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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Darth Gerber Jedi mind control!
  2. ollie


    A regular burger in the fast food world doesn't come dressed. But for me the big draw with a whopper was the mayo.
  3. Ottawa does well against teams that can't beat the crap out of them.
  4. Probably due to Leafs territorial rights. I think all that shit is arcane. I think Calgary might do PPV, not sure about any other teams. I hope it fails. I really can't imagine a lot of people buy it.
  5. It's around $9.99 for regular and $12.99 for HD. I think it's only available in the Ottawa area. It's blacked out locally -- even on Centre Ice, which is the incentive to order the game.
  6. YEAH BABY!! Now that's a powerplay.
  7. McGrattan out, Alfie in. +11 Sens
  8. I'm changing my phone number if that happens.
  9. Congrats MOBE! I'll cheer 'em on with you.
  10. Me too. Let's agree that PPV sucks and get back to the Sens/Habs thread.
  11. Where did I say I ever bought a Sens PPV?
  12. Harper's solution: Exploit the weak and needy.
  13. Guess that doesn't bother me since I tune in for the game... not to see in between period bits in a packed arena.
  14. Any team up 2-0 in a best of 7 series that can't close the deal has choked. Simple as that. Sens weren't the favourites against Anaheim. Does that mean they didn't choke then?
  15. continually paying money for an inferior product maybe? Would you pay money to watch a Habs game then? Unless you think that's an inferior product too.
  16. Oh yeah, I'm breaking out Le Fin Du Monde tonight.
  17. I can't see how the Habs have chocked at all. 2-0 lead over Carolina.
  18. ollie


    Can we please film this commercial? Who's got a camcorder?
  19. Stephen Harper is a stain on Canadian political history.
  20. Get ready for the Marty Lapointe hat trick tonight.
  21. Is there another jersey retirement ceremony we can spoil tonight?
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