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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I enjoyed last night's Mule show, although maybe not as much as FBN. The songs that rocked REALLY rocked but there were stretches that felt flat, in particular the new and newer material, save for Steppin' and Brazos. Loved Fool's Moon! Kind of weird to see Mule and not hear at least one of Thorazine Shuffle, Mule or Soulshine. I guess it's a sign of growth but I missed them more than I would have expected. The encores were really strong. Stay With Me rocked and left me wanting more. Kind of a random guest spot but Plante was good so hey! When did Montreal crowds become so chatty though? I had to shush a guy during Hallelujah, and I never do that but jesus christ it was disrespectful.
  2. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me Dave.
  3. Is the new album supposed to be out today? I went to HMV and they don't even have it listed in their system.
  4. Don't paint everyone with the crazy brush. There ARE real side effects of taking this vaccination. FACT. Yes, they can be either minor or extremely rare but to act like they don't exist, or to imply that being concerned about side effects makes you a conspiracy theorist is completely ignorant. Do I think the various GOVERNMENT health departments would knowingly unleash a dangerous vaccine on Canadians? No. Do I think they accept that some Canadians will be seriously harmed or die because of the vaccine? Absolutely.
  5. It always freaks me out when I'm a passenger on a road trip and I stare at the air bag hold and realize it can pop me in the face at any given moment. Although I'm also usually pretty high.
  6. [color:purple]You want to give it another shot? Seriously, I can't get enough of the "you're an idiot" argument in order to persuade me to roll up my sleeve.
  7. What happened to your posse?
  8. I liked your post Brad. You're the voice of reason in a room full of paranoid hippies.
  9. They bought the vaccine, now they have to justify its purchase by convincing us to get pricked. That's how everything works in gov't.
  10. Who all am I going to see there?
  11. A kitchen scale is good for this kind of stuff.
  12. Absolutely. Disturbing finish from the Sens.
  13. Green Bay San Diego Indianapolis Pittsburgh New England Houston Carolina NY Jets Atlanta Cincinnati New Orleans NY Giants Philadelphia 24
  14. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/health/H1N1+vaccine+approval+based+Belgian+trial/2140149/story.html
  15. Imminent collapse no longer imminent. :thumbdown:
  16. Just in time for the clinics on Monday. [color:purple]What a coincidence.
  17. Getting the vaccine doesn't guarantee you won't catch H1N1 does it? FWIW, I'm not getting vaccinated... but it's up to each of us to make our own decision.
  18. That was an amazing game. I'm just thrilled we got a point. Spezza's setup for Volchenkov was off the charts. Giggles played a great game.
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