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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. what I'm trying to figure out is whether Britney endorsed this or not. I suppose she must have since I would assume the artist would need her permission to use her likeness and the name of her kid.

    So that raises the question of how the sculpture was made.. photos? certainly not a cast..

  2. BROOKLYN (March 22, 2006) --- A nude Britney Spears on a bearskin rug while giving birth to her firstborn marks a ‘first’ for Pro-Life. Pop-star Britney Spears is the “ideal†model for Pro-Life and the subject of a dedication at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg gallery district, in what is proclaimed the first Pro-Life monument to birth, in April.

    Dedication of the life-sized statue celebrates the recent birth of Spears’ baby boy, Sean, and applauds her decision of placing family before career. “A superstar at Britney’s young age having a child is rare in today’s celebrity culture. This dedication honors Britney for the rarity of her choice and bravery of her decision,†said gallery co-director, Lincoln Capla. The dedication includes materials provided by Manhattan Right To Life Committee.

    “Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston,†believed Pro-Life’s first monument to the ‘act of giving birth,’ is purportedly an idealized depiction of Britney in delivery. Natural aspects of Spears’ pregnancy, like lactiferous breasts and protruding naval, compliment a posterior view that depicts widened hips for birthing and reveals the crowning of baby Sean’s head.

    The monument also acknowledges the pop-diva’s pin-up past by showing Spears seductively posed on all fours atop a bearskin rug with back arched, pelvis thrust upward, as she clutches the bear’s ears with ‘water-retentive’ hands.

    “Britney provides inspiration for those struggling with the ‘right choice’,†said artist Daniel Edwards, recipient of a 2005 Bartlebooth award from London’s The Art Newspaper. “She was number one with Google last year, with good reason --- people are inspired by the beauty of a pregnant woman,†said Edwards.

    Capla Kesting denies the statue was developed from a rumored bootleg Britney Spears birth video. The artist admits to using references that include the wax figure of a pole-dancing Britney at Las Vegas’ Madame Tussauds and ‘Britney wigs’ characterizing various hairstyles of the pop-princess from a Los Angeles hairstylist. And according to gallery co-director, David Kesting, the artist studied a bearskin rug from Canada “to convey the commemoration of the traditional bearskin rug baby picture.â€

    An appropriate location for permanent installation of “Monument to Pro-Life†by Mother’s Day is being sought by the gallery.

    link possibly not work safe I guess.. depends on where you work I guess.. it's got photos of the statue so maybe some people wouldn't want to open that at work.. I dunno: http://www.caplakesting.com/2006_catalog/de/index.htm

  3. [color:purple]Somebody needs to stand up for this poor kids rights. He is protected by the US Constitution to carry a gun with him anywhere he goes. By getting expelled for bringing a gun to school then how is this poor defenseless little boy going to protect himself from those freedom hating terrorists hell bent on destroying his way of life?

    For shame Whittier Elementary School, for your gay loving, bike riding, granola crunching, terrorist supporting, tree hugging, liberal ways. Why do you hate America?

  4. I do.. I started a few years back.

    It takes a while to get used to but once you do you'll probably prefer it.

    The biggest advantage is that the soles of a decent cycling shoe is like rock hard, so you don't lose any downward force on the pedal by having your show just sorta flop over the pedal. Did that make any sense?

    The other advantage is that since you are connected to the pedal you can pull your one leg up while the other is pushing down and sorta balance out your effort. I dunno.. something like that.

    The biggest thing to get used to is that you are physically connected to the pedal. If you lose your balance or whatever you can't just take your foot off the pedal, you gotta do that twist to unclick from the clip and that takes a while to get into your memory so you aren't thinking about it.

    For my street/commuting bike I bought pedals that have clips but are big enough that you can also pedal with just regular shoes, which is good if I'm just running over somewhere, don't need to "suit up" if you know what I mean.

    Hope that helps.

  5. a buddy of mine carries around a bag of apples and hands out apples. We.. not so much hands them out but if he gets asked for change he says "I don't have any change, but I'd be happy to give you an apple"

    he doesn't get many takers.

    I only give money to people "working for it" meaning buskers or squeegy kids or whatever. I don't care how down on your luck you may be, you can always do something to _earn_ money. Even if you can't afford to buy an instrument or something. Recite a poem or something.. I dunno.. Just my two cents.

    Added to that, I'm just as jaded as the next guy when it comes to people looking for spare change to buy booze or drugs, I used to work in a wine shop in the market here in Ottawa.. 90% of their clients were street people buying bottles of sherry with pockets of change. I hated that job.

  6. this is what the Urban Dictionary has to say about Snakes On A Plane

    A simple existential observation that has the same meaning as "Whaddya gonna do?" or "Shit Happens". Taken from the upcoming Samuel L. Jackson movie of the same name, and immortilised by screenwriter Josh Friedman on his blog post of Wednesday, August 17, 2005.

    Guy 1: (irate) Dude, you just ran into the back of my SUV!

    Guy 2: (calm) Snakes on a plane man. Snakes on a plane.


    In a heated arguement, if one cannot sufficiently defend themself, stating "snakes on a plane" automatically wins the arguement no matter what the circumstances.

    Dude 1: "Robocop 2 is way better than Robocop 3"

    Dude 2: "But Robocop 3 had robot ninjas and jetpacks"

    Dude 1:"You know what, snakes on a plane.....snakes on a mutha fuckin plane"



  7. Wicked thread idea, I thank you whole-heartedly, sorry I don't believe I have anything to contribute, sad but true..

    maybe i do. I'm sure everyone has heard of Blood, Sweat and Tears, but also I think that not many people have really listened to them much. I think they're terribly under-rated or under-appreciated.

    Heya Bokonon.. you should hunt down this live record: Live & Improvised.

    It's a bit hit and miss but has killer versions of Spinning Wheel, And When I Die (with the best Tuba solo you'll ever hear), and Chick Corea's Spain.

    Plus, a good deal of the show was recorded at Ottawa's own National Arts Centre!


  8. I really hate to do this.. but I just can't help myself.. and you can all ignore me or make fun of me or whatever.. but this is a total pet peeve of mine.

    It's St. PaDDy's day.. not St. PaTTy's day..

    Patty is short for Patricia

    Paddy is short of Patrick (from the Irish "Padraig")

    sorry.. seeing "St. Patty's Day" really get's under my skin.. which is silly because I've got other big time St. Paddy's day issues.. but I won't get into those here..

    Anyway.. sorry.. just had to say.. I'll bow out now.. have fun at the gig everyone.. wish I could join you all!

  9. This is a great opportunity to work for the largest adult telecommunications company in the world!

    We are currently hiring flirtatious telephone actresses and actors to handle adult fantasy calls! This is a super easy and fun job you can do in the comfort of your own home!

    Do you have a charming voice? Do you love flirtatious chit chat?

    If so, you may be the perfect candidate for telephone acting. To do this job, you MUST have an open-mind, a great imagination, and a desire to create fantasies and role-play.

    We mail payroll checks weekly and offer flexible hours that can fit into any lifestyle! Full or part time positions available or work as an independent contractor and set your own hours (restricted to certain states.) We employ hundreds of agents nationwide and entertain over 10,000 callers daily. Our top agents earn 15+ per hour.

    Job Requirements

    1. You must have a private and quiet area of your home to work in.

    2. We require that you utilize a headset with a mute button connected to a land line (no cell phones or cordless phones)

    3. Internet access is preferred so that you can view your performance reports and schedules online!

    4. You must be able to use your imagination to create fantasy scenarios for your callers!


  10. Hey Pat, do you want me to give Billie Jean my whiteboy rap treatment? ;)

    totally man.. in fact Brad was even saying the other day that we should raffle off an opporutinty to sing Billie Jean with us (since we've had two guest vocalists the past two gigs).

    I think you should get it next just for that brilliant Tom Green performance..

    and we'll have to introduce you as "Ollie from Union of Authority" :)

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