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Everything posted by ollie

  1. No way I picked Theo, I just bet that's what his teammates are thinking.
  2. Rangers/Capitals was good but it's not the playoffs until the first overtime. Here's hoping St. Louis and Vancouver deliver. Fucking Theodore.
  3. It's a good thing I can't pick an all-Sens roster again this year.
  4. We're probably staying in Niagara Falls. We did that for a Dead show at Darien Lakes and it worked out great, especially since I didn't have to drive.
  5. He really had *no* other option? He could have concluded the interview with the remaining band members that were being cooperative for one.
  6. For fuck's sake people, I never said it was all Jian's fault. I just wanted to point out that he had a part to play in the fiasco and that I think he was unprofessional in doing so. I had no idea Jian Ghomeshi was such a sacred cow around here.
  7. I'm talking about the point in the interview where Ghomeshi confronts him and asks if he was offended by the intro. There are several pauses where Jian had the opportunity to steer the interview back on course but he kept going back to the conflict even though he was just basically repeating himself at that point.
  8. Because his show is fucking hilarious. Granted, a lot of credit has to go to his supporting cast, but as the straw that stirs the drink he's a comic genius.
  9. Ollie is speaking about a case that he admittedly did not bother getting the full story on. That, in and of itself, invalidates ANY "insight" he has, in my not-so-humble opinion. I'll watch the whole thing later tonight Mr. Poopypants. And... I still stand behind everything I said. Ghomesi totally belaboured the point, making it more of an issue, and I thought it was pretty clear that Thornton was having a laugh about the whole thing. He's an eccentric fuck. Ghomesi couldn't spar with him so he pussied out and broke the 4th wall, so to speak. Great video though.
  10. I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach.
  11. Context is EVERYTHING on the Stern show. Did you actually hear him say that, or read about it later?
  12. You just haven't listened to his show.
  13. The hockey gods heard that.
  14. ollie


    God bless that man.
  15. Ollie is speaking about a case that he admittedly did not bother getting the full story on. That, in and of itself, invalidates ANY "insight" he has, in my not-so-humble opinion. I'll watch the whole thing later tonight Mr. Poopypants.
  16. A Kid Hereafter In The Grinding Light - A Kid Hereafter In The Grinding Light
  17. I heard about a 3 minute clip of the interview on the radio this morning and it looks like I heard things out of order, I assumed the actor stuff was the start of the interview, my bad. Regardless I still stand by my position that Ghomeshi made the interview partially about him when he continued to challenge Thornton on the actor thing. This isn't 60 fucking minutes. I'm not defending Thornton, I just don't see Ghomeshi as some sort of hero for pushing the envelope. Just another media douchebag really.
  18. No not by asking question about the band but going on and on about the actor thing at the start of the interview.
  19. Ghomeshi should have taken the hint that Billy Bob was pissed and steered the interview back to focus on the band. Instead Ghomeshi decided to bait Thornton even more, making things worse. Everyone knows Thornton is an asshole. What's Ghomeshi's excuse?
  20. ollie

    nickleback sux

    That was really great. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Ghomesi isn't exactly the height of professionalism here either. He makes it personal himself. It's like an uncomfortable Tom Green interview.
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