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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I'll tape the sound of my snoring as I try to watch the game if that's any consolation, ollie you might even hear me yelping and grunting as i sleep as i try to figure out why it's not the sound of people munching on prawn sandwiches that i hear as a background soundtrack to my sawing logs
  2. stripper lesbians!! oh wait that should be lesbian strippers and the dancing old man (not booche), on some random Tues night as for a legacy, for me personally it pulled together the ottawa scene, from the brink one might even say and brought together a lot of the people i know today
  3. i cannot believe that FSW isn't showing ManUre-Lpool this coming sunday. gob-facking-smacked in fact. Instead they're showing Arse-Reading and this: Sun Oct 22 01:00PM Eastern Sun Oct 22 02:00PM Atlantic Sun Oct 22 02:30PM Newfoundland Length: 2 hr SDD FOX Sports World Canada English Premier League Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United I just wrote them voicing my concerns...argh!
  4. So i guess this means Fish is couch surfing [again]
  5. http://toronto.craigslist.org/sci/
  6. mmmm one of my "holodeck" shows, fer sure happy day bobby, hope you're out there somewhere chasing butterflies
  7. whoops i guess you guys made that point already carry on
  8. the best part about that own goal is Borat's face staring out from the ad boards that's prolly what threw robbo off
  9. i hear you also get a pair of rose coloured glasses and a free IQ test that, whitey
  10. coz Calamity James is often worse and Kirkland and Parker haven't had enough high level experience that said robinson'll be taking penty of heat for this performance, it'll be interesting to see the lineup against Israel
  11. could be a huuuuuuge uphill battle for england to qualify for europe now the english press are going to have a field day
  12. own goal neville... this is gonna get ugly
  13. 60 mins: GOAL EDUARDO - Croatia are in front and you have to say its sloppy defending from England. A high looping cross was curled into the box and Eduardo loops his free header over a stranded Robinson. englerlund could be up against the ropes...
  14. maybe it was the sound of schwa finally coming to terms with leaving hte board
  15. ...he was prolly looking for a deflaction
  16. crappy text updates here: http://www.sportinglife.com/football/popup/football365/
  17. MarcO, you're the new martha stewart. sorry meggo, MarcO's got too much star power to compete with
  18. meggo, you're the new martha stewart
  19. awesome win for the scots, it's good to see some gritty non-divers get a good result as for england- woof i'm glad i didn't see that macedonia game. that said, i'm toying with the idea of skiving off of work and watching them get thumped by the croats tomorrow- 1:00 kickoff (and a $10 cover charge) though, that's pretty early to be slipping out of work. oh well, i haven't used the doctor's appt excuse for a while...
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