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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Yeah, I'm hoping it all gets "worked out" by the time they come back from Europe.
  2. Oh I'll go see them at least once but won't be able to stop thinking about how good it could have been.
  3. This was posted to The Musical Box mailing list yesterday, a promo video for their upcoming "A Trick Of The Tail" tour. That would be the first Genesis tour without Peter Gabriel. The original plan was for frontman Denis Gagné to retire to the shadows and hire a replacement to play Phil Collins. The obvious and fan favourite choice was Martin Levac, however, for reasons not completely known he turned down the gig and The Musical Box hired a guy named Ron Belgard. But he recently got the axe and the band turned to their disaster plan -- have Denis put on a beard and play the role of Phil Collins the frontman and hire another musician to play drums during the musical sections. Anyway, here's the result. I can't say I'm not disappointed that this is how it all turned out.
  4. ollie

    US Open

    He's facing Nadal though. Not that he's any easier.
  5. ollie

    US Open

    I missed a bunch of results this week but am happy to see that Andy Murray made it to the semis... loved "his match" at Wimbledon. I wouldn't mind seeing him win either.
  6. ollie

    New Metallica

    That was 10 years ago. I'm willing to give Lars a mulligan on that one at this point.
  7. Would have been better if he changes his name to Owens.
  8. I really can't stand Armstrong's writing style. Does he even understand what he writes? I mean, talk about damning with faint praise. Oh yeah, and then despite the flaws he picks out he gives the show a perfect score. Why are local music writers allowed to keep their jobs forever?
  9. I got to wondering... Is it politically advantageous for Harper to call an election almost in parallel with the USA election campaign? If McCain starts dropping in the polls will that sort of anti-conservative sentiment have an effect on Harper's numbers? Will Dion be able to parlay the cry for change south of the border into his own campaign, painting himself as the Canadian Obama? (Don't laugh.) As for my vote, I'll probably continue to hold my nose and vote Liberal as long as Harper is anywhere near the throne of power. But I do like the suggestions should I get a call from a pollster.
  10. ollie


    Ha ha, you were watching Big Brother weren't you?
  11. ollie


    New episode? My PVR guide said "replay of the debut".
  12. I was thinking the exact same thing. Nothing like seeing the end of a game you invested three hours in. Is Thursday at 7 going to be a regular thing?
  13. ollie


    Replay tonight on Global at 9. [color:#CCCCCC]P.S. It's not true!
  14. ollie

    New Metallica

    I'm liking it more and more.
  15. Now there's a throwback jersey for someone with balls!
  16. Rudy Giuliani is laughing at you right now. (See last night's RNC speech.)
  17. And they kept showing him over and over again. What I found weird was the old guy in the crowd wearing a button that said "I'm voting for the hot chick". Creepy and sexist much?
  18. Anyone catch Palin's speech? I caught most of it before nodding off and thought she delivered a pretty strong message that would please the Republican's core conservative base. How far and wide it resonates is another story.
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