than you mmmmmmmmmmm beef
  5. The real question is- was she hot?
  6. I think that's what bouche was getting at with his, "YOU learn to sing." observation. :cool:
  7. I kinda like The Al Gore Rhythm Section but it'd have to be a band of geeks better than Jaimoe's Dick, by a long shot
  8. Zero, don't do it , it's a setup! :crazy:
  9. Isn't the BGH featured on the cover of the first issue of Jamadoodle?!?
  10. well it's on at 7:30 in the morning so i dunno if anything's open that early. best bet would be The Georgetown on Bank nearish to the Bayou. It might be a good idea to check it out actually as Liverpool-Tottenham are on at that exact time, as seeing as how the Spuds haven't been scoring much lately and they're playing at Anfield it might be best for you to find something else to do for that 2 hours
  11. Isn't someone here an avid Gers fan? They'll really be up against it as Celtic have been dominating lately, while Rangers.... not so much Also it's at Parkhead so Celtic will enjoy a huge advantage in that rewspect. I thought they looked quite good (for a Scottish side) against Manu last week, Vennegoor of Hessilink has quite a presence and I'd choose him any day over fat fat John Hartson. Anyway I look forward to the highlights
  12. that shouldn't have made me so thirsty, it's too early that said, i had the presence (presents?) of mind to load the rest of the beer into the fridge before i left for work this morning
  13. are you guys talking in code or something? this sounds like some sorta swingers club
  14. hey mike any chance you could bring back the hover text?
  15. Psycho playing for England, not sure who his clubs were- i'm thinking West ham for some reason. basically he was a bit of a pyscho on the pitch, a 'hard man' as they're known, screamed a lot and that sorta thing v. good player, apparently
  16. ominous for Psycho, things could get uncomfortable for him if he doesn't get a rsult this w.e. while the carling cup may not be the most glamourous pieces of silverware jon nic seems to enjoy it
  17. would it be crass to ask for details/examples/anecdotes?
  18. a fwe years a go i ran into a buddy of Hux's at the beer store in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday. me- what's up? alistair- got an interview, gonna have a few beers beforehand so that they get to see the real me me- uhmm... good thinkin Not sure if he was yanking my chain that day or not but next time i ran into him i asked if he got the job, his reply? "of course" all that to say, FMKH, be the ball and g/l
  19. so much for discourse and in defence of ollie i think that bone was only in his mouth for a few seconds
  20. uh, so how exactly is that putting evey other big city in Canada to shame then, dave? edit to add: well booche has told me in a round about way that your point is that Toronto puts other cities to shame in the category of "Worst sports town". aha
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