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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Ha ha, thanks for the update. It's a pretty unique name so I figured it was him but wasn't 100% sure.
  2. Shit that's true. F Northern Secondary!! Btw, did you know Tommy Europe and is he the same guy who played CFL football and now has a personal trainer show on Slice?
  3. ollie


    That's been my experience with Camerons and most of the craft brewers in the Southern Ontario region. Robert Simpson used to be my regular until I bought a couple of skunky cases.
  4. I hope TMB never plays Toronto again, Leafs fan!!
  5. Does this mean Ottawa Bluesfest too?
  6. Dissention with Tissue Man is nothing new. I can smell the stale beer from here.
  7. Another option is your girlfriend's purse. You're in the clear either way.
  8. Hello? Creemore Tall Boys! Fags.
  9. ollie

    IPod Repairs

    If these things are so fragile why not just buy a 6GB Phillips mp3 player for $39.99? http://www.factorydirect.ca/catalog/product_spec.php?pcode=PH6000 At least when it dies in a year you won't be surprised and you'll have saved a lot of money. Also: no hassles synching with iTunes. Just plug it into USB and drag and drop like any other hard drive device.
  10. Booche posts things from private e-mail. What a stand up guy.
  11. Didn't take much take crack that sphynxian riddle.
  12. ollie

    IPod Repairs

    everything breaks! Some things seem to break more frequently than others!
  13. ollie

    IPod Repairs

    [color:purple]iPods break?
  14. Awesome. Now watch everyone turn on Bertuzzi like they did Moore.
  15. People have sex with the lights off?
  16. I suppose that's technically correct. But I've always thought that bandwagon jumping included an element of frivolity. Like the people in Ottawa who cheered on the Sens in the Cup Final. They didn't give a toss about hockey until that point.
  17. Forget everything I said about Sens defence Andre.
  18. Missed the refs call but the announcer in Ottawa just called "diving" on Roy. It's probably "unsportsmanlike" for the home team.
  19. But are there really still millions of people out there who *aren't* aware of the problem? You mean the Live Earth concerts last summer didn't work? I know it's an old saw but the resources used to put those shows on, broadcast them, all the people consuming and producing waste... were they really worthwhile then? I can't help but think that while people at the grass roots level have their hearts in it, the real wave for things like this are pushed by corporate interest looking to make their brand more attractive. And just because that's cynical doesn't mean it's wrong. I'll be turning off, FWIW.
  20. ollie


    Ha ha, I'll back off, but don't think I haven't noticed they fun you've been having at the omnivore's expense in other threads. Anyway, I like my potatoes fried for the most part, especially hash brown style but usually french fries. Mashed is good too. And scalloped potatoes are super tasty but I haven't had them forever.
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