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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. wow.. is there anything pot can't do?

    Cannabinoid May Halt Alzheimer's Progression, Study Says

    August 17, 2006 - La Jolla, CA, USA

    La Jolla, CA: THC inhibits the formation of amyloid plaque, the primary marker for Alzheimer's disease (AD), far more effectively than approved medications, according to preclinical data to be published in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics.

    Investigators at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California reported that THC inhibits the enzyme responsible for the aggregation of amyloid plaque in a manner "considerably superior" to approved Alzheimer's drugs such as donepezil and tacrine.

    "Our results provide a mechanism whereby the THC molecule can directly impact Alzheimer's disease pathology," researchers concluded. "THC and its analogues may provide an improved therapeutic [option] for Alzheimer's disease [by]... simultaneously treating both the symptoms and the progression of [the] disease."

    Previous studies have shown cannabinoids to possess anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which may play a role in moderating Alzheimer's.

    Last year, investigators at Madrid's Complutense University and the Cajal Institute in Spain reported that the intracerebroventricular administration of the synthetic cannabinoid WIN 55,212-2 prevented cognitive impairment and decreased neurotoxicity in rats. Other cannabinoids were also found to reduce the inflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease in human brain tissue in culture. "Our results indicate that... cannabinoids succeed in preventing the neurodegenerative process occurring in the disease," investigators concluded.

    Over 4.5 million Americans are estimated to be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. That figure is expected to triple over the next 50 years.

    Previous human trials of synthetic THC (Marinol) and Alzheimer's found that administration of the drug reduced agitation and stimulated weight gain in patients suffering from the disease.

    source: http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6977

  2. I'm with ollie here.. I know a case like this really plays on people's emotions and it's hard not to get upset.. but.. don't we live in an "innocent until proven guilty" society?

    Like ollie, I'm not saying the guy is innocent, but I don't want to get ahead of the game and sentence him before his case is heard (or has he come out and admitted guilt? maybe he has I don't know).

    *update* well.. it looks like the guy has pretty much admited to doing the crime... so I guess I've made a moot point.

  3. Hey bouche what do you think of getting married by a Humanist as listed by Pat? I like their 4 main principles. They sort of sum up how we go through life.

    Pat which one did you use specifically and were you pleased?

    How far in advance did you have to book them?

    I used Diane Schmolka. I don't know if I would recommend her again. She married my friends a few months before she married us and both my friends and Nat and I had similar issues with her.

    The issues were largely of an organizational matter, so I doubt you would have a similar problem going with another officiant.

    I'd be happy to talk to you about what I liked and what I didn't like, either PT or email or in person.

    Also, and this may be good to know, I'm not a humanist, nor is my wife. We like a lot of what the humanists stand for, but we aren't members or anything. So, you can certainly hire them even if you don't consider yourself to be one or anything.

    One thing though, they have a rule where they have to outline what they are about during the ceremony. At least that was Diane's rule.

    I wrote the ceremony myself and worked it in. I made sure that the wording was such so that people would understand that these were Diane's beliefs and not necessarily ours. Also, I made sure it didn't come across like a commercial for the humanists or anything.

    But like I said, I'd be happy to go over my entire experience with you if you want.

  4. sounds like some false advertising to me :)

    I have a live record by a band they called The Special Beat, which was half of The Specials and half of The Beat. It was recorded in the mid 80s and kinda suffers from some of that over processed solid state guitar effects sound, but other than that it's pretty good.

    I should rip it for you guys

  5. the upside down water drink has never failed me... but I'm not always around a glass of water that I can drink upside down.


    try holding your breath and swallowing three times (which I actually find quite difficult). That works about 85% of the time for me. If it doesn't work the first time do it again. That second time has never failed me.

  6. I agree with Basher's tatic. From time to time grab a hot torrent, whether you like it or not and just leave it going for a week or so. That's how I've kept my head above water. That and I keep everything I download seeded for at least a week after I get it. If something seems to be leached a fair bit from my list of seeds I keep it on longer.

    Just my two cents

  7. That's when my tickets say..

    I've heard they are dedicating a good chunk of the show/tour to Neil's new album..

    Also.. here's a bit of trivia for you all, Ottawa was instrumental in the formation of CSN (and therefor CSNY). Apparently David Crosby bugged Graham Nash to come to Ottawa (I think they were in Toronto at the time) to check out Joni Mitchell. Graham Nash got a big crush on her and followed her back to California, where he and Crosby hooked up with Steven Stills.

    At least this is what Nash said the last time CSN played Ottawa.

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