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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. that's awesome if it's true.

    I remember reading that the writers initially came up with a three season story arch.. so that when they cancelled the show after season 2 it left everyone hanging.

    I've got season one and watched the whole thing in close to one sitting.. the show is like crack or something!

    Can't wait for season two to come out.. even though I know it'll just leave me hanging. But even if they just do a two hour movie to resolve the story line that'd be awesome!

    I can't believe they feel the need to retool the show, I think it's brilliant as is, but no one ever asks me.

  2. I have to admit.. getting some of that medical history would be potentially really good. I think there is way that you can sorta get that without contacting the family directly.. but I could be totally wrong on that. I guess it's dependant on the adoption agency you used or whatever. I dunno..

    As for contact.. I guess if it was important to my birth parents to know that I went to a good place then I'd be happy with contact to let them know that I turned out fine (I suppose even that is open for debate.. but you know what I mean :) )

    My sister went through a bit of an identity crisis in her later years of high school, but she never went through with contacting her birth parents. I never really talked to her about it though.. we don't have that kind of relationship (at least we didn't back then.. a 6 year age gap will do that).

    Good luck to all the adopted people on this board who are struggling with idea of contacting their birth parents!

  3. I was adopted as well.. and like you, as a wee baby..

    I've never felt the need to find my birth parents though. I mean really, other than the people who provided my DNA, who are they to me? My parents are the ones who raised me, who cared for me, who provided me with love, support and a safe and nuturing environment to grow into the person I am today.

    I have to say I'm grateful to my birth parents for having the strength to realize that they probably couldn't provide the environment for me that they felt I deserved. For that I am thankful to them. Other than that though they are really nothing to me.

    I suppose if one of them contacte me and wanted to meet up I'd do it for the sake of curiousity, but I have no need to have a relationship with them.

    So CyberHippie, where you parents always open and honest about you being adopted? For me that was always my reality, as far back as my memory goes. As far as I remember there was never a "Well Pat, we need to have a talk" kinda things. In fact, we even celebrated what we called "adoption day" as kinda like a birthday celebration. A day to celebrate me joining the family. We did it both for me and my sister (who is also adopted).

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