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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    I wanna know...

    Nope, just in town for the ham on a bun.
  2. ollie

    I wanna know...

    I saw him at German Town yesterday.
  3. Greatest imaginary visual ever.
  4. ollie

    New Metallica

    That is the worst "communique" I have ever read. I mean, I get the gist of it but buddy should have left it to somebody not tripping on speed.
  5. ollie


    I love you guys.
  6. Thing is... I thought democrats sold themselves as compassionate, not scornful. In this light I find the attacks concerning Palin's daughter a bit two-faced. Anyway, she's on live tonight at 10PM. Check CNN or your preferred news media outlet and...
  7. Over 100 posts in one day in all three fan threads combined is a pretty good start.
  8. He's retiring from coaching BradM.
  9. ollie


    Fuck it. Just give me that google link Brad.
  10. I might be able to swing it too. Let's talk early next week.
  11. I'm old enough to remember his first retirement but at age 73 you have to think that this time it's for real. http://www.tsn.ca/chl/story/?id=248370&lid=sublink04&lpos=headlines_main
  12. ollie

    New Metallica

    Has been leaked. I'm on my second listen and nothing really stands out. But then I haven't liked a new Metallica album since ...And Justice For All.
  13. No, I was leaving it purposefully vague to build heat for our first bet of the season. Or something. Fuck I'm bored.
  14. Who's the idiot now? ::takes it private:: I think we need to get a ruling from the judges on this one.
  15. Look up the word "fleece" idjit. Hard to pay out when I don't lose the bet. I would NEVER bail on a bet.
  16. Hard to say since I fleece the Habs fan at work every year. I can vouch that Kanada Kev pays up though.
  17. ollie


  18. ollie


    I knew I could count on you Julia!
  19. ollie


    I know you watched.
  20. ollie


    I have a couple of whites in the fridge that just aren't getting drunk because I have no taste for the stuff. Anyone have any good white wine spritzer type recipes they can share? P.S. I can do a google search Brad, looking for personal experience here.
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