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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Hey, I'll be there if I can. The autodraft is just a nice backup plan.
  2. You'll see those in Quebec City.
  3. Before the draft you rank your players in order of preference. When the draft starts and it comes your turn if the next player on your list is available that's who you get. If not it goes to the next player. Not sure what happens when you run out of players on your list but it probably defaults to the list of Yahoo ranked players. So really you don't have to do anything but let the computer pick your players based on its own ranking. Takes all the emotion and stupidity out of it.
  4. The only time I've won one of these things has been on autodraft so I'm not picky about date/time.
  5. I don't think it's that crazy in the sense that a fan got on stage and perpetrated an act of violence. Thank god the comparison ends there.
  6. Ha ha, what a stupid article.
  7. ollie

    US Open

    Oh well, at least Jankovic gave it a try. Something anti-climactic about a 3 set championship match though. Why are women's matches only best out of 3 sets in the Grand Slams anyway? Don't know who I want to win today... 5 sets would be nice though.
  8. Maybe Michael Bishop is available.
  9. First thing that came to my mind too.
  10. Still gotta beat every team on the schedule to go perfect!
  11. I hope to make it out to this! I can even pop by after work on Friday since I'll already be on that side.
  12. ollie

    New Metallica

    I retract my earlier indifference. This is easily their best album since ...And Justice For All. Highly recommended. Official release is Friday.
  13. This is the catering company that did the food. Very impressive indeed! http://www.distinguisheddishes.com/
  14. So this ended up being a lot of fun. We spent 5 hours there and it flew by. The shows were all good, ranging from campy to polished with the amazing acrobatics of the Cirque Maroc. The video above is a pretty good coles notes version of the 70 minute show. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take any photos under the Maroc tent but everything else was fair game. You should be able to see my photos here: http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=69835&l=2ba41&id=607020972 We even had a high end meal at the outdoor restaurant they had on-site. I had a killer beef tenderloin. All in all a really different evening that I enjoyed way more than I expected. Too bad I didn't check it out sooner as a recommendation is pretty useless at this point but if it comes around again, don't let the price tag scare you off -- it was money well spent!
  15. This would have been a killer setup for a Vince Welnick joke about 5 years ago.
  16. So this is an old-style carnival just south of Ottawa that's been running all summer. Its last day is tomorrow and me and Christine are thinking of hitting it up. Has anyone been or know anyone who has? http://www.carnivalelunebleue.com/
  17. Adams set here: http://bt.etree.org/details.php?id=518373
  18. ollie

    US Open

    Safina vs. S. Williams is on right now.
  19. ollie

    US Open

    This is my favourite final four in a long while given that I will enjoy any of the possible final combinations. I just don't want Nadal to win.
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