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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I was staring at a pair of floor tickets in the 10th row... for $500 dollars!! Then I started thinking about all the other things I could do with the money and let them go.
  2. Was that supposed to be in purple? I give people more credit than that. I think only someone with severe insecurities would read that into the prayer. Why not treat it as a test to faith? Aren't religions big on that?
  3. Keep Bent on the bench! How did he cost 16M pound again? COYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Watch out! She's on a tequila bender... http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23250357-5001026,00.html
  5. Ha ha ha. Spurs on to the next round of the UEFA Cup!
  6. A John Nic insta-classic. Manic Depression Afflicts Us All...
  7. I would be a small victory if they just changed the name from "convenience charge" to "service charge".
  8. I don't know, you'd have to ask a Catholic. I've been to Catholic weddings where they hold communion and it appears to be open to anyone who wishes to participate. I've never seen anyone refused even though I've never participated myself.
  9. You assume that the prayer taught me anything about Christianity in the first place. I think the message in the Lord's Prayer transcends religion. But I did learn that muslims can't eat pork from the kid who got a special order of beef on hotdog day. I would think that someone heavily devoted to their faith would realize that sharing the message is important regardless of the medium.
  10. What about reciting the prayer in school? Like I said, I had it drilled into my head from grades 1 to 6, at least, and it had no ill effects on me. In fact, I like to think it taught me a little something, even if just about forgiveness. I'm glad to have had that experience.
  11. That first picture is incredible. Hope no one was hurt.
  12. No benefit to you maybe but you can't speak for everyone. Also, I am not a Christian and I do not feel excluded, in the least! I still think most of y'all are big babies.
  13. ollie

    Family Day?

    winning an election? Why'd you have to bring up politics? I hate politics. Shoot 'em all ya ask me. Who's gonna fix the sewers?
  14. ollie

    Castro Retires

    \/\/illy is a big woman's blouse. (Just testing your theory.)
  15. Tottenham vs. Chelsea in the Carling Cup final this Sunday (on Setanta)!!
  16. ollie

    Family Day?

    I love living next to the Quebec border.
  17. Whatever that is, it looks like it's puking. Worst logo ever?
  18. I was at the Ottawa show and don't remember SRV at all! And I was completely sober. That's terrible.
  19. It was one of the suggestions for the Ottawa Renegades and I thought it was cool because it would naturally get shortened to Kings.
  20. Sounds like it's still an ongoing situation. How horrible.
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