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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. if you don't why don't you come down to the Bourbon Street Music Hall and check out The Crowd.

    Bourbon Street is a reasonably new venue for Ottawa. It's in the west end at the corner of Greenbank and Baseline road. You can check it out online at http://www.bourbon-streetmusichall.com

    The Crowd will be there this Saturday (Oct 2nd), and if you are planning on coming you should come early, I hear the food there is amazing

    hope to see you on Saturday!

  2. my sister is Kate Cooney.. she graduated in like 98 or 99 or something like that

    I know of Calum and Jamie because of Kate's relationship with Jon.. butI don't really know them..

    and yeah.. howler, I agree.. the Hintonburg Mechanicsville are has so much potential it's frightening.. but trust, as a resident there currently, it's not an overly nice place to live.

    Hopefully it can get cleaned up but that takes time and money and unfortunately the cops don't have much of either. They are doing a lot and it's great, and it's really great that the community is really pulling together the way it is, but we are LONG LONG way from getting cleaned up.

    I dunno.. maybe in 10 years it will be a real happenin hood (in other ways that it is today). 10 years is a long time.

    At the same time, hintonburg is actually worse today than it was 10 years ago.. it had really cleaned up, like when I bought my house, but in the past 6 months to a year it has gone super down hill.. to the point where long time residents are actually moving out, they just can't take it any more.

    it's really sad. I really like hintonburg, it's a great hood, but if it's going to be like this even for the next two years I'm probably going to have to move as well.. I just can't take it much longer.

  3. man.. I'd kill to be in a 20 block radio.. almost bought a house on Tweedsmuir but the foundation was garbage.. oh well.. eventually I'll be back in the hood

    and don't worry Jay, I have plenty a high school pic with bad hair (even one with hockey hair if I remember correctly), do you remember a Jon Davidson? he would have been in your grade I think.. he just married my sister

  4. as a citizen of Hintonburg I will tell you that Mechanicsville is NOT Hintonburg :)

    but rather our friendly wee neighbor to the North..

    I just bought my house in Hintonburg thinking the same thing.. investment gold! but now that the crack and the hookers and the needle drugs have gotten really bad I'm worried that it wasn't such a sound investment.. I spent my lunch our at the cop shop on Wellington today taking with my local constable about things I can do to get the gang pushing crack in the house across the street from mine behind bars.. good fun..

    but that's another story for another post

  5. Habba Babba's

    I remember one time when I was like 6 or something.. I had no clue that it was a strip joint.. so I found a buy one get one free plate of fries coupon on the street so me and my buddy Malcolm tried to cash it in.. ha ha.. I bet that was a funny looking scene.. if only I was old enough to have understood why the guy just grabbed the coupon and kicked us out. We just thought he was a big jerk.

    ok.. I'm going to have to go home and get my yearbooks out

    in 1990 I was in grade 10

    hey Gentlemonkey.. what's your name so I can look it up tonight?

  6. wow.. look at all the westboro people.. where have you all been all my life?

    rubberdinghy, where abouts are you? and ChrisC are you on Armstrong?

    you all need to come out to Danny's on a Thursday and hang for the seisun, we can all meet up for Guinness!

    mmmmm... Guinness

  7. Whispers I believe books those "one man band" kinda acts but I'm not sure. Gentle Annie's used to be all about the pub music (I played a great seisun there on Thursday nights until they shut down).

    In West Wellington Village and Hintonburg both The Royal Oak and Daniel O'Connell's book bands. The Oak books small acousitic acts and Daniel O'Connell's tends to book only Irish/celtic kinda stuff (though they may have moved on from that format for all I know).

    Danny's does host the old Thursday night seisun that used to be at Gentle Annie's though, and that's a great time. I try to get out to that as much as I can but unfortunately my time has been pretty tied up recently and I haven't been able to make it to as many seisun's as I once could.

    on a complete side note.. you need to send me your address man :)

  8. having grown up in Westboro I could make some recommendations.

    unfortunately Gentle Annie's is no longer open.. so if you want to be boozing in Westboro proper you are pretty much stuck with Whispers or Puzzles.

    If you are willing to venture a bit further east into West Wellington Village and Hintonburg you've got the Tartan Pub, The Royal Oak, Daniel O'Connell's, Paradise, The Carleton Tavern, and some swankier restaurants on Holland and Wellington.

  9. Dear Penthouse,

    I had been going without a full time communications person for a few months and they finally hired someone who would effectively be my supervisor. On her first day I stepped into her office to introduce myself. She was one of those tanned toned platinum corporate ladies and she was all MINE.

    I thought to myself, "Life is so so good. Hope she's not a yatch."

    and I'm sure you all know how the rest would go :)

  10. And I didn't know Rob Frayne was in Chunga (as I'd never heard of them before). Oct. 23 should be a great night, especially if we can do BNB at Zaphod's first, with a (I hope) early finish, then haul mass to Dekcuf for a three-fer.

    last I heard he was.. which will be crazy..

    and as for a three-fer at Dekcuf.. maybe.. but with three bands playing.. I dunno man.. I figure us (The Crowd) will probably be on stage around the same time that Zaphod's is having their own show..

    no worries though, as I'm sure you all know, we play a fair bit.. so catching us should be pretty easy

  11. I also remember hearing that Franke got stuck with some less-than-stellar opening acts the last time he played Dekcuf; at least with The Crowd, it'll be good.

    I'm flattered Brad, but I think the spotlight should be focused on Chunga (common.. Rob Frayne? forget it!) as a quality opening act and not us. We are really going to be the odd band out.. hmm.. should be an interesting evening.

  12. lets see now.. I think the band has been together for close to 11 years now..

    there have been lineup changes but the core of the band I think has been pretty much the same since day 1

    I started playing with them (by accident sorta.. long story) about 6 months into their existence. So I've pretty much seen it all.. the pleasure and the pain :)

    anyway.. glad you enjoyed the show \/\/illy.. and that drunken rant might have been with me.. I seem to the be the recipient of most of the drunken rants :)

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