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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. The Crowd allows taping (obviously).. but I can't speak on behalf of Chunga

    going to be a really interesting Saturday night.. I must say.. I have butterflies for this show.. and that hasn't happened in ages.. might have something to do with this is the first time I've played in front of Rob Frayne since university (he's the sax player for Chunga and my teacher in uni)..

    and big thanks to Velvet for hooking us up with this choice gig!

  2. I love the band.. but stuff like this bugs me.. they already released a 3 disc box set.. which I have and it's great..

    but now I got to go shell out money for a 5 disc set and how many new songs will it really contain?

    the DVD will be cool though..

    sigh.. so little money.. so many bands

  3. does anyone remember the movie like Creepshow (a movie made up of shorts) that featured a film based on a Steven King short story about a guy who tries to quit smoking by hirering an agency that like kidnaps his family and kills them if he smokes again?

    that was creepy

  4. yeah.. a lot of people said that.. I'm lucky, I only get motion sick if I spin around over and over again.. so that part of the film didn't bother me.. and I think that it would have looked lame if they used a steady cam.. but that's the gamble you gotta make for art eh.. make it believable, or make people sick :)

  5. try Bubba Ho-Tep if you like Elvis and comedy-horror and Bruce Campbell.

    Bubba Ho-Tep kicked ass man.. gotta love The Bruce (Campbell that is)

    and The Ring was great too.. super spooky, though I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping to be really messed up after that movie but when it ended and the credits rolled I was like "meh.. whatever"

    at least at the end of Blair Witch I was like "whoah.. that was unreal scary.. imagine if you were camping.. and then you heard this kids giggling outside your tent.. I'd go mental with fear"

    yep.. I know most people hated it.. but Blair Witch really stuck with me.. awesome movie!

    a little FYI for the Ottawa peeps.. the best place to get horror movies in Ottawa is Invisible Cinema on Lisgar just east of Bank. They even have a Zombie section, with the movies broken down by director.. how cool is that?

  6. so.. with hallowe'en fast approaching, I ask you.. what's the scariest movie you have ever seen?

    my top three would be:

    1) The Shining

    2) The Exorcist

    3) The Blair Witch Project (yes.. I said it.. the Blair Witch Project was a very scary movie.. and I also feel it was a brilliant film, maybe not a movie for everyone, but I thought it was amazing)

  7. thanks for coming out Brad. We didn't play our best, but it was a good show I think, and I totally agree.. we were just going through the motions for the first set.

    It was great to see everyone get into the show though, I love it when people are up dancing for us.

    Also, I had the prawns in olive oil and garlic butter there and they were fantastic.. so yeah.. great food!

  8. so this is something I often ponder (yes.. I have nothing better to do with my life)

    is it "run like an antelope, out of control"

    or "run like an antelope out of control"

    and for those of you with weak grammer I'll explain the difference

    "run like an antelope, out of control" would suggest that the way to run like an antelope would be to run out of contorl

    "run like an antelope out of control" would suggest that we should run like an out of control antelope

    so.. which is it?

    I like to think it's the second.. I think it would be more fun to try and figure out how an out of control antelope would run and then try and run like that

  9. haha...I was just about to tell her the Albert-other Wellington-Scott street route or the Queensway route. When I thought of Dell always laughing at us saying Ottawa kids always have a dozen different suggestions for getting from A to B ::

    obviously Del has never heard the old Ottawa experession "in Ottawa, the shortest distance between two points is under construction"

    hence the dozen different suggestions :)

  10. you probably won't have to get off Richmond Rd. but if you do, you'll want to turn down Tweedsmuir to get back to Richmond (that takes you out at the Winks/Gas Station, across the street from Whispers). Tweedsmuir is before Churchill.

    Another option, if you have to turn off Richmond Rd, is to turn right on Island Park and then left onto Scott Street. Take Scott street to either Tweedsmuir or McRae Ave. and turn left again, heading back to Richmond rd.

    That's probably more info than you need

  11. sounds like I'll be drinking alone.. since I'll need to boogie at 8:00.. DOH!

    oh well.. I'm thinking it looks like the agreement is Whispers.. I'll get there at 7:30.. and since I don't really know any of you I'll be wearing my "Mean People Suck" baseball hat.. and probably sitting at the bar. Please come up and say hi :)

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