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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Like right under the fucking sign with the numbers on it. Point is, the rules can be confusing for the riders. Don't assume we're out to try to ruin your day and kick us off your bus. If you explained the situation to the kid after he acted like a jerk then maybe he would have learned something. As it is he probably just hates OC Transpo bus drivers now.
  2. But why?! Why do you guys do that? I'm trying to follow the rules by standing at the stop and you pull that unnecessary shit. Why?!!
  3. I wish drivers believed that. Can't count how many times some passive aggressive jerk has to show who's boss by pulling up long after the stop, making me schlep 20 feet for his amusement. Those drivers DO NOT get a "hello" from me. (And no, he wasn't leaving room for the bus behind him, I understand the need for that sometimes.)
  4. Dude was probably baked. Have some sympathy.
  5. It's probably one of the fancy new busses that instead of dropping your ticket into a box' date=' it gets sucked into a machine. If I'm not mistaken, said machine will also accept bills and produce change (it had a picture of a $5 on the part you slide your ticket into...)[/quote'] Even more reason to cut the kid some slack. I haven't even seen these new fare boxes yet.
  6. And isn't it "our" bus since it's paid for with tax dollars and fares?
  7. I'm confused. You said you had your hand over the farebox... so where was he supposed to put his ticket then?
  8. Despite my smart comments earlier in the thread I do hope that Elizabeth May is allowed in the leaders debate. But even more I hope someone calls Stephen Harper's bluff and he has to sit at home watching on TV like the rest of us.
  9. Acutally, someone did go "postal" at OC Transpo semi-recently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OC_Transpo#April_6_1999:_Deadly_rampage
  10. ollie


    Don't forget that everyone's darlings The Flaming Lips got their big break on 90210!
  11. ollie


    I picked up a couple of bottles on your recommendation although the label said "Beer" instead of "Blond". Pretty sure it's the same thing. Anyway, I loved the burnt bitter taste. I really like that in a beer. I will be back for more. Also picked up a 6-pack of Southern Tier IPA from New York. Excellent, excellent stuff!
  12. ollie


    I'm more of a "Valerie" actually.
  13. ollie


    Kelly's mom, yeah. She was great last night.
  14. Oh yeah, after the nice free hug I got on a bus and sat at the Rideau Centre for 10 minutes 'cuz traffic was jammed. I had to get off and walk. Talk about a buzz kill. I want my $2 back!!
  15. ollie


    Yeah, Christine made that call too when they had a shot of the kid with them in bed. The preview showed Brenda talking to Kelly about Dylan but I wonder if that's just a swerve. Steve would be a hundred times better and bring the show up a few notches. I almost cried when I saw "Ann Gillespie" in the opening credits. No Nat this week sucked though.
  16. I got my first ever free hug this morning. What a nice way to start the day. It made me hate the people on the bus a little less. So is it free hug day today or was that just random?
  17. Discussion already happening here... http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/248493/
  18. And help Harper win a majority. Don't do it!
  19. I remember when Drew Bledsoe suffered a season ending injury.
  20. At some point you'd think they'd just play five girls behind the puck.
  21. ollie

    Fall Election

    Stephen Harper's a fruit.
  22. Your soundcard controls your computer's sound so if it's jacked no manner of speaker will help.
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