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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. I thought it meant there was a Roman Catholic who had totally lost interest in Trey...

    I'm technically a Roman Catholic, and I have lost interest in Trey. :)

    I really enjoyed TAB, especially when it got really big with horns and keys and percussion and all that good stuff. That band got super groovy and really appealed to my love of a really big band.

    70 Volt Parade doesn't get my excited.

    Is it too bad that Trey has gone off in another direction? I dunno... maybe for me, but I doubt for him.

    Like what Jaydawg said, I'm sure he's really enjoying working with a clean slate. And, as a musician who has been playing in a band for a really long time, and that band has been playing a lot of the same material for most of it's time together, I have to say, I can really understand why someone would want to just completely close that chapter of their life.

    I don't know if TAB really allowed him to do that entirely, they certainly played Phish covers in TAB.

    Looks like Trey just needs to do another thing. Hopefully in a couple of years he'll try something else that I, we, you will enjoy more. It was a good run though... glad he did what he did for as long as he did it. I'm also glad he called it quits before they (Phish) became the Rolling Stones (you know what I mean).

  2. Don't apologize. It's ok if you thought it was funny. No one's judging you bud.

    thanks man.. I wasn't feeling judged.. I just didn't realize the can of worms I was opening with the whole thing. All I meant to do was give people a chuckle, not launch a debate. Friday afternoons are bad times for debates. Tuesday evenings are a much better time for debates.

  3. I have a myspace account (not that I use it)

    but maybe one of the bands who are playing that day, if they have myspace maybe they could try and contact the guys, that way they can promote the event with some audio samples as well.

    Depending on when they are leaving for Ottawa (assuming they are currently sitting at home with nothing to do) we are running out of time.

  4. How long do you expect Maceo's set to run, Pat? Jazz fest shows also usually start on time, don't they?



    Maceo is slated to start at 8:30 and I would be surprised if they are running much later than say 15 minutes or so.

    I could totally see him playing from 8:30-11:00 non-stop. But, as we all know, all sound must cease at 11:00pm sharp.. so maybe he can push it to 11:15, maybe he'll stop at 11:00.. but I'd be surprised if he ended before 11:00.

    I could be wrong though, I've been wrong before :)

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